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Federated Recommender Service

Michael Granitzer edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 1 revision

The Federated Recommender Service

Reaching the Service

You can reach the Service, based on the location where the service is running,by calling {host}:{port}/eexcess-federated-recommender-web-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT/recommender/{call}.

The Service Calls

All services consume and/or produce xml and json aswell depending on which type is defined as content type.


/register (POST) This is the service to register a new partner to be queried by the system. Consumes a partnerBadge (example partner badge can be produced by calling /testBadge with the correct format (json/xml)), with all the information needed to connect to the partner.

Get Registered Partners

/getRegisteredPartners (GET) Produces the list of partners registered in the System and some rudimentary statistics about the partners.

  • requestCount: count of requests done by the server on the partner
  • failedRequestCount: failed requests of any kind (including timeouts)
  • shortTimeResponseTimes: average of the last ten responses
  • shortTimeResponsDeviation: deviation of the last ten responses
  • longTimeResponseTimes: overall average since the server was restarted


/recommend (POST) This is the actuall recommendation call and consumes a SecureUserProfile (example can be generated with the /testSUP call). In this SecureUserProfile a list of servers can be integrated which will be used to query these specific partners. (The partnerBadge which you get from /getRegisteredPartners call has to be in this list)

Test Recommend

/testRecommend (GET) This is a test recommendation call.

Test Badge

/testBadge (GET) This call produces a example partner Badge.

Test Secure User Profile

/testSUP (GET) This call produces a example secure user profile.