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fix: bump scipy from 1.9.2 to 1.11.1 as per PR #454. Tests passed wit… #653

fix: bump scipy from 1.9.2 to 1.11.1 as per PR #454. Tests passed wit…

fix: bump scipy from 1.9.2 to 1.11.1 as per PR #454. Tests passed wit… #653

Triggered via push May 14, 2024 11:02
Status Failure
Total duration 56s
Matrix: build
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11 errors and 18 warnings
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
The process '/usr/share/miniconda3/condabin/conda' failed with exit code 1
build (3.7, macos-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_9_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (3.7, macos-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (3.7, ubuntu-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_9_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (3.7, ubuntu-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (3.8, macos-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_9_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (3.8, macos-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (3.8, ubuntu-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_9_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (3.8, ubuntu-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (3.9, macos-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_9_ubuntu-latest" failed.
build (3.9, macos-latest)
The operation was canceled.
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v2, conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2. For more information see:
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v2. For more info:
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['path', 'key', 'restore-keys', 'upload-chunk-size']
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['installer-url', 'miniconda-version', 'miniforge-variant', 'miniforge-version', 'conda-version', 'conda-build-version', 'environment-file', 'activate-environment', 'python-version', 'add-anaconda-token', 'add-pip-as-python-dependency', 'allow-softlinks', 'auto-activate-base', 'auto-update-conda', 'condarc-file', 'channel-alias', 'channel-priority', 'channels', 'show-channel-urls', 'use-only-tar-bz2', 'remove-profiles', 'mamba-version', 'use-mamba', 'architecture', 'clean-patched-environment-file', 'run-post']
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
build (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving: - package mamba-0.0.10-py27hc9558a2_1 requires python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0, but none of the providers can be installed Could not solve for environment specs The following packages are incompatible ├─ mamba is installable with the potential options │ ├─ mamba [0.0.10|0.0.7|0.0.8|0.0.9|0.1.0] would require │ │ └─ python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0 , which can be installed; │ ├─ mamba [0.0.10|0.0.7|...|0.9.2] would require │ │ └─ python >=3.6,<3.7.0a0 , which can be installed; │ ├─ mamba [0.0.10|0.0.7|...|0.9.2] would require │ │ └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed; │ ├─ mamba [0.1.2|0.10.0|...|1.0.0] would require │ │ └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed; │ ├─ mamba [0.10.0|0.11.1|...|1.0.0] would require │ │ └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed; │ ├─ mamba [0.18.1|0.18.2|...|1.0.0] would require │ │ └─ python >=3.10,<3.11.0a0 , which can be installed; │ └─ mamba 1.0.0 would require │ └─ python >=3.11,<3.12.0a0 , which can be installed; └─ pin-1 is not installable because it requires └─ python 3.12.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported. Pins seem to be involved in the conflict. Currently pinned specs: - python 3.12.* (labeled as 'pin-1')
build (3.7, macos-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['installer-url', 'miniconda-version', 'miniforge-variant', 'miniforge-version', 'conda-version', 'conda-build-version', 'environment-file', 'activate-environment', 'python-version', 'add-anaconda-token', 'add-pip-as-python-dependency', 'allow-softlinks', 'auto-activate-base', 'auto-update-conda', 'condarc-file', 'channel-alias', 'channel-priority', 'channels', 'show-channel-urls', 'use-only-tar-bz2', 'remove-profiles', 'mamba-version', 'use-mamba', 'architecture', 'clean-patched-environment-file', 'run-post']
build (3.7, macos-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['path', 'key', 'restore-keys', 'upload-chunk-size']
build (3.7, ubuntu-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['path', 'key', 'restore-keys', 'upload-chunk-size']
build (3.7, ubuntu-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['installer-url', 'miniconda-version', 'miniforge-variant', 'miniforge-version', 'conda-version', 'conda-build-version', 'environment-file', 'activate-environment', 'python-version', 'add-anaconda-token', 'add-pip-as-python-dependency', 'allow-softlinks', 'auto-activate-base', 'auto-update-conda', 'condarc-file', 'channel-alias', 'channel-priority', 'channels', 'show-channel-urls', 'use-only-tar-bz2', 'remove-profiles', 'mamba-version', 'use-mamba', 'architecture', 'clean-patched-environment-file', 'run-post']
build (3.7, ubuntu-latest)
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
build (3.8, macos-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['path', 'key', 'restore-keys', 'upload-chunk-size']
build (3.8, macos-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['installer-url', 'miniconda-version', 'miniforge-variant', 'miniforge-version', 'conda-version', 'conda-build-version', 'environment-file', 'activate-environment', 'python-version', 'add-anaconda-token', 'add-pip-as-python-dependency', 'allow-softlinks', 'auto-activate-base', 'auto-update-conda', 'condarc-file', 'channel-alias', 'channel-priority', 'channels', 'show-channel-urls', 'use-only-tar-bz2', 'remove-profiles', 'mamba-version', 'use-mamba', 'architecture', 'clean-patched-environment-file', 'run-post']
build (3.8, ubuntu-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['path', 'key', 'restore-keys', 'upload-chunk-size']
build (3.8, ubuntu-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['installer-url', 'miniconda-version', 'miniforge-variant', 'miniforge-version', 'conda-version', 'conda-build-version', 'environment-file', 'activate-environment', 'python-version', 'add-anaconda-token', 'add-pip-as-python-dependency', 'allow-softlinks', 'auto-activate-base', 'auto-update-conda', 'condarc-file', 'channel-alias', 'channel-priority', 'channels', 'show-channel-urls', 'use-only-tar-bz2', 'remove-profiles', 'mamba-version', 'use-mamba', 'architecture', 'clean-patched-environment-file', 'run-post']
build (3.8, ubuntu-latest)
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
build (3.9, macos-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['path', 'key', 'restore-keys', 'upload-chunk-size']
build (3.9, macos-latest)
Unexpected input(s) 'repo-token', valid inputs are ['installer-url', 'miniconda-version', 'miniforge-variant', 'miniforge-version', 'conda-version', 'conda-build-version', 'environment-file', 'activate-environment', 'python-version', 'add-anaconda-token', 'add-pip-as-python-dependency', 'allow-softlinks', 'auto-activate-base', 'auto-update-conda', 'condarc-file', 'channel-alias', 'channel-priority', 'channels', 'show-channel-urls', 'use-only-tar-bz2', 'remove-profiles', 'mamba-version', 'use-mamba', 'architecture', 'clean-patched-environment-file', 'run-post']