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Release 1.17

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@dc42 dc42 released this 23 Aug 14:33
· 743 commits to master since this release

These binaries are for PaneDue display controller boards versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and 3.0. The version number of your PanelDue display controller board is printed on the back of the board. If it is version 3.0 then use a binary with -v3- in the name. Otherwise, use a binary with -v2- in the name. Pick the binary whose name ends in 4.3, 5.0 or 7.0 depending on the size of your TFT panel. For the 7" panel with integrated PanelDue electronics, use the 7.0E build.

Changes since last release:

  • Hot end temperature limit increased to 1600C
  • Added builds for version 3 board
  • Added build for East Rising 7" display