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Wrapper to make predefined consults and querys with mysql2 driver to MySQL

const autoQuery = requiere('ducen-auto-query');

//database data to connect
databaseConfig = {
	host: 'localhost',
	user: 'me',
	password: 'secret',
	database: 'my_db',

// this function return a Consulter class object with the methods to consult
const consulter = autoQuery(databaseConfig);
async function main() {
	// get a list of objects with the data of the table
	// (model of the table, config options)
	let users = await consulter.list('users', {
		fields: 'id,name',
		limit: '15',
		offset: '20',
		oder: 'asc',
		orderField: 'id',

	//get one row
	// (model of the table, id of the object)
	let user = await consulter.get('users', '3');

	//get a list of objects filterd by a regist of one table used as foreign key
	// (model of the table, id of the key, model of the table to consult, config options)
	let post = await consulter.filter('users', '3', 'posts', {
		fields: 'id,name',
		limit: '15',
		oder: 'asc',
		orderField: 'id',

	//insert a new regist on the database
	// (model of the table, the newData)
	let newUser = {
		name: 'Ryan',
		nickname: 'Dark',
		age: '22',
	let createData = await consulter.insert('users', newUser);

	//insert an array of elements
	// (model of the table, array of elements)
	let newPosts = [{ content: 'this is an post' }, { content: 'this is an post' }, { content: 'this is an post' }];
	let insertData = await consulter.insertMany('post', newPosts);

	// update the data of one regist
	// (model of the table, id of the regist, data to update)
	let updateUser = {
		name: 'Alan',
		age: '23',
	let upsertedData = await consulter.upsert('users', createData.insertId, updateUser);

	//delete an especific elemet
	//(model of the table, id of the object)
	let deleteData = await consulter.remove('users', '6');


Config object

On the consults of data can pass an object with some params to modificate the consult, the params are the followers:

  • fields: Those are the fields that you want recive (default * all), is an string with the fields separates by a comma
  • limit: The total records that you want (default 50), useless on get consult
  • order: The way to order the array of data (default asc), usless on get consult
  • orderField: The field that work as order key (default id), useless on get consult
  • offset: The number of regist that start to select (default 0), useless on get consult
  • (field): You can also pass a property with the name of one field on the table to filter by that field
  • (before-field): You can also pass a property with the name of one field on the table prefixed to "before" to filter al values above that field
  • (after-field): You can also pass a property with the name of one field on the table prefixed to "before" to filter al values below that field


The function to list on one array the data of one table

  • model: The model of the table
  • options: The options object to config the consult
let users = await consulter.list('users', {
	fields: 'id,name',
	limit: '15',
	offset: '20',
	oder: 'asc',
	orderField: 'id',


Mysql Abstract interface






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