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City Of Guelph Wordpress Theme

This repository holds all the code for the custom-built WordPress theme which runs the City of Guelph municipal website.
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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. Authors
  7. License

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

Initially the City of Guelph utilized a child theme of the popular TwentyTwelve WordPress Theme. However, in mid 2020 the theme was formally emancipated, and now exists as a customized City Of Guelph WordPress Theme. This emancipation allowed for the removal of backend bloat, and a full reconfiguration of page templates, scripts, and style sheets. The most significant upgrade from the TwentyTwelve Theme is the introduction of Structured Stylesheets (SCSS) which are separated into small files for easy maintenance and modular usage. This theme can be automatically pulled from this Repository using the plugin WPPusher.

For information on the usage of this theme as an author, designer, or front-end developer please refer to the Documentation.

Built With

This project was built with the use of the following frameworks.

Getting Started


Before using this software, ensure you have the necessary prerequisites by running the following commands:

  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g


Download this theme via WP Pusher or by pulling the repository and dropping it in the themes folder of your Wordpress instance along with the twenty twelve theme.


  • Use the following command to compile the SCSS stylesheets into CSS
sass scss/style.scss css/gds-design-system.min.css --style compressed


Once changes are pushed to master, they are automatically populated on Guelphs Wordpress installations via WPPusher. If WPPusher is not currently setup for automatic updates, it can still be used to pull updates manually. If WPPusher is not loaded on the remote site, then the files will need to be uploaded using the WordPress admin portal or via SFTP


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Please read our Documentation for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See the contributors page for an updated list of contributors to this project


Along with WordPress, this project is licensed under the GNU V3 General License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Wordpress Theme configuration files for







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