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A trip planner used to plan future trips, integrates with Google places to find a nearby places!

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The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can log in using their Facebook account
  • Display a home screen with list of trips
  • Ability to create a trip
    • Trip will be nameable
    • Trip will have a start date
    • Trip can have multiple destinations, user will select them via location search from Google Map API. Destination will have geographical coordinates.
    • Trip destinations can be reordered via drag and drop
  • Trip should be editable
    • Ability the change trip name/start date
    • Ability to add/remove destinations
    • Ability to change the destination(s) order (drag and drop)
    • Ability to change the duration in days per a single destination. Zero days are allowed.
  • Trips should be selectable which would then show a trip details screen
    • Trip details would show all destinations, start times and durations, any other relevant info
    • Destination details page will be grouped by
      • Saved places
      • Restaurant
      • Cafe
  • App will generate place suggestions for each destination
    • Places will be generated from Google Places API
      • Restaurant - Food, Bar, etc
      • Things to do - places with type "aquarium", "park", "spa", "stadium", "point_of_interest", etc. This could be separated into several groups(!)
  • App will show "saved places" per each destination
    • Ability to see a list of "saved places"
    • Ability to add/remove suggested place to/from "saved places" list.
  • Adding/change/removing destination(s) to a trip and changing the trip start date should readjust total trip duration. I.e. end day of a trip and start/end dates per destinations will be calculated automatically based on trip start date and destination(s) order and duration.
  • Global map of the planned trip should be shown with a pinned destination(s)
  • Detailed map per destination should be shown with pinned saved places
  • Trips should be persisted to database via Parse
    • Logging in should check Parse for any already created user information

The following optional features are implemented:

  • App will generate friends list for each destination who live close to that location - Facebook API
  • Global map with pinned all his friends who have specified their location in Facebook
  • Ability to archive a trip
  • Ability to see a list of archived trips
  • Destination detailed page will have additional group:
    • Friends recommendations - list of places which are liked by FB friends - Facebook API
  • App will allow add current destination to a trip based on current user location - app will suggest places to check out when user is in a certain location
  • User can share a whole trip with it's map to their Facebook wall
  • User can share a separate trip's destination details with it's map to their Facebook wall
  • "Saved places" per destination can have priorities (must see/go, like to, etc)
  • Ability to add friends from Facebook to the app
  • Ability to remove friends

The following bonus features are implemented:

  • Upload trip photos to Facebook
  • Friends can be sent requests to meet up at stops along a trip
    • Should also determine a meet up date & time
  • Friends who have accepted a meet up should be shown real-time ETA within 1 hour of a meet up start time
  • If a destination is removed, any relevant friends/meetups should be notified

Android Technical details

  • All REST API calls have to be done in background thread(s)
  • App should run offline, persist all data in the SQLite database.
  • App will use MVP architecture.

Activities list

Activity name Fragment name Comments Developer Status
AddEditTrip AddEditTrip ability to add/edit trip Elmira Functionally Complete
Trips Trips list of open trips Jared, Elmira Functionally Complete
FacebookLogin login with facebook account Jared Functionally Complete
TripDetails map + destinations tabs Elmira Functionally Complete
... TripMap a map of connected trip destinations Elmira Functionally Complete
... TripDestination only trip start/edn dates + places group names Elmira Functionally Complete
SavedPlaces List with saved places: user can switch to list or map view Elmira, Jared Functionally Complete
... SavedPlacesList list Elmira, Jared Functionally Complete
... SavedPlacesMap map with saved places Elmira Functionally Complete
SuggestedPlaces List with suggested places: user can switch to list or map view. Suggested places are egnerated at runtime from Google Places API Jared, Elmira Functionally Complete
... SuggestedPlacesList Jared Functionally Complete
... SuggestedPlacesMap map with saved places Elmira Functionally Complete
PlaceDetails PlaceDetails details per place: all data we can take from Google Places Jared, Elmira Functionally Complete
... PlaceDetailsMap a map per a place Elmira Functionally Complete

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A trip planner used to plan future trips, integrates with Google places to find a nearby places!







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