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Release v0.28.0
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Dyvil Library v0.28.0
Dyvil Compiler v0.28.0
Dyvil REPL v0.17.2
Dyvil Property Format v0.9.0
Dyvil GenSrc v0.3.0
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Clashsoft committed Jan 8, 2017
1 parent 67f0e7f commit ef34656
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Showing 5 changed files with 157 additions and 14 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ASM-LICENSE.txt
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,140 @@
Dyvil v0.28.0

- Added support for Optional and Implicitly Unwrapped Optional Types. #298
- Added the bottom type `none`. #310
- Binding Patterns with `var` and `let` can now specify the type using ascription syntax. #311
- Repurposed the `const` keyword as a variable kind indicator similar to `let` and `var`. #312

## Dyvil Library v0.28.0

- Added Nullity annotations for all Java classes.
- Added primitive unwrap methods with nullable parameters.
- Added the `!` and `??` operators for optionals.
- Added the `Output.print(*)` methods.
- Added the `Output.print(Object!..., String =, String =)` method.
- Added the `dyvil.lang.None` and `dyvilx.lang.model.type.NoneType` class. #310
- Added the `dyvil.lang.Optionals.unsafeUnwrap<T>(T?): T` method.
- Added the `dyvil.lang.Optionals` class and moved related methods from `ObjectExtensions`.
- Added the unsafe unwrap operator `!!`.
- Converted `dyvil.collection.Range` and most `dyvil.collection.range` classes to Dyvil.
- Converted all primitive Array classes to Dyvil.
- Converted all `dyvil.ref` classes to Dyvil.
- Converted most `dyvil.annotation` classes to Dyvil.
- Converted the `PrimitiveObjectArray` class to Dyvil.
- Deprecated all `Output.println(*)` methods.
- Fixed a compilation error in the `dyvil.lang.Primitives` class.
- Fixed bytecode and runtime errors in the `ReferenceFactory` class.
- Fixed the pointer assignment operator `*_=` working incorrectly for `ObjectRef`s.
- Intrinsified the unwrap operator `!` by adding an `unwrapNullCheck` helper method.
- Moved a common replacements to the `Base.dgs` spec file.
- Moved the `dyvil.lang.Null` and `.None` classes to the `dyvil.lang.internal` package. #310
- Updated the `@Nullable` and `@NotNull` annotation classes.
- Updated the `AbstractBitSet` class.
- Updated the `AutoPrinter` class.
- Updated the `I18n` and `StringExtensions` classes.
- Updated the `StringExtensions` class.
- Updated the `dyvil.collection.Entry` class to fix an infinite recursion issue.
- Updated the `dyvil.util.None` class to make use of the `none` bottom type. #310
- Updated the equality operators in the `dyvil.lang.ObjectExtensions` class to support nullable values.
- Updated various usages of `const` as a modifier.

## Dyvil Compiler v0.28.0

- Added the `OptionalType` and `ImplicitOptionalType` classes. #298
- Added additional checks to ensure non-null fields are not default-initialized to `null`.
- Added references to `@Nullable` and `@NotNull` to the `AnnotationUtil` class.
- Added support for LOAD and STORE instructions in Intrinsic Annotations.
- Added support for the builtin `none` type via the `NoneType` class. #310
- Added the `CompleteCommand.toString()` implementationl.
- Added the `IBuiltinType` class as a common super type for `AnyType` and `NullType`.
- Added the `IPattern.isWildcard` method.
- Added the `IType.extract(Class)` method family to allow dynamic `IType` object casts.
- Added the `IType.withAnnotation(IType, IAnnotation, TypePath)` method and directed usages of `IType.withAnnotation(IType, IAnnotation, TypePath, int, int)` to it.
- Added the `IType.writeAnnotations(IType, TypeAnnotatableVisitor, int, String)` method and directed usages of `IType.writeAnnotations(TypeAnnotatableVisitor, int, String)` to it.
- Added the `ObjectArray.deepToString(Object!): String` method.
- Added the `Pattern.toString()` method.
- Added the option to skip sorting in the `MatchList` class.
- Cleaned up the `*IntrinsicData` classes.
- FIxed an issue that caused `TypeCheckPattern`s to generate invalid bytecode when used with primitive types.
- Fixed Or Patterns not resetting local variable slots and causing verify errors in some cases.
- Fixed Subtyping Relations for Nullable Types.
- Fixed an NPE that was caused by invalid `TypePath`s of type annotations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Array Types to be decompiled as non-nullable types instead of implicitly unwrapped nullable types.
- Fixed an issue that caused External Class Parameters to use invalid descriptors.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jump Instructions in Intrinsic Annotations to work incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused Overload Resolution to fail when invoking an overload with the same name as the enclosing method.
- Fixed an issue that caused Override Checks and synthetic bridge methods to work incorrectly for Methods with a mismatching number of Type Parameters.
- Fixed an issue that caused Statement Lists not to use implicit conversions for the last expression.
- Fixed an issue that caused Tuple and Case Class Patterns to check for type correctness incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused `@NonNull` annotation to be generated for Type Variable Types.
- Fixed an issue that caused `null` patterns to work incorrectly when used within tuple or case class patterns.
- Fixed an issue that caused annotations on wildcard type bounds to behave incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain expressions to be compiled incorrectly in annotation value contexts.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect overload behaviour with variadic methods and named argument lists.
- Fixed an issue that caused methods with a variadic non-last parameter to generate an `ACC_VARARGS` modifier flag.
- Fixed an issue that caused overload resolution to fail with variadic methods in rare cases.
- Fixed an issue that caused parameter type signatures to be compiled incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused static Fields to be omitted from compiled annotation classes.
- Fixed an issue that caused synthetic bridge methods in Interfaces to generate invalid bytecode.
- Fixed an issue that caused the SAME-TYPE relation to work incorrectly for Nullable Types.
- Fixed an issue that caused the `IType.writeCast(...)` implementations to handle a cast to `void` incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused variables to leak out of Brace Access Expressions.
- Fixed an issue that caused variables used for side-effects to be captured incorrectly.
- Fixed error reporting for uninitialized variables.
- Fixed incorrect `@NotNull` annotation decompilation.
- Fixed nullity annotations for `Collection.toArray(*)` and other methods.
- Fixed wildcard type comparisons working incorrectly in some cases.
- Improved Binding Pattern parsing and cleaned up the `BindingPattern` class. #311
- Improved error reporting and exhaustiveness checks for AND and OR patterns.
- Improved exhaustiveness checks for Tuple and Case Class Patterns.
- Improved the scoping rules for implicit receiver values. #313
- Improved the way `SpecialIntrinsicData` handles `INVOKE*` instructions and minimized the amount of class lookups required.
- Intrinsic Methods with generic return types no longer generate unnecessary CHECKCAST instructions.
- Misc. cleanups.
- Moved and renamed the `dyvil.annotation.analysis.NotNull` class to `dyvil.annotation.internal.NonNull`.
- Moved the `Nullable` annotation from the `dyvil.annotation.analysis` package to `dyvil.annotation.internal`.
- Nullable primitive types are now automatically converted to their boxed equivalent.
- Removed Cast Optimization for Intrinsic Methods.
- Removed subtype-specific `IType` methods.
- Removed the `ICallableSignature` class.
- Removed the `IType.clone(): IType` and all overriding methods.
- Removed the `IValue.isPrimitive()` method and all overriding methods.
- Removed the `OptionType` and `ImplicitOptionType` classes. #298
- Replaced references to `OptionType` and `ImplicitOptionType` classes with `NullableType` and `ImplicitNullableType`.
- Updated For Each Statements to properly support implicitly unwrapped optional types.
- Updated Type Parameter Type Checks to properly support Nullable Types.
- Updated `try` and `throw` statements to properly comply to the type system.
- Updated compiler support for `Simple*Ref` classes.
- Updated implicit conversion checking to properly support implicitly unwrapped optional types.
- Updated the Union and Intersection Type implementation to properly support `null` and `none` types. #310
- Updated the `ImplicitNullableType` reference to the `!` method.
- Updated the `MemberParser` class to correctly support `const`.
- Updated the `NullType` implementation to be only a subtype of nullable types.
- Updated the `NullValue` and `NullPattern` classes to delegate assignability behaviour to the `NullType` class.
- Updated the `Types.isAssignable` method signature.
- Updated the compiler for new `Null` and `None` class locations. #310
- Updated the decompiler to produce `ImplicitNullableTypes` in most contexts.

## Dyvil REPL v0.27.2

- Fixed an error that was caused by declaring an uninitialized variable.
- Updated the `:complete` implementation to skip `MatchList` sorting.

## Dyvil Property Format v0.9.0

- Updated DPF classes to adapt to new language changes.
- Updated all DPF classes to use new optional features.
- Updated some DPF classes that relied on default-null initialization.
- Updated the `Value` class.

## Dyvil GenSrc v0.3.0

- Added support for the `#import` directive. #314
- Added the `#local` and `#delete` directives. #315
- Removed the `ForReplacementMap` class.
- Updated `#define`, `#undefine` and `#import` to operate on file-level scope. #315

Dyvil v0.27.1

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, Clashsoft
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017, Clashsoft
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
Expand Down
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions build.gradle
Expand Up @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ import groovy.transform.Field

group = 'dyvil-team'

version = '0.27.1'
version = '0.28.0'

String libraryVersion = '0.27.1'
String compilerVersion = '0.27.1'
String replVersion = '0.17.1'
String dpfVersion = '0.8.0'
String genSrcVersion = '0.2.0'
String libraryVersion = '0.28.0'
String compilerVersion = '0.28.0'
String replVersion = '0.17.2'
String dpfVersion = '0.9.0'
String genSrcVersion = '0.3.0'

String devStage = 'gamma'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,12 +463,13 @@ task prepareRelease(type: Copy) {

doLast {
println("Release v$version")
println("Dyvil Library v$libraryVersion")
println("Dyvil Compiler v$compilerVersion")
println("Dyvil REPL v$replVersion")
println("Dyvil Property Format v$dpfVersion")
println "Release v$version"
println ""
println "Dyvil Library v$libraryVersion"
println "Dyvil Compiler v$compilerVersion"
println "Dyvil REPL v$replVersion"
println "Dyvil Property Format v$dpfVersion"
println "Dyvil GenSrc v$genSrcVersion"

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions versions/gamma/v0.28.0.dyp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
version = "0.28.0"
library.version = "0.28.0"
compiler.version = "0.28.0"
repl.version = "0.17.2"
dpf.version = "0.9.0"

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