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Сервис на Flask по принципам Rest Api, позволяющий работать с базами данных через интерфейс сайта.


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This application is a backend of our E-catalog project. It runs independently and connects to the database at one end and to the frontend app - at other end. All connections are made via the http protocol.

The main function of this application is to trasfer data between database and the one who asks. You can get or push data from/to the database through our API and simple CRUD operations. They are similar for two basic instanses - Places and Individuals:

# get all places
GET api/v1/places/

# get a particular place
GET api/v1/places/<uid>

# create a place
POST api/v1/places/

# update a particular place
PUT api/v1/places/<uid>

# delete a particular place
DELETE api/v1/places/<uid>

# get all individuals
GET api/v1/individuals

# get a particular individual
GET api/v1/individuals/<uid>

# create an individual
POST api/v1/individuals/

# update a particular individual
PUT api/v1/individuals/<uid>

# delete a particular individual
DELETE api/v1/individuals/<uid>


Since this is a young Python project, we assume that you already have Python >=3.6 in your system. Clone this repository to your machine and follow the instructions.


We use Docker containers to store different services of our project. Docker Compose manages all of these stuff for us. Therefore we advise to install Docker Desktop on your machine (use link).

This repository already has the docker-compose.yml file with instructions for Docker Compose. All you need is to create an .env file in the root directory and set environmental variables. Use .env.default as a template for this.

.env file will contain your personal data (keys, passwords, tokens, etc). Don't forget to add it in the .gitignore - do not share this info with the hole world.

To run the entire app with the Docker Compose use

    docker compose up -d

Alternatively, you may use docker-compose up and run the app using docker-compose binary. The -d or --detach flag is used to run containers in the background, so your terminal stays free for other actions.

To run a specific container

    docker compose run -d <container_name>

To stop the entire app use

    docker-compose stop -t1

Or type the name of the container to stop only this container. The -t1 flag sets the stopping time to 1 sec. By default this value is 10 sec.

To shut down the entire app use

    docker compose down

❗ Note that at the current stage of development this command will erase the hole database from the container (because it exists only there for now). So you should initiate and fill the database again when starting the app.

Install requirements

First of all, we're using Poetry to manage dependencies (and to make our lives easier too).

Install Poetry (globally):

    pip install poetry

Than you should create a virtual environment (.venv) in the root directory of your project

    poetry config true

This repository already has poetry.lock and pyproject.toml files, so you simply install all dependencies by a single command:

    poetry install

❗ Note that Poetry will install all dependencies in the project virtual environment. It means you won't be able to use them outside it. To run any file or package inside the Poetry environment use poetry run <name_of_file_or_package>

Ta-dam! Now you have all you need to start.

Run app

To run the project in the terminal use

    poetry run python -m backend

Or you can use 'Run and Debug' if you're using VS Code - the necessary launch.json file are already there. Use 'service' to run the app and 'create_table' to create database's tables.

Using linters

We use wemake-python-styleguide - "the strictest and most opinionated Python linter ever". Actually it's just a flake8 plugin with some other useful plugins. Poetry files already have all dependencies, so you'll have the hole package of the linter after runnig poetry install.

To check the hole app code run

    poetry run flake8 backend
    poetry run mypy backend

It will examine all python files in backend directory. If you want to check any particular python file simply use poetry run flake8 <path/file_name> or the same for mypy.


Сервис на Flask по принципам Rest Api, позволяющий работать с базами данных через интерфейс сайта.




