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Gallery Sale 👋

Version License: MIT

Exhibition website, marketing and sales


  1. Clone project from this github repository
git clone
  1. Change directory
cd gallery-sale
  1. Install Composer Dependencies
composer install
  1. Install NPM Dependencies
npm install && npm run dev
  1. Create a copy of your .env file
cp .env.example .env
  1. Generate an app encryption key
php artisan key:generate
  1. Create an empty database for our application
  2. In the .env file, add database information to allow Laravel to connect to the database
  3. Migrate the database
php artisan migrate
  1. [Optional]: Seed the database
php artisan db:seed
  1. connect storage to public
php artisan storage:link
  1. Run Laravel project
php artisan serve


👤 Hafidz Ubaidillah

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

📝 License

Copyright © 2022 Hafidz Ubaidillah.
This project is MIT licensed.

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