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Start date: 6/04/2023

ver 1.0 8/04/2023


    multiple players

    play one hand

to be improved:

    can see each others cards

Finished items:

1. able to shuffle cards
2. able to give out cards in four different stages
3. able to display the board
4. display cards on the table
5. display player information
6. able to check highest combination for one player            
7. players now can place bet
8. player now can fold 
9. player now can choose different actions (no restriction)
10. players' action now will take effect
11. bet placed will be collected and put into pot at the end of the stage
12. reset player state and bet placed after every stage
13. player who folded exclude from following stages
14. deduct chips from players after placing bet (no restriction)
15. display winner and winning after game
16. calculate winners
17. remove folded player when finding winner
18. check_winner() now consider the case when tie occurs
19. number_to_call is displayed before player make aciton
20. now player action is restricted
21. game_stage() now complete, each stage ends after all player either fold or have the same bet


    helper function
    shuffle the cards at the start of one hand

distribute(stage, cards, table, players)
    give out cards at each game stage
    action depends on the stage

    helper function
    collect bets placed by player and put it into pot

    helper function
    reset player state to waiting action after each stage
    ingnore players who folded (class method)

game_stage(stage, cards, table, players, pot)
    control game flow in each game stage

show_board(stage, pot, table, players, winners = None, winning_combi = None)
    show the board
    ingnore players who folded

game(players, cards)
    excute four stages of game
    collect bet after each stage
    find winner and display

check_combi(table, players)
    check the highest combi for one player (7 cards)
    return combi name and one tuple to make comaprison when tie

check_winner(table, player)
    find the winner, who has highest combi
    resolve where players have same combi
    can have multiple winners

class definitions:

    class propetries = name
        self.chips = chips = []
        self.buffer = 0
        self.state = 'wating action'

        unless folded, reset state to waiting action

        returns player's name
        returns players state
        returns the cards hold by player. (two cards)
        returns the number of chips owned
        add one card to the player

        returns how much bet have player placed in one stage

        takes the bet placed and put it into the pot at the end of every stage
        player get the prize

        show relevant informations

        when player choose to check

        when player choose to call

    def action_handle_raise(number_to_raise):
        when player choose to raise

    def action_handle_fold():
        when player choose to fold

    class propetries = []

        give one card to table

        display tables cards in one line

    def get_cards(self):
        returns the tables cards (5 cards)