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How to setup your programming environment

We will be guiding you through the installation and configuration process of all the necessary software and tools to program the drones in ELE115.

1: Register Github

Estimated Time Cost: 3min

  1. To begin with, visit Join Github to create a Github account (if you don't have one yet).

  2. Type your username, email, and password.

  3. Please remember which email you are using now to create Github account. It will be used later.

  4. Click next. Select the Free plan and proceed.

  5. Activate your account by following the link in your email.

  6. After finishing the registration process, visit New personal access token.

  7. Type IntelliJ IDEA for Note.

  8. Check the checkbox repo and gist below (sub-checkbox shall be automatically checked for you).

  9. Click Generate token.

  10. Now you should see a long green string composed of random numbers and characters, called token. Your token will be used later so please copy this token and store it to somewhere super secret. Remember, NEVER SHARE YOUR TOKEN WITH ANYONE, including TAs.

Proceed to step 2 when finished.

2: Install local software

Estimated Time Cost: 15min

Installation process is different among different operating systems, so please choose your operating system:

Windows 10

2.1: Install git

  1. Download git 2.25.0.
  2. Double click to open it.
  3. Click Yes if Windows asks "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device".
  4. In the installation wizard, click Next 5 times.
  5. In the Adjusting your PATH environmen page, choose the second option, Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software. Click Next.
  6. In the Choosing HTTPS transport backend page, choose the first option, Use the OpenSSL library. Click Next.
  7. Here is an important part: In the Configuring the line ending conversions page, choose the second option, Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings. Click Next.
  8. In the Configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash page, choose the first option, Use MinTTY (the default terminal of MSYS2). Click Next.
  9. In the Configuring extra options page, check Enable file system caching and Enable Git Credential Manager. Uncheck Enable symbolic links. Click Install.
  10. Click Next when done.

2.2: Install OpenJDK

  1. Download OpenJDK 11.0.6.
  2. Double click to open it.
  3. In the installation wizard, click Next.
  4. Check I accept the terms in the License Agreement. Click Next.
  5. Here is an important part: In the Custom Setup page, click on the red cross before Set JAVA_HOME variable, and change it to the first option available (aka Will be installed on local hard drive).
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Click Yes if Windows asks "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device".
  9. Click Finish when done.

2.3: Install IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Download IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Click Yes if Windows asks "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device".
  3. In the installation wizard, click Next 3 times.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Click Finish when done.

Now, Configure your IntelliJ IDEA.

Mac OS X

2.1: Install git

  1. Download git 2.23.0.
  2. Double click to open it.
  3. RIGHT click on the git-2.23.0-intel-universal-mavericks.pkg. Pick Open.
  4. In the new dialog asking for permission, click Open.
  5. Now you shall see a window titled Install git-2.23.0-intel-universal-mavericks. Click continue, and then install.
  6. If it asks for your password, just type in your password.
  7. Click Close when finished.
  8. Click Move to trash bin.

2.2: Install OpenJDK

  1. Download OpenJDK 11.0.6.
  2. Double click to open it.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Next, and click Agree.
  5. Click Install.
  6. If it asks for your password, just type in your password.
  7. Click Close when finished.
  8. Click Move to trash bin.

2.3: Install IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Download IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Double click to open it.
  3. In the new window poped out, drag the IntelliJ IDEA CE icon into the folder on the right side.
  4. Close the window when finished.

Now, Configure your IntelliJ IDEA.



Launch Terminal. Copy-paste the following code, one line by another, into your terminal. Hit enter after each line.

Note: if it prompts "[sudo] password for ....:", then type your login password here.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git openjdk-11-jdk wget
sudo mkdir /usr/share/idea
sudo tar xzf ideaIC-2019.3.2.tar.gz -C /usr/share/idea --strip-components=1
sudo ln -s /usr/share/idea/bin/ /usr/bin/idea

Copy-paste the following code, as a whole, into your terminal.

sudo tee /usr/share/applications/idea.desktop <<EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Name=IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Comment=Develop with pleasure!
Exec=/usr/bin/idea %f

The IntelliJ IDEA icon shall appear on your desktop. Now, Configure your IntelliJ IDEA.

Arch Linux

Launch Terminal. Copy-paste the following code, one line by another, into your terminal. Hit enter after each line.

Note: if it prompts "[sudo] password for ....:", then type your login password here.

sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm # Recommanded, but not necessary
sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm git jdk11-openjdk wget intellij-idea-community-edition

The IntelliJ IDEA icon shall appear on your desktop. Now, Configure your IntelliJ IDEA.

Other Linux

The procedure should be similar as above. Google install xxx on yyy where xxx is one of the following and yyy is your opearting system and follow the instructions. You need to install these:

  • git
  • OpenJDK 11.0.6
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3

If you still have trouble, please contact course instructors.

3: Configure your IntelliJ IDEA

Estimated Time Cost: 10min

3.1: Launch IntelliJ IDEA for the first time

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA if you haven't done so.
  2. Choose Do not import settings, and click OK.
  3. Choose your preferred UI style, either dark or bright.
  4. Click Skip Remaining and Set Defaults.

You should now see a dialog titled Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA.

3.2: Download ELE115 project template

Before we proceed to anything else, we need to download our project template.

  1. Goto your IntelliJ IDEA configuration folder:
  • For Linux, it is ~/.IdeaIC2019.3/config/.
  • For macOS, it is ~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC2019.3/. To go to this folder:
    • Open Finder.
    • Cilck Go menu, and click Go to Folder....
    • Type ~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC2019.3/ and click Go.
  • For Windows, it is C:\Users\<username>\.IdeaIC2019.3\config\.
  1. Create a folder named projectTemplates (if not exists) in the above folder.
  2. Download ELE115 project template. Put the downloaded zip file to the projectTemplates folder. Override the existing file if there is one.

Note: DO NOT UNZIP THE FILE. Put the zip file, not the unzipped folder, into the projectTemplates folder.

Note: For mac OS users: To download without unzipping in Safari, right click on the link and choose Save as....

3.3: Link your Github account with IntelliJ IDEA

Note: Some Linux users may have trouble with this step. Please consult course instructors if you are using Linux.

In the Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA dialog:

  1. Click the Configure button at the bottom, and click Settings (or Preferences if you are using mac OS).
  2. Click the triangle before Version Control on the left, and click GitHub.
  3. Click Add account on the right.
  4. Click Use Token on the top, and paste your token generated before into the box.
  5. Check Clone git repositories using ssh ONLY if you are using Linux or mac OS.
  6. Click Log In. You shall now see your Github Account added to IntelliJ IDEA.

3.4: Setup terminal

Note: Only Windows users should do this. Non-windows users can simply skip this section.

  1. Unfold Tools, and click Terminal.
  2. In the Shell path text field, type: "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe". Remember to include the quotes "...".

3.5: Install plugins

In the Settings/Preferences dialog:

  1. Click Plugins.
  2. Search Gradle Run with Arguments.
  3. Click Install, and click Accept.
  4. Click Restart IDE, and click Restart.

3.6: Recommanded settings for IntelliJ IDEA

Note: It is HIGHLY RECOMMANDED that you follow these steps to tweak some IDE features. These features add complexity to your coding experience, which, while good for experts, may harm newbies.

In the Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA dialog:

  1. Click the Configure button at the bottom, and click Settings (or Preferences if you are using mac OS).
  2. Editor/General/Code Folding, uncheck all checkboxes.
  3. Editor/General/Gutter Icons, uncheck Run line marker.
  4. Editor/General/Postfix Completion, uncheck Enable postfix completion.
  5. Editor/Live Templates, uncheck all checkboxes.
  6. Editor/Intentions, uncheck Groovy and Java.
  7. Editor/Inlay Hints/Java, choose Parameter hints, and then uncheck Show parameter hints for:.
  8. Click OK.

Congratulations! You've successfully setup all the necessary programming environment in ELE115. Wish you a good luck on your journey with drones.

Appendix: Keep your project template updated

The ELE115 project template you just downloaded MAY be updated thorough the whole term by our TAs. Upon notificated by TA, you shall upgrade your project template ASAP.

The process is extremely simple: you just go through the same process as above.

Note: If you do not upgrade your project template in a timely manner, you may encounter weird bugs that makes your life much harder during the labs.