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ScrapeMyst is a Python class for sending web requests with customizable headers and user-agents. It provides methods for sending both GET and POST requests with customizable headers, user-agents, and optional proxy support. The class also includes features for adding random sleep intervals before making requests to simulate human-like behavior.


You can install ScrapeMyst using pip:

pip install scrapemyst


  • Import the ScrapeMyst class
from scrapemyst import ScrapeMyst
# Create an instance of ScrapeMyst, optionally providing a list of proxy URLs
scrapemyst = ScrapeMyst(proxies=["", ""])
  • Import the ScrapeMyst object directly if you are not providing list of proxy urls
from scrapemyst import scrapemyst
  • Example of sending a GET request
    • send_get and send_post both methods support sleep between requests sleep argument accepts int,float or tuple as shown in the examples.
url_get = ""
get_response = scrapemyst.send_get(url_get, params={"param1": "value1"}, sleep=3, referer="")

if get_response['success']:
print(f"GET Request Successful. Status Code: {get_response['status_code']}") # Access the response object if needed: get_response['data']
  • Example of sending a POST request with form data
url_post_form = ""
form_data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
post_response_form = scrapemyst.send_post(url_post_form, data=form_data, sleep=4.5, referer="")

if post_response_form['success']:
print(f"POST Request (Form Data) Successful. Status Code: {post_response_form['status_code']}") # Access the response object if needed: post_response_form['data']
  • Example of sending a POST request with JSON data
url_post_json = ""
json_data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
post_response_json = scrapemyst.send_post(url_post_json, json=json_data, sleep=(2,9), referer="")

if post_response_json['success']:
print(f"POST Request (JSON Data) Successful. Status Code: {post_response_json['status_code']}") # Access the response object if needed: post_response_json['data']


You can customize the headers, user-agents, and other settings by updating the ScrapeMyst instance. For example:

# Update headers add more headers to the request
custom_headers = {
    "User-Agent": "CustomUserAgent",
    "Accept-Language": "en-US",
    "Custom-Header": "CustomValue"
# OR
# Replace the default headers
scrapemyst.update_headers(custom_headers, replace=True)

# Send a request with updated headers
response_custom = scrapemyst.send_get('')
print("Custom Response:", response_custom)


If you'd like to contribute to ScrapeMyst, feel free to submit pull requests, report issues, or suggest improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.