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Introduction: **

Our project is an application that’s main focus is to allow its users to focus on and keep track of goals that they create within the app. Furthermore, our project is unique in that it adds an additional aspect of sharing the users’ goals and progress with their friends in the app. Our project allows users to set goals that repeat daily, weekly, monthly etc., measure out bigger goals with smaller chunks of units, and even set goals with their friends to motivate each other to complete those goals. These goals are then shown to the users’ friends as they are posted on the social wall along with the current progress of those goals. This allows users on the app to interact with and encourage their friends through showing support and liking their progress. In addition, our project allows the users to update their goals as they see fit, whether making the goal harder like increasing the intensity of a workout, or accommodating challenges along the way by reducing the intensity of a goal. Overall, through our unique social approach to goal setting, our project is a convenience and a motivator for those who have goals they want to achieve allowing them to keep track of their progress, gain encouragement from friends, and finally start seeing results.


Login credentials/Accounts for test cases: **

TC-LOG-1: Sign Up for Account TC-LOG-2: Log In to Account TC-LOG-3: Log Out of Account

(Created during TC-LOG-1) Email: Password: password

** Account with the email "" exists ** Account with the email “” does not exist ** Account with email “” exists and the password is not “password” ** Account with the username "used" exists


TC-FRN-1: Searching Friends TC-FRN-2: Adding Friends TC-FRN-3: Removing Friends TC-FRN-4: Accepting Friend Invitation TC-FRN-5: Declining Friend Invitation

Account #1: Email: Password: password

Account #2: Email: Password: password

Account #3: Email: Password: password

** Needs account with username "Gary" to exist and not be a friend ** Needs no users with the substring "jack" to exist ** Needs account with username "friend2" to exist and be a current friend ** Needs account with username "friendrequest" to have sent a friend request to the user ** Needs account with username "rejection" to have sent a friend request to the user


TC-CRG-1: Creating an Invidiaul Goal TC-CRG-2: Naming Goal TC-CRG-3: Setting Final Deadline TC-CRG-4: Adding Subgoals TC-CRG-5: Recurring Goal TC-CRG-6: Entering Units to Accomplish Goal TC-CRG-7: Adding Collaborators to Goal TC-SOW-1: Commenting on Friend’s Goals TC-SOW-2: Reacting to Friend’s Goals

Account #1 Email: Password: password

Account #2 Email: Password: password

** Needs these two accounts to be friends ** Needs friend2 to be a friend of testgoal ** Needs some goal on friend1 so testgoal can like it.


TC-PER-1: Update Goal Progress TC-PER-2: Renaming Goal TC-PER-3: Delete Goal TC-PER-4: Updating Goal Timeline TC-PER-5: Updating Reminders for Goals TC-PER-7: Adding/Changing Avatar

Account Email: Password: password

Account #2 ** Needs goal with name of "premade goal" & deadline "June 1st, 2020" & Units "0/10" already created ** Needs goal with name of "premade goal2" & deadline "June 1st, 2020" & Units "0/1" already created ** Needs goal with name of "premade goal3" & Units "5/10" already created ** Needs goal with name of "premade goal4" & Units "3/10" already created ** Needs goal with name of "delete this goal" & deadline "June 1st, 2020" & Units "0/1" already created


TC-PER-6: Password Change

Account Email: Password: oldpass


TC-NOT-1: Comments from Friends

Account #1 Email: Password: password

Account #2: Email: Password: password

** The two accounts are friends ** commentmain must have a goal created


TC-NOT-2: Upcoming Goal Reminders TC-NOT-3: Friend Request TC-NOT-4: Friend Accept

Account #1 Email: Password: password

Account #2: Email: Password: password

** acc1 and acc2 must not be friends


Requirements: **

Android device

Minimum Specifications: 1536 MB of RAM, we used the Pixel API 28 emulator device from android studio.

Average Specifications: 1536 MB of RAM, we used the Nexus 6 API 28 emulator device from android studio.


Installation Instruction: **

We will be providing the application APK's as per the submission instructions. It will be on our github repository

How to install onto local machine:

  1. Clone the repo
    Run the command in your desired directory: git clone

  2. Open the project in Android Studio
    i. Open Android Studio
    ii. Select 'Open an existing Android Studio project'
    iii. Navigate to the directory in which you cloned the repo
    iv. Select 'THRIVE' and press 'Open'

  3. Within Android Studio, run an emulator with the proper specifications outlined in the section above
    i. Open your AVD Manager
    ii. Press the green play button to run your desired emulator

  4. Install the apk by running the following commands in your terminal
    i. If your adb path is set up, simply run adb install build\app\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk
    If your adb path is not set up, you must specify the path to run adb

    For Windows Users run: C:\Users\[user]\Appdata\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe install build\app\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk
    For Mac Users run: /Users/[user]/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb* install build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
    Substitute your local username for [user]

    After a successful installation, ‘Performing Streamed Install. Success’ should print to your terminal.

    If you receive the failure message: adb: failed to install build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.example.thrivejs signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!]

    You must run the command adb uninstall "com.example.thrivejs" (Again, if your adb path is not specified you must run this command with the paths specified above)

  5. Launch node
    Run the command: node index.js

  6. View your emulator and navigate through its apps and click on 'thrive' with a Flutter icon

  7. Now you're ready to start THRIVING!


How to Run: **

Before running the application on an emulator, you would have to run "node index.js" within your terminal. Therefore, you would need to have node js installed.

Now, with your emulator open, locate the 'thrive' app and press on the app icon to start the app. If the app is not visible on the home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the home screen to open the app drawer, where you can scroll through the emulator's apps to find 'thrive'.


Known Bugs: **

  1. There is pixel overflow if you try to create a goal without a name nor a date. However, this should not affect the functionality of the code.

  2. Potentially, it may take a while for the social wall or profile page to load.

  3. Delete collaborator goals does not properly delete for collaborators. The goal will delete fine for the user, however, the goal gets deleted by the database but the user still seems to have a reference to it. It causes the social wall and profile to load infinitely for the collaborators who's goal got deleted.