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opencart 2.0 物流模組
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AllennChang committed Sep 18, 2017
0 parents commit c3e1549
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Showing 36 changed files with 4,520 additions and 0 deletions.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions ECPayLogistic.vqmod.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<id>ECPay Logistic</id>
<file name="catalog/view/theme/*/template/checkout/shipping_method.tpl">
<operation info="shipping info">
<search position="top"><![CDATA[
<p><strong><?php echo $text_comments; ?></strong></p>
<?php include_once("catalog/controller/shipping/ecpaylogistic_input.php");?>
<file name="catalog/view/theme/*/template/checkout/payment_method.tpl">
<operation info="shipping info">
<search position="top"><![CDATA[
<p><strong><?php echo $text_comments; ?></strong></p>
<?php include_once("catalog/controller/payment/ecpaylogistic_payment.php");?>
<file name="catalog/controller/checkout/confirm.php">
<operation info="shipping info">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[
$this->session->data['order_id'] = $this->model_checkout_order->addOrder($order_data);
<file name="admin/controller/sale/order.php">
<operation info="shipping info" error="skip">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('sale/order_info.tpl', $data));
<file name="admin/controller/sale/order.php">
<operation info="shipping info" error="skip">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('sale/order_info', $data));
<file name="catalog/controller/account/order.php">
<operation info="shipping info" error="skip">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[
if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/account/order_info.tpl')) {
<file name="catalog/controller/account/order.php">
<operation info="shipping info" error="skip">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('account/order_info', $data));
Binary file added ECPay_logistic_oc2.pdf
Binary file not shown.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# 綠界科技 全方位(All In One)物流整合介接 OpenCart2.0 購物車版

## 1. 介紹

- 綠界科技超商取貨付款外掛套件,提供合作特店以及個人會員使用開放原始碼商店系統時,無須自行處理複雜的檢核,直接透過安裝設定外掛套件,便可快速介接綠界科技物流整合系統,使用方便快速的商品運送機制。

## 2. 支援版本
- OpenCart Version
- OpenCart Version

## 3. 注意事項
- 外掛套件僅支援 UTF8 語系版本的PHP商店系統。

- '.因購物車架構使用FB及LINE等APP內建瀏覽器無法選取門市,請使用行動裝置內建的瀏覽器操作。'

## 4. 聯絡我們
- 綠界技術客服信箱:

63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions upload/admin/controller/payment/ecpaylogistic.php
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
class ControllerPaymentecpayLogistic extends Controller
private $error = array();

public function index()
$this->response->redirect($this->url->link('shipping/ecpaylogistic', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'));

private function validate()
return true;

public function install()
$this->model_extension_extension->install('shipping', 'ecpaylogistic');
if (method_exists($this->user,"getGroupId")) {
$this->model_user_user_group->addPermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'access', 'payment/ecpaylogistic');
$this->model_user_user_group->addPermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'modify', 'payment/ecpaylogistic');
$this->model_user_user_group->addPermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'access', 'shipping/ecpaylogistic');
$this->model_user_user_group->addPermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'modify', 'shipping/ecpaylogistic');
$sFieldName = 'code';
if (!ecpay_column_exists($this->db, DB_PREFIX."setting", 'code')) {
$sFieldName = 'group';
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_unimart_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_fami_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_fami_collection_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_hilife_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_hilife_collection_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_unimart_collection_status' , `value` = '0';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_order_status' , `value` = '1';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_mid' , `value` = '2000933';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_hashkey' , `value` = 'XBERn1YOvpM9nfZc';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_hashiv' , `value` = 'h1ONHk4P4yqbl5LK';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_type' , `value` = 'C2C';");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `store_id` = 0 , `" . $sFieldName . "` = 'ecpaylogistic' , `key` = 'ecpaylogistic_sender_name' , `value` = '綠界科技';");
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ecpaylogistic_info` (
`order_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
`AllPayLogisticsID` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
KEY `order_id` (`order_id`)
) DEFAULT COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;");

public function uninstall()
$this->model_extension_extension->uninstall('shipping', 'ecpaylogistic');
if (method_exists($this->user,"getGroupId")) {
$this->model_user_user_group->removePermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'access', 'payment/ecpaylogistic');
$this->model_user_user_group->removePermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'modify', 'payment/ecpaylogistic');
$this->model_user_user_group->removePermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'access', 'shipping/ecpaylogistic');
$this->model_user_user_group->removePermission($this->user->getGroupId(), 'modify', 'shipping/ecpaylogistic');
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions upload/admin/controller/sale/ecpaylogistic_order.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
if (strpos($order_info['shipping_code'],"ecpaylogistic.") !== false) {
$CreateShippingOrder = $this->url->link('shipping/ecpaylogistic/create_shipping_order&order_id='.$data['order_id'], 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL');
$WindowOpenCmd = "'" . $CreateShippingOrder . "','ecpayLogistic',config='width=800,height=600,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no');";
$ShowCVSMap = $this->url->link('shipping/ecpaylogistic/show_cvs_map_by_order&order_id='.$data['order_id'], 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL');
$ShowMapCmd = "'" . $ShowCVSMap . "','ecpayLogistic',config='width=1024,height=600,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no');";
$ecpaylogistic_query = $this->db->query("Select * from ecpaylogistic_info where order_id=".$data['order_id']);
if (!$ecpaylogistic_query->num_rows) {
if (isset($data['shipping_address_1'])) {
$data['shipping_address_1'] .= "&nbsp;" . '<input type="button" id="ecpaylogistic_store" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" value="變更門市" onClick="javascript:' . $ShowMapCmd .'"/>';
} else {
$data['shipping_address'] .= "<br>" . '<input type="button" id="ecpaylogistic_store" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" value="變更門市" onClick="javascript:' . $ShowMapCmd .'"/>';
$data['shipping_method'] .= "&nbsp;" . '<input type="button" id="ecpaylogistic" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" value="建立物流訂單" onClick="javascript:' . $WindowOpenCmd .'"/>';

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