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A small project to try out the ckb-daemon on linux, it might work on macOS, but I make fib(0) guarantees. I only have a Corsair K70 RGB, and I only test on ubuntu 16.04, so if you don't match both those things, I, once again, make fib(0) guarantees. (oh, and the water vapor thing is a cloud 😉)


You want to know how to use the code? OK! Here's some info about what all the files do. (I'm probably going to use some incorrect python terminology, but you should be able to understand most of it 😄)


This folder contains the files necessary to run a http server that serves the API.

This file is what serves the API via falcon and wsgiref.simple_server. Run this if you want to open the API to your keyboard. Note that the API uses port 42069, so you need to open that port if you want anyone on the internet to control your RGB keyboard.

There are two classes here, one that interacts with ckb-daemon, and one that provides the API when using falcon.


This class stores information about and handles communication with the ckb-daemon about a keyboard. To use it, use it with a with-statement, as it needs to be initialised and closed. It has various methods that do various things, and they may change drastically, so read the code to find out how to use them and what they do.


This class is used as a "Resource" for falcon, and is the file that actually implements the API. If you want to add something to the API, do it here 😄.


This file stores info that the keyboard.Keyboard class needs. It currently only stores a list of supported keyboards, if yours isn't on the list, the keyboard.Keyboard class won't accept your keyboard. You can add your own keyboard to it, but I make fib(0) guarantees that it will work as expected.


This folder contains scripts that don't serve the API, but still use the keyboard.Keyboard class.

This file is simply a script that is used to test different interactions with a keyboard.Keyboard object.


This folder contains scripts that use the API over HTTP. If you make something, please do make a PR so I can include your client here 👍.

This file is a uses the API to communicate with a keyboard server anywhere on the internet. When you run this you will be prompted for the IP or url of the API server (the computer that's running After you've put the URL you can input text that (via the API) will light up the corresponding keys on the server keyboard in sequence. There are a couple of commands that can be used by inputting them like regular text.

Command Description
_clear Sets the whole server keyboard to black (0, 0, 0).
_fill Sets the whole server keyboard to the foreground color (which is the average color of all the supported (by the program) keys at the starttime of the program).
_act_time <seconds> Sets the number of seconds each key in the sequence should take to light up.
_exit Exits the basic client, note that this does not affect the server in any way as there is no "connection" to the server, only requests.


A small project to try out the ckb-daemon on linux







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