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Andreas Drollinger edited this page Mar 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

DDT - Dynamic Debugging for Tcl

This package provides dynamic debugging support for Tcl 8.5 or higher. It provides mainly commands to run Tcl files or scripts and to step through them, to define breakpoints, and to access variables in the context of the debugged code.

DDT instrumentalizes the debugged code by inserting debugging helper commands. This is transparent (=invisible) to the user except he checks the procedure bodies for example with 'info body'. DDT uses the "unsupported" disassemble function of Tcl 8.5 and 8.6 to analyse the code to debug, to identify potential program execution stop locations.

Dynamic Debugging for Tcl


DDT exposes the following API commands.

Proc: ddt::Configure

Configure DDT, or return the current configuration. If no argument is provided the current configuration is returned. If a single argument referring a configuration parameter is provided the configuration for this parameter is returned. Pairs of parameter names and values need to be provided if a new configuration needs to be defined. The available configurations are described in section Configuration.


Parameters Description
[args] Configuration definition list


Returns the configuration if no new configuration is defined


 ddt::Configure -BreakCallback DebugGuiUpdate
 ddt::Configure -InitVars {argv0 {} argv {}} -InitScript "package require Tk"
 ddt::Configure -Mode disable

See also


Proc: ddt::Run

Starts the execution of a file or of a script. If breakpoints are defined the debug environment is initialized. If the configuration -SI is set the file or script is executed by a slave interpreter that is created.

The two arguments allow using this command in 2 ways.

  • A file is provided but not a script: The file is executed.
  • A file and a script is provided. The script is executed. The file name is just used as identifier.


Parameters Description
FileName File name (can also be a fictitious identifier)
[Script] If provided this script will be executed


Result returned by the file/script

See Also

ddt::Cont, ddt::Step, ddt::Stop, ddt::SetBP

Proc: ddt::Cont

Continues the execution of the program that is stopped on a breakpoint.


Returns always the execution state 'cont'.

See Also

ddt::Run, ddt::Step, ddt::Stop, ddt::SetBP

Proc: ddt::Step

Performs a single step in a program that is stopped on a breakpoint.


Returns always the execution state 'step'.

See Also

ddt::Run, ddt::Cont, ddt::Stop, ddt::SetBP

Proc: ddt::Refresh

Forces the callback function to be re-executed. A refresh of the application UI's status can be forced in this way.


Returns always the execution state 'refresh'.

Proc: ddt::Stop

Stops the execution of a program that is currently either running or stopped on a breakpoint.


Returns always the execution state 'stop'.

See Also

ddt::Run, ddt::Cont, ddt::Step, ddt::SetBP

Proc: ddt::Eval

Evaluates a command sequence in the context of the executed procedure of the debugged program. Returns the result of the command sequence. This command can be used by the callback function to inspect the status of the debugged program or procedure. However, this command cannot be used by functions that are interactively executed (e.g. via buttons).


Parameters Description
args Command sequence


Result returned by the command sequence, or any error generated by it

See Also


Proc: ddt::Exec

Evaluates a command sequence in the context of the executed procedure of the debugged program. Returns always an empty string. This command can be used by the callback function as well as by a function that is interactively executed (e.g. via buttons).


Parameters Description
args Command sequence



See Also


Proc: ddt::SetBP

Set or delete a breakpoint in a specified file at a specified line. If no condition is explicitly specified, or if the condition is 1, a non conditional breakpoint is defined. If the condition is 0 or '' an eventually defined breakpoint is deleted. The provided condition will be used in all other cases as a dynamic breakpoint condition.


Parameters Description
FileName File to apply the breakpoint definitions
LineNbr Line to which the breakpoint definition
[Condition] Optional condition


Returns the new breakpoint condition

See Also

ddt::GetBP, ddt::SwapBP

Proc: ddt::GetBP

Returns for a specified file the breakpoint definitions. If no line is specified GetBP returns for all breakpoint for the file, otherwise only the ones for the specified line. The returned breakpoint definitions is a list composed by pairs of line numbers and breakpoint conditions.


Parameters Description
FileName File for which the breakpoint definitions have to be returned
[LineNbr] If defined only the breakpoint definitions are returned only for this line


Breakpoint definition list

See Also

ddt::SetBP, ddt::SwapBP

Proc: ddt::SwapBP

Swaps a breakpoint in a specified line of a specified file. If no breakpoint (conditional or non conditional) exists, a non conditional breakpoint will be created. Otherwise the existing breakpoint will be deleted.


Parameters Description
FileName File for which the breakpoint definitions needs to be applied
LineNbr Line for which the breakpoint definition needs to be applied


Returns the new breakpoint condition

See Also

dt::GetBP, dt::SetBP

Proc: ddt::GetBPLocations

Returns for a specified file the possible breakpoint locations. If a line is specified GetBPLocations returns the breakpoint locations just for this line.


Parameters Description
FileName File for which the breakpoint locations have to be returned
[LineNbr] If defined: Line for which the breakpoint locations have to be returned


Breakpoint location list

Proc: ddt::GetExecState

Returns the execution state of the currently debugged file or script. The following states exist:

  • "" (initialization state)
  • cont (continuous running)
  • step (single instruction execution)
  • stop (stop request)
  • refresh (refresh request),
  • exec (command sequence execution request)
  • stopped (state while the Brk instruction is executed)


Returns the current execution state.


DDT is configured via the ddt::Configure command. The configuration is stored by DDT inside the Config array variable. DDT uses the following configurations:

Var: ddt::Config(-BreakCallback)

Callback function configuration. Defines the callback function that will be called each time the execution of the debugged program is stopped.


 ddt::Configure -BreakCallback DebugGuiUpdate

Var: ddt::Config(-UseSI)

Slave interpreter setting. If set to 1 (default) a slave interpreter will be used, if set to 0 the master interpreter will be used.


 ddt::Configure -UseSI 1

Var: ddt::Config(-InitVars)

Initialization variable definition. The variable initializations, defined as pairs of variable names/values, will be executed in the context of the debugged program prior to the program start.


 ddt::Configure -InitVars {argv0 "" argv ""}

Var: ddt::Config(-InitScript)

Initialization script. The defined script will be executed in the context of the debugged program prior to the program start.


 ddt::Configure -InitScript {}

Var: ddt::Config(-Mode)

Enables/disables debugging. Valid settings are 'enable' (default), and 'disable'.


 ddt::Configure -Mode enable

DDT internal variables

Here is some information about the internal variables. The following array variables contain information about the instrumentalized source scripts and files. All of them are using the source identifier as array index.

DisassembleInfo Disassemble information of the source
SourceScript Source script
SourceIScript Instrumentalized source script
CommandPosListN List of character positions that correspond to a command begin
CommandPosListRC List of line/column positions that correspond to a command begin

Registered source files and breakpoints.

SourceFiles Source file name list
BP Breakpoint array

The following variables contain information about the execution state of the program being debugged.

ExecSourceId Source identifier
ExecLineNbr Currently executed line number
ExecState Execution state (see <ddt::GetExecState>)

DDT internal commands

Internal commands used by DDT.

Proc: ddt::Init

Initializes, or re-initializes all variables used internally by DDT. The source file list and the defined breakpoints will be kept unless a full initialization is performed.


Parameters Description
[FullInit] A full initialization will be performed if set to 1



See Also

DDT internal variables

Proc: ddt::GetSourceId

Returns the source identifier for a file. The source identifier is an integer.


Parameters Description
FileName File name (can also be a fictitious identifier)


Source identifier

See Also


Proc: ddt::GetSource

Returns the source (e.g. script) designated by the file name.


Parameters Description
FileName File name (can also be a fictitious identifier)


Source script

See Also


Proc: ddt::GetInstrumentalizedSource

Get the instrumentalized source script of a file or of a script. This command can be used in 2 ways.

  • Just a file is provided but not a script: In this case the file content is read, instrumentalized and returned.
  • A file and a script is provided. The provided script is instrumentalized and returned in this case. The file name is used as identifier to cache instrumentalized source script.


Parameters Description
FileName File name (can also be a fictitious identifier)
[Script] If provided this script will be instrumentalized


Instrumentalized source script

See Also

ddt::Run, ddt::Instrumentalize, ddt::GetSourceId, ddt::GetSource

Proc: ddt::source_debug

Tcl source command patch. This command instrumentalizes the sourced files and execute them then in debug mode if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Currently executed code is part of the debugged program (not part of the debug environment)
  • Sourced file is not sourced from a package
  • The source command is not called with the -encoding option
  • The sourced file is not pkgIndex.tcl If one of these conditions is not satisfied, source_debug will source the file via the normal source command.


Parameters Description
args Arguments normally provided to source


Return value normally provided by source

See Also

ddt::package_debug, ddt::info_debug

Proc: ddt::package_debug

Tcl package command patch. This command keeps track about packages that are going to be loaded. This information is used by the patched source command (ddt::source_debug) to disable the instrumentalization of sourced files if they are sourced by the package command.


Parameters Description
args Arguments of the package command


Return value of the package command

See Also

ddt::source_debug, ddt::info_debug

Proc: ddt::info_debug

Patches the info command. The 'info script' command doesn't work for scripts that are sourced in debug mode (e.g. executed as instrumentalized script). This patch corrects this behaviour.


Parameters Description
args Arguments to the info command


Return value of the info command

See Also

ddt::source_debug, ddt::package_debug

Proc: ddt::BuildCommandPositionsCmdString

Identifies the command positions in a command's last argument. BuildCommandPositionsCmdString extracts the scripts provided as last arguments to a commands (ex 'proc', 'foreach' and 'namespace eval' and evaluates the position of the commands contained inside the script. BuildCommandPositionsCmdString calls BuildCommandPositions to get the command positions, after removing the {} or "" that encloses the scripts.


Parameters Description
CmdString Command string that has as last argument a script
SrcId Source identifier of the script
Offset Position offset, used for the analysis of sub-scripts



See Also

ddt::BuildCommandPositions, ddt::Instrumentalize

Proc: ddt::BuildCommandPositions

Identifies the positions of the commands that are present in a script. These positions are stored inside the array variables CommandPosListN and CommandPosListRC.

To identify the command position BuildCommandPositions uses the outputs from Tcl's ::tcl::unsupported::disassemble command. This output is stored inside the array variable DisassembleInfo.

BuildCommandPositions is recursively called for code sections that are not byte compiled (e.g. proc, namespace, foreach). The optional argument Offset defines the offset position of the sub script inside the full script. Parameters:

Script Script for which the command positions have to be analysed
SrcId Source identifier of the script
[Offset] Position offset, used for the analysis of sub-scripts



See Also

ddt::BuildCommandPositionsCmdString, ddt::Instrumentalize

Proc: ddt::Instrumentalize

Instrumentalizes a file or a script. This command can be used in 2 ways.

  • Just a file is provided but not a script: In this case the file content is read and instrumentalized.
  • A file and a script is provided. The provided script is instrumentalized in this case and the file name is just used as identifier.


Parameters Description
FileName File name (can also be a fictitious identifier)
[Script] If provided this script will be instrumentalized


File/script source identifier

See Also


Proc: ddt::RunEnvironment_Init

Initializes the run environment for the slave program. If an execution in a slave interpreter is required, this one is created. Then, the initialization variables are defined and the initialization scripts executed. If debugging is required, e.g. if break points are set, the patched commands (source, package, info) are activated. If debugging is required and if the execution happens by a slave interpreter the required set of debug commands are created in the ::ddt namespace of the slave interpreter.


Parameters Description
[DebugSupport] Indicates if debugging is required



See Also

ddt::RunEnvironment_Stop, ddt::RunEnvironment_Resume, ddt::RunEnvironment_Distroy

Proc: ddt::RunEnvironment_Stop

Switches the run environment into non-debugging mode





See Also

ddt::RunEnvironment_Init, ddt::RunEnvironment_Resume, ddt::RunEnvironment_Distroy

Proc: ddt::RunEnvironment_Resume

Resumes the debugging mode of the run environment





See Also

ddt::RunEnvironment_Init, ddt::RunEnvironment_Stop, ddt::RunEnvironment_Distroy

Proc: ddt::RunEnvironment_Distroy

Destroys the debugging run environment





See Also

ddt::RunEnvironment_Init, ddt::RunEnvironment_Stop, ddt::RunEnvironment_Resume

Proc: ddt::Brk

This procedure will be inserted in front of each command inside the debugged source files and scripts. It will need to decide if a continuously executed program needs to stop due to a breakpoint that is set or because a program sequence is executed in single step mode. Brk will call an application specific callback function that allows inspecting the status of the debugged program or procedure. By calling the procedure Refresh, Brk will explicitly call this callback function. By calling the procedure Exec, Brk will execute a command sequence in the context of the debugged program/procedure.


Parameters Description
SrcId Source identifier of the script
LineNbr Line where this break command is inserted
[ColNbr] Optional column where this break command is inserted. Only defined if not at the first location in the line.


See Also

Proc: ddt::Log

Log the information provided as argument. This procedure is implemented in the ddc namespace of the slave interpreter. It calls LogDirect that will perform the log inside the main interpreter.


Parameters Description
args The list elements are concatenated



See Also


Proc: ddt::LogDirect

Logs the information provided as argument in the context of the main interpreter. LogDirect will be aliased from the main interpreter to the slave interpreter.


Parameters Description
args The list elements are concatenated



See Also


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