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Cheat Sheet

Zhiyu Zhu/朱智语 edited this page Dec 26, 2020 · 5 revisions

Quick Start

1. Import EFQRCode

Import EFQRCode module where you want to use it:

import EFQRCode

2. Recognition

A String Array is returned as there might be several QR Codes in a single CGImage:

if let testImage = UIImage(named: "test.png")?.cgImage {
    let codes = EFQRCode.recognize(testImage)
    if !codes.isEmpty {
        print("There are \(codes.count) codes")
        for (index, code) in codes.enumerated() {
            print("The content of QR Code \(index) is \(code).")
    } else {
        print("There is no QR Codes in testImage.")

3. Generation

Create QR Code image, basic usage:

Parameter Description
content REQUIRED, content of QR Code
size Width and height of image
backgroundColor Background color of QRCode
foregroundColor Foreground color of QRCode
watermark Background image of QRCode
if let image = EFQRCode.generate(
    for: "",
    watermark: UIImage(named: "WWF")?.cgImage
) {
    print("Create QRCode image success \(image)")
} else {
    print("Create QRCode image failed!")


4. Generation from GIF

Use EFQRCode.generateGIF to create GIF QRCode.

Parameter Description
generator REQUIRED, an EFQRCodeGenerator instance with other settings
data REQUIRED, encoded input GIF
delay Output QRCode GIF delay, emitted means no change
loopCount Times looped in GIF, emitted means no change
if let qrCodeData = EFQRCode.generateGIF(
    using: generator, withWatermarkGIF: data
) {
    print("Create QRCode image success.")
} else {
    print("Create QRCode image failed!")

You can get more information from the demo, result will like this:

5. Next

Learn more about advanced customizations from the User Guide.