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Note that it's recommended to check each wiki page, before reading this document, as it's advanced in the game engine documentation.

The class handles all of the game combat UI. Here are all of its functions (Note that you should use the class to make enemy spawn instead of

Name Arguments Description
calculate_player_risk() player, item, enemies_remaining, chosen_enemy, enemy, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient Simulate a fight with enemies_remaining enemy enemies, to return the risk percentage of the player
encounter_text_show() player, item, enemy, map, map_location, enemies_remaining, lists, defeat_percentage, preferences, drinks, npcs, zone, mounts, mission, start_player, dialog, text_replacements_generic, player_damage_coefficient, previous_player, save_file, start_time, enemies_damage_coefficient, entry_data, enemies, no_run_away=False Displays the encountering text of enemy pool list entry_data
fight() player, item, enemy, map, map_location, enemies_remaining, lists, preferences, drinks, npcs, start_player, zone, dialog, mission, mounts, player_damage_coefficient, start_time, text_replacements_generic, previous_player, save_file, enemies_damage_coefficient, defeat_percentage, entry_data, enemies Starts fight of enemy pool list entry_data

The class won't be a class you'll use for custom scripting, as it contains the functions to run tests on the loaded game data. But if you're interested in contributing, you might want to check out the class yourself and analyze it.

The class is a database of color codes; used for colored terminal input. Just check the class if you need a color code you're searching for.

The class contains a set of function that generates the effect of consumables, or print its effects to the console. There are many small functions, so we're only gonna go over the three main ones you have a chance to ever use:

Name Arguments Description
consume_consumable() item_data, consumable_name, player, dialog, preferences, text_replacements_generic, lists, map_location, enemy, item, drinks, start_player, npcs, zone, mounts, mission, player_damage_coefficient, previous_player, save_file, map, start_time, enemies_damage_coefficient Consume consumable consumable_name
print_consumable_effects() current_effect_type, current_effect_data Outputs to the console the visible effects of effect current_effect_data of type current_effect_type (display percentages instead of meaning numbers of print_consumable_effects)
print_active_effect_info() effect_data, player Prints the effects of a visible effect effect_data, on the player (display meaning numbers instead of percentages of print_consumable_effects)

The class contains functions to load the game data, and to download stuff from online locations, using fsspec. Here are all the functions:

Name Arguments Description
load_game_data() which_type, preferences Determines which game data to load and from where, and load it (and analyze it if the preferences 'analyze' option is set to enabled). Returns every game data variables: map, item, drinks, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, dialog, mission, mounts, event
update_game_data() preferences, latest_game_data_version Redownloads the game vanilla data at '{bow-folder}/game/', from latest game data version
fsspec_download() github_file, destination_point, download_branch, download_repo, download_org Downloads a file from path github_file to destination path destination_point, from github account donload_org, repo download_repo, and branch/tag download_branch
temporary_git_file_download() selected_file, url Downloads a file from path selected_file from github url url, in a created temporary folder, and return the data of the file in a string
wget_download() url Downloads url url contents and returns it in a string
open_file() file_path Opens file from path file_path with default user terminal editor

The class contains function to load dialog and their conversations. The only function you need to know about is the one to trigger a dialog:

Name Arguments Description
print_dialog() current_dialog, dialog, preferences, text_replacements_generic, player, drinks, item, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, mission, mounts, start_time, map, save_file, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient, previous_player, mission_offered=None Triggers dialog current_dialog. Specify a mission id at mission_offered if you want conversation actions like 'accept()' to be ran

The class handles the dungeon UI. It only contains one function, one that starts the dungeon loop:

Name Arguments Description
dungeon_loop() player, current_dungeon, lists, enemy, start_player, item, start_time, preferences, npcs, drinks, zone, mounts, dialog, mission, map_location, text_replacements_generic, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient, previous_player, save_file, map Starts dungeon loop of dungeon id current_dungeon

The class handles enemy spawning actions:

Name Arguments Description
generate_enemies_from_list() lists, list_enemies, player Randomly generate a list of enemies, with enemy pool list list_enemies
spawn_enemy() map_location, list_enemies, enemy, item, lists, start_player, map, player, preferences, drinks, npcs, zone, mounts, mission, dialog, player_damage_coefficient, text_replacements_generic, start_time, previous_player, save_file, enemies_damage_coefficient, no_run_away=False Summons enemy pool list list_enemies

The class handles events:

Name Arguments Description
event_triggering_checks() event_id, event, player, map, zone Return a boolean value that tells if the event id event_id can be triggered at the current player circumstances
trigger_event() event_id, event, player, mission, dialog, preferences, text_replacements_generic, drinks, item, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, mounts, start_time, map, save_file, map_location, player_damage_coefficient, previous_player, enemies_damage_coefficient Triggers event id event_id triggers

The class contains functions to handle item usage:

Name Arguments Description
use_item() which_item, item_data, player, preferences, drinks, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, dialog, mission, mounts, text_replacements_generic, item, map_location, player_damage_coefficient, previous_player, save_file, start_time, enemies_damage_coefficient, map Uses item id which_item if it can be (if it's a food or consumable, consume it; if it's a weapon or armor piece run equip_item(), if it's an utility, run its script)
equip_item() item_name, player, equipment_type Equip item id item_name of type equipment_type

The class handles the logging system of the program:

Name Arguments Description
write_message() message Writes string message to the game logs
log_message() message Processes string message to the write it to the program's logs (run level tests with the player preferences)

The class doesn't have any function, as it is the game engine's root containing the master loop of the game.

The class contains many functions to handle missions:

Name Arguments Description
get_mission_id_from_name() mission_name, mission_data Returns the id of a mission named mission_name, by going through the mission data file data mission_data
print_description() mission_data, map Outputs a mission description (the one in the diary), from its data mission_data
mission_checks() mission_data, player, which_key Return a boolean value, to tell if a mission condition which_key is completed, from its data mission_data
execute_triggers() mission_data, player, which_key, dialog, preferences, text_replacements_generic, drinks, item, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, mission, mounts, start_time, map, save_file, player_damage_coefficient Executes a mission trigger which_key from its data mission_data
offer_mission() mission_id, player, missions_data, dialog, preferences, text_replacements_generic, drinks, item, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, mission, mounts, start_time, map, save_file, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient, previous_player Initiates the mission offering UI of mission id mission_id
mission_completing_checks() mission_id, missions_data, player, dialog, preferences, text_replacements_generic, drinks, item, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, mission, mounts, start_time, save_file, player_damage_coefficient Checks if mission id mission_id can be completed. If it can, mark it as completed and run its completing triggers if there are

The class handles the interaction between the player and the npcs:

Name Arguments Description
init_npc() map_location, player, npcs, drinks, item, preferences, map Inits the interaction loop between the player and the npc at the player's current map point digit map_location

The class handles all major actions that can be done on the player, such as death:

Name Arguments Description
player_death() preferences, save_file Inits player death process, and reset the save to its older state.

The class handles custom scripts runs, and python modules installation:

Name Arguments Description
load_script() script_data, preferences, player, map, item, drinks, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, dialog, mission, mounts, start_time, generic_text_replacements, save_file, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient, previous_player, plugin=False Init a script running process, with its data script_data (a dictionary containing '{"script name": "", arguments: []}') (run execute_script() afterwards)
execute_script() script_data, file, player, map, item, drinks, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, zone, dialog, mission, mounts, start_time, generic_text_replacements, preferences, save_file, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient, previous_player Executes a script from file file with its data script_data (a dictionary containing '{"script name": "", arguments: []}') (use load_script() to run scripts!)
install_requirement() module Try to install python module module using either 'python -m pip install module' and 'python3 -m pip install module'

The class handles the console, with functions for output, input and useful tools:

Name Arguments Description
cout() text="", end="\n" Writes to stdout text text with at the end end, and then flush it to stdout
cinput() text="" Returns gotten user input, with an optional text text before it
cinput_multi() text="", type="list" Returns gotten user input through multiple line, until a EOFE break (Ctrl + D), and return
show_menu() options, length=52 Displays a choice box with list of choices options. The length argument is deprecated since v0.23-alpha, as it's automatically determined. Returns the selected choice as a string
format_string_separator() text Formats text to add thousands separators to every number present in it, and returns the formatted string
format_string_color() text Formats text to replace every present ANSI RGB color codes, if needed, by compatible color codes (if the terminal doesn't accept "truecolor" color system)
get_color_rgb() color_code Takes in input an RGB ANSI color code (\033[38;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m) and returns its RGB values in an integer list
get_size() Returns the terminal size in a tuple (columns, lines)
get_terminal_color_system() Returns the terminal color system (None, "standard", "256", "truecolor", "windows") (check this page for information about terminal color systems)

The class contains many useful functions to format and/or output text that are often used:

Name Arguments Description
print_speech_text_effect() text, preferences Outputs text text using a hand-writing effect (random time space between every character)
clear_prompt() Clears the console
exit_game() Properly exits the game (used when caught errors happen)
print_title() preferences Outputs the game's title
select_save() options, length=52 Runs terminal_handling's show_menu function, but add a choice named 'EXIT', that stops the program
print_separator() character Outputs the UI separator, using character character
overstrike_text() text Outputs overstricken string text
print_long_string() text, no_output=False Outputs a string text, with line breaks every about 52 characters. (no_output argument is deprecated
apply_yaml_data_color_code() text Returns text, with transformed yaml data color codes
print_zone_map() zone_name, zone, player, preferences Outputs the UI map zone id zone_name thumbnail, with some player information on its side
print_zone_map_alone() zone_name, zone Outputs map zone id zone_name thumbnail alone
print_npc_thumbnail() npc, preferences Outputs npc id npc thumbnail to the console
print_enemy_thumbnail() enemy, preferences Outputs enemy id enemy thumbnail to the console
a_an_check() word Takes word string word, and adds its proper article (a/an), and returns the final result as a string (returns article+word)
print_item_thumbnail() to_print Used function to output item thumbnails (to_print is the thumbnail string). Also returns the thumbnail string
multiple_items_in_list_formatting() list_to_format Format list list_to_format, to replace every different occurrences by 'X{occurrences}{text}. Used from required metals in weapon upgrades
transform_negative_number_to_positive() number Returns negative integer number into a positive integer.
print_map_art() item_data Formats map item ASCII art to add proper map colors, and returns it to the console, using its data item_data
print_moving_text() text Outputs string text to the console using an ending movie credits (used for the credits.txt file display)

The class contains functions to calculate date and time related stuff:

Name Arguments Description
addition_to_date() date, addition Returns date date after adding addition days to it (date format: '{month}-{day}-{year}'
date_prettifier() date Prettifies date date (transform '{month}-{day}-{year}' to '{day}{ordinal suffix} {month name}, {year}'
get_day_time() game_days Returns the day time of bane of wargs day unit game_days (night/morning/day/evening)
return_game_day_from_seconds() seconds, time_elapsing_coefficient Transforms seconds seconds to bane of wargs day units (time_elapsing_coefficient is usually 1, but it gets modified by consumable effects)
traveling_wait() traveling_coefficient Runs traveling wait actions (check here for more info about traveling_coefficient

The class contains the train UI loop:

Name Arguments Description
get_cost() cost, dropoff, round_cost=True Returns gold cost with dropoff decimal percentage dropoff applied
training_loop() mount_uuid, player, item, mounts, stable, time_elapsing_coefficient, dropoff Starts the training for player's mount uuid mount_uuid (dropoff is 1 unless the current stable has a dropoff active)

The class contains functions to randomly generate UUIDs (Universal Unique Identifier):

Name Arguments Description
generate_random_uuid() Returns a randomly generated UUID using python built-in uuid module and its uuid4() method

The class contains a few functions that are useful when doing weapon/armor upgrade related actions:

Name Arguments Description
check_for_item() item_name, item Checks if item id item_name exists
check_weapon_next_upgrade_name() item_name, item Returns weapon/armor piece id item_name next upgrade id
check_weapon_max_upgrade() item_name, item Returns weapon/armor piece id item_name max upgrade id
detect_weapon_next_upgrade_items() item_name, item Returns a string that contains every next upgrade items of weapon/armor piece id item_name

The class contains functions to load and dump yaml data:

Name Arguments Description
safe_load() file, crash=True Loads yaml content of opened file data file, and returns python-converted data (crash determines if the program should be stopped if an error gets encountered)
dump() data, crash=True Returns a yaml-parsed string from python data data (crash determines if the program should be stopped if an error gets encountered)

The class handles the aspects of interactive map zone and some other useful tool functions:

Name Arguments Description
get_cost() cost, dropoff, round_cost=True Returns gold cost with dropoff decimal percentage dropoff applied
print_zone_news() zone, map_zone, player Prints map zone id map_zone news (also displays info about the current dropoff if there's one) (only works if this is an interactive map zone)
print_forge_information() map_zone, zone, item, player Displays UI information about map zone forge id map_zone
print_blacksmith_information() map_zone, zone, item, player Displays UI information about map zone blacksmith id map_zone
print_stable_information() map_zone, zone, mounts, item, player, map_location Displays UI information about map zone stable id map_zone (map_location is the player current map point digit)
print_hostel_information() map_zone, zone, item, drinks, player Displays UI information about map zone hostel id map_zone
print_grocery_information() map_zone, zone, item, player Displays UI information about map zone grocery id map_zone
print_harbor_information() map_zone, zone, map, player Displays UI information about map zone harbor id map_zone
interaction_hostel() map_zone, zone, player, drinks, item, save_file, preferences, previous_player Starts interaction loop with map zone hostel id map_zone
interaction_stable() map_zone, zone, player, item, drinks, mounts, map_location, preferences, time_elapsing_coefficient Starts interaction loop with map zone stable id map_zone (map_location is the player current map point digit) (check this wiki page to know about the time_elapsing_coefficent variable)
interaction_blacksmith() map_zone, zone, item, player Starts interaction loop with map zone blacksmith id map_zone
interaction_forge() map_zone, zone, player, item Starts interaction loop with map zone forge id map_zone
interaction_church() map_zone, zone, player, save_file, preferences, previous_player Starts interaction loop with map zone church id map_zone
interaction_grocery() map_zone, zone, player, item Starts interaction loop with map zone grocery id map_zone
interaction_harbor() map_zone, zone, map, player Starts interaction loop with map zone harbor id map_zone
interaction_dungeon() map_zone, zone, map, player, dialog, item, preferences, text_replacements_generic, drinks, enemy, npcs, start_player, lists, mission, mounts, start_time, map_location, player_damage_coefficient, enemies_damage_coefficient, previous_player, save_file Starts interaction loop with map zone dungeon id map_zone
get_map_point_distance_from_player() map, player, current_map_point Returns the distance between the map point id current_map_point and the player current location, in a map point/mile unit
get_zone_nearest_point() map, player, map_zone_name Returns the closest location from player of map zone id map_zone_name map point id
determine_grocery_sales() zone_data Returns a randomly generated list of sales from grocery zone's data zone_data
get_zone_color() zone_type Returns string of colored ASCII art, corresponding the the map zone type zone_type