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RL in Limit Order Book for Cryptocurrency Trading


In the course Reinforcement Learning EE-568 at EPFL, under the supervision of Yves Rechner and Philipp J. Schneider, we trained trading agents with PPO and StableBaselines3 based on mbt_gym module, a suite of gymnasium environment who aims to solve model-based HFT problems such as market-making and optimal execution.


Hawkes processes have been used to model the arrivals of orders in financial markets since the early 2000s. This model has gain popularity from its ability to capture the self-exciting nature of order flows—where an order can increase the likelihood of subsequent orders, creating clusters of activity that are characteristic of high-frequency trading environments.

We aimed to understand the dynamics of highly volatile cryptocurrency markets. Initially, we approached the problem from the perspective of a market maker. However, we discovered that the cluster of arrivals, modeled by Hawkes processes, presents a constant arbitrage opportunity. Specifically, our backtesting results showed that the agent would never hold or sell more than one asset. When the agent's order is executed within a cluster of filled orders, they would exit each order cluster with a positive spread bonus. We also demonstrated the agent's limited performance in excessively volatile environments, and as these clusters can only occur in moderately stochastic environments. The agents performance will also be poor in too less volatile environment as it lacks the ability to predict futur trends.

Research Questions

Our research questions were the following,

  • How is the volatility of the mid-price influencing the performance of the model based agent (on backtest data)?
  • Under which settings can we have the most adversial robust agent?
  • Can the performance bound resulting in excess volatility in the training setting from the last question be exceeded?

Trading Environment

  1. State space: cash $C_t$, inventory $Q_t$ (number of assets held), time $L_t$, midprice $S_t$, arrival $H_t$, and price impact $I_t$.
  2. Action space: a continuous two-dimensional space composed of $\delta^b_t,\delta^a_t$, the distance between the mid-price and the bid/ask price.
  3. Reward function: Running Inventory Penalty (RIP)
  4. Stochastic models:
    • Midprice model: Jump Brownian Motion Midprice Model
    • Arrival model: Hawkes Arrival Model
    • Fill probability model: Exponential Fill Function

Reinforcement Learning Algorithm

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)

  1. Rollout phase: the agent interacts with the environment in every 1,000 timesteps to collect rewards, which generates trajectories of states, actions, rewards, and next states
  2. Learning phase:
    • Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE) by computing the advantage function for each timestep
    • Based on the probability ratio $\tau(\theta)$ between the new and old policies and the clipped surrogate loss $L^{CLIP}$, the actual policy update is performed through a stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

This iterative process ensures continuous refinement of the policy while maintaining stability through controlled updates.


Github Organisation

You can find our modification of the mbt_gym module with the main input being the vizualisation methods and the new functions in certain files to implement the backtest; here is an example of one our Jupyter Notebooks with these changes.

The Report and the Poster are in the source folder.


The code only runs with a Python version prior to 3.11, i.e. 3.10.9.

Setup Instructions

git clone
cd Reinforcement_Learning-HFT_Project
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Linux/Mac
.\venv\Scripts\activate   # On Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt

Future Work

It will be interesting to understand how time delay impacts the performance of the agent and the tuning required to enhance the agent's performance under this constraint.