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Releases: ECheynet/NORA3

Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

13 May 15:48
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New Feature:

Added getNORA3_subset Function: A new MATLAB function, getNORA3_subset, has been introduced to access subsets of the NORA3 data, specifically targeting monthly storage. This enhancement significantly increases data collection capabilities by a factor of x10 or more, enabling more efficient and targeted data analysis for specific geographical areas and time frames.


Missing Temperature Profiles: It is important to note that these subsets do not contain profiles of temperature, limiting the scope of meteorological analysis that can be conducted with this data. Users requiring temperature profiles will need to continue using the full getNORA3 function or access the complete datasets.

Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

26 Jul 08:53
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  • Minor bug correction for the type of data extracted with ncread
  • Possibility to specify a custom grid to extract the data using optional parameters

Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

02 Feb 13:01
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Modified the way the data are extracted in multiple locations
Examples are simplified

Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

07 Sep 14:55
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Added option to extract temperature profiles + speed up the data extraction for a single location

Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

18 Aug 13:08
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Correction of a bug for the wind speed at 10 m and 750 m

Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

21 Jun 16:20
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Gridded NORA3 data: automated and remote data extraction

08 Jun 13:21
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First release of a Matlab script to remotely have access to the NORA hindcast data