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This repository contains my ansible deployment for Pi-hole. I am using Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Docker and it's been running rock-solid. The ansible deployment is designed to run on any platform with supported docker.


  • Ensure you have Ansible installed (e.g. pip3 install ansible)
  • Ensure Docker is installed on the Pi-hole server (you may want to checkout my ansible-docker-role)


  1. Copy the example.inventory.yml file to inventory.yml. You also have to setup a variables file for your configuration. Therefore you have to copy example.config.yml to config.yml. Also have a look into the roles default's.

  2. Run the Ansible playbook to deploy Pi-hole

    ansible-playbook play-pihole.yml

    Notice: Checkout the possible environment variables for Pi-hole (e.g. TZ or WEBPASSWORD). Check it out here.

  3. (Optional) Run the Ansible resolvconf playbook to update the Pi-hole server's resolvconf to use the local service

    ansible-playbook play-resolvconf.yml
  4. (Optional) Run the Ansible Pi-hole exporter playbook to setup a metrics exporter for Prometheus. That's an awsome project! Check it out!

    ansible-playbook play-pihole_exporter.yml

    You can configure the Prometheus scrape configuration like to following:

      - job_name: 'pihole'
          - targets: ['localhost:9617']

Backup and Restore

  1. Login into the Pi-hole admin web gui

  2. Change to Settings > Teleporter

  3. There you either want to backup your data or restore it from an existing TAR file

Notice! The Pi-hole ansible role creates an cronjob that backups all required data. You may want to mount the backup directory {{ pihole_docker_path }}/backups on to a NAS or dedicated hard drive.


  • The Pi-hole web gui is reachable at http://pihole.local/admin/login.php


Copyright © 2024 Niclas Spreng

Licensed under the MIT license.


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