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Timo Dörr edited this page Apr 25, 2019 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the reactive-state wiki!

The documentation is subject to expand, here are the pages that already exist:

  • Glossary - Good starting point if you already know Redux or need a reference of the terms used in the wiki
  • Actions - Use Observables and Subjects as Actions
  • Reducer - No more boilerplate or endless switch-statements
  • Store - Reactive state management and subscribe to changes
  • Slicing the State - Description on slices which are the coolest feature of Reactive State
  • Async operations and side effects - Why you don't need ActionCreators, Thunks or other middlewares to manage side effects with reactive-state
  • Computed values and selectors - Using RxJS default operators to create selectors; Use RxJS .scan(), publishReplay() or ReplaySubject to create powerful memoized selectors - no need for Reselect, MobX or other selector libraries.

Missing topics:

  • Basic tutorial (see the example.ts and the unit test included in the sourcecode in the meantime)
  • API Docs / link to .d.ts files