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executable file
189 lines (178 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
189 lines (178 loc) · 11.7 KB


This file records version-to-version changes in the VIS Framework. The most recent versions are at the top of the file.

  • 3.1.1:

    • Fixing related bugs of incorrect ngram computations with horizontal intervals' quality != diatonic with quality
      • The ngrams are mistaken in every other case because 'diatonic with quality' defaults to horiz_attach_later = True and all other qualities do not
      • The ngram indexer is assuming a horizontal interval dataframe where the intervals correspond to the interval arriving at the offset and not starting from the offset
      • The default configuration for horiz_attach_later is contradictory with the documentation of vis
        • The documentation says horiz_attach_later = False, by default
        • In reality (the code), it is the other way around, horiz_attach_later = True
      • Since the ngram works with horiz_attach_later, this should be the default option and there should be an option for horiz_attach_before, in case the user wants to compute that
        • That implementation is friendly to the way vis is implemented and required only a few lines of code to invert the logic of control structures
      • Therefore, renaming setting horiz_attach_later to its inverse, horiz_attach_before
        • Making this setting False by default
        • This way, if the user is intending to produce ngrams, it can neglect this setting from the horizontal intervals and all the horizontal quality settings will work by default
  • 3.1.0:

    • Renamed the cadence indexer to approach indexer, in order to avoid misunderstanding of its functionality
    • Rewrite of the dissonance indexer.
    • Refactored interval indexer, getting the labels directly from the _score private class, rather than from a list comprehension.
    • Refactored meter indexer, returning results directly from the _score private class, rather than a list comprehension
    • Reformatted code in ngram indexer
    • Refactored offset indexer:
      • Added numpy and multi_key_dict dependencies.
      • Added “dynamic-offset” method, as described in Alexander Morgan’s 2017 dissertation "Renaissance Interval-Succession Theory: Treatise and Analysis” (McGill University).
      • Added helper functions to define ‘dynamic’ offset settings.
      • Offset can be used with pandas.DataFrame, or pandas.Series.
    • Refactored repeat indexer to incorporate proper labeling of parts in DataFrame.
    • Refactored indexed_piece model (highlights):
      • Reflect renaming of the cadence to approach indexer.
      • Added the Counter class from the collections package.
      • Created better error messages for unknown file types.
      • Updated private method to get part names from
      • Getting part names with new private _get_part_streams method.
      • Added documentation to _get_measure, _get_ngram private methods.
      • Added _get_offset and _get_time_signature private methods.
    • Changed pieces in (test pieces paths must be changed to neutral paths)
    • Updated BWV2 and BWV603 integration tests to reflect the new labels for the parts in a Bach chorale.
    • Renamed test_cadence to test_approach, and all references from cadence to approach therein.
    • Adjusted the test_dissonance_indexer to reflect new column label scheme.
    • Refactored test_duration_indexer in regards to the DurationIndexer.
    • Refactored test_fermata_indexer in regards to new parts labels.
    • Refactored test_indexed_piece to reflect new parts labels.
    • Rewrite of test_interval_indexer converting tuples into a DataFrame, rather than appropriate Series, improved efficiency and readability.
    • Created test_measure_indexer, reflecting new column part labeling.
    • Rewrote, reflecting new column part labeling.
    • Rewrote, reflecting new column part labeling.
    • Refactored, optimized finding the vis pathname, and added new test_dynamic_offset_method.
    • Refactored
  • 3.0.4/5:

    • Revert "Revert "Refactor: handling of self._score in Indexer superclass.
    • Added documentation to offset indexers.
  • 3.0.3:

    • Removes LilyPond Indexer and Experimenters and outputlilypond module.
    • Re-enables Dendrogram Experimenter if optional requirements are installed.
    • Adds convenience method for executing dendrogram experimenter.
    • Adds measure_index() method to multi-index with measure positions.
    • Documentation updates.
  • 3.0.2:

    • Update indexer documentation examples for VIS 3 syntax.
    • Re-enable tests that check connectivity requirements but don't actually access ELVIS Database.
    • Clean up the way some error messages in indexed_piece print.
    • Small bug fix in CadenceIndexer.
  • 3.0.1:

    • Fixed 'requests' library requirement.
    • Disabled test cases that depend on external DB.
  • 3.0.0:

    • Iterative caching of most indexer results run on any given indexed_piece object
    • Optimized application of indexer_functions resulting in large indexing speed boost
    • Faster stream parsing
    • Consolidate all importation into Importer method
    • Simplify get_data_methods in indexed_piece and aggregated pieces including the addition of string shortcuts for convenience
    • New indexers: Cadence, Contour, Multistop, Over_Bass
    • New_ngram fully replaces ngram, and is called ngram
    • Deprecates WorkflowManager
    • Removes SciPy and matplotlib dependencies
    • Refactor Duration and Repeat indexers
    • Refactor metadata collection including possibility to get metadata from meta files
    • Adds CR_indexer, melodies, Permutations, transformations, 4vv_parser to scripts
  • 2.4.1:

    • Cosmetic changes to more closely comply with Python coding conventions.
  • 2.4.0:

    • Deprecates n-gram indexer.
    • Adds new_ngram indexer and accompanying tests.
    • Removes version ranges for scipy and matplotlib, and replaces them with specific versions.
    • Minor change to dissonance indexer to avoid issues when dissonances are not preceded by a legal dissonance.
    • Increases testing coverage for dissonance indexer.
  • 2.3.1:

    • Importing no longer uses/stores cached pickle files.
    • WorkflowManager.output() produces many table-format results if "count frequency" is False.
    • WorkflowManager.output() changes the column name for table-like outputs, according to the experiment.
    • stops checking midi files for some of the checks.
    • interval indexer improvements
    • required_score_type can now be a list of pandas.dataframes.
  • 2.3.0:

    • support for interval direction, i.e. an 'M3' is a '-M3' if the interval is between two voices that are crossed with respect to their staff position
    • inclusion of experimental qualityControl file in scripts which can be used to make sure that a file can be imported by music21 and to run a basic verification that the parts line up properly
    • begin tracking experimental MedievalNoteRestIndexer script in scripts folder
    • basic testing suite for DissonanceIndexer
    • tons of docs improvements (thanks @maxalbert)
  • 2.2.0:

    • Python 3 compatibility.
    • New: hierarchical clustering and dendrogram graphical output with
    • Refactoring/rewrite: update make_return() method in to greatly enhance performance when creating dataframes. Uses pandas.concat() instead of pandas.DataFrame()
    • Refactoring: simplified the way several indexers and experimenters internally set their settings to make their init methods easier to read. Uses .update() instead of making piecemeal changes.
    • Tests: includes 15 new tests in a test suite for the file and comments out 2 tests in because they are incompatible with the new version of make_return() as they pass magic mock objects to a be concatenated by pandas.concat().
    • Automated test and code coverage fix
    • cleanup of dependencies/requirements (big thanks to maxalbert,
    • 'scripts' directory for helpful scripts
  • 2.1.3

    • can turn on/off multiprocessing
    • fixed issue with Pandas converting strings to floats (or, rather, hacked a solution)
  • 2.1.2

    • reverted music21 requirement to pip (not git)
  • 2.1.1

    • fixed music21 dependency
  • 2.1.0

    • NoteBeatStrengthIndexer and accompanying tests
    • DurationIndexer and accompanying tests
    • Rewrite of's stream_indexer
    • Integration of multiprocessing into series_indexer
  • 2.0.3

    • added test for fermata indexer
    • now depends on latest music21 which fixed a bug for fermatas associated with rests; music21 >= 2.0.3 < 2.1
  • 2.0.2

    • fixed bug that now allows support for music21 >= 1.9.3 < 2.1
  • 2.0.1:

    • WorkflowManager didn't output histograms with proper labels, for "interval n-grams."
  • 2.0.0:

    • 2014/12/05 at 14h45 (commit e053ccc5a81b0ae49f589c147412d0f936e470ac)
    • Analyzers must now accept and return DataFrame objects.
    • Require pandas 0.14.1 at minimum.
    • Require music21 1.9.3 at minimum.
    • The "R_bar_chart.r" script is now run by an experimenter (GH#283)
    • Documentation upgrades.
  • 2.0.0 Release Candidates:

    • 1.99.5: 2014/11/05 at 07h28 (commit f0edf9cdab685ff2da1689e1388379d312dbf80c): Taipei Airport Edition
    • 1.99.4: 2014/10/15 at 23h56 (commit ef89815d971a5934b31ee60afd8eee9fcca5b44e)
    • 1.99.3: 2014/10/15 at 19h18 (commit 855b77b98954609530a53cf50ea02ee6f6e2082b)
    • 1.99.2: 2014/10/10 at 1h23 (commit 1f6e88be6767a6a471006eb2ec70355933c5b101)
    • 1.99.1: 2014/10/10 at 0h41 (commit 3db0533255bc972ca2603f7cbbadf3bff7d3270d)
    • 1.99.0: 2014/10/10 at 0h15 (commit 2253dc1b25a60dabd0a884bbb9cad55c648ad4e8)
  • 1.2.6:

    • 2014/08/20 at 19h32 (commit 8fd2280634007b87cbfacaa7d6e58740025126df)
    • Deprecate WorkflowManager.export() in favour of output()
    • Fix: for "simple intervals," compound octaves reduced to octaves, rather than to unison
    • Minor documentation fixes
  • 1.2.5:

    • 2014/07/07 at 18h50 (commit 4b9895490d3922f2ac82be5924ab2fc0f2f0e7dc)
    • Allow music21 1.9.x
    • Held sonorities are now correctly labeled in interval n-grams (GitHub issue 305)
    • By default, the WorkflowManager's "continuer" automatically adjusts to 'P1' or '1' depending on the "interval quality" setting. (GitHub issue 309).
    • Update OutputLilyPond to its commit 70d134013ed9846f8b5f60220d906c48261c8c08
  • 1.2.4:

    • Allow pandas 0.14.x
  • 1.2.3:

    • 2014/05/26 at 17h47 (commit 242706391f02795225f0b220011f37b5eb6edf43)
    • Improvements for Sphinx to auto-generate documentation at
    • Revision to the API's installation instructions, accounting for installation from the PyPI
  • 1.2.2:

    • 2014/05/26 at 16h34 (commit a2301c260eaff9b93a752f13d084ed97b96ad3bb)
    • WorkflowManager calculates full path to the "R_bar_chart.r" script at runtime
  • 1.2.0:

    • 2014/05/20 at 13h34 (commit 0ab7c375f797085bc66e0ee38ac948803fea3f95)
    • WorkflowManager offers output('LilyPond') with part names on annotation lines
  • 1.1.2:

    • include and install the 'outputlilypond' package
  • 1.1.0:

    • 2014/05/13 at 13h17 (commit ffa832708611da70ecc667857d4092ed1adf80c1)
    • add LilyPond indexers
    • add support for 'LilyPond' to WorkflowManager.output()
  • 1.0.1:

    • minor change so vis-framework will install successfully with pip
  • 1.0.0:

    • 2014/03/24 at 01h17 (commit 2ccf5f142b7f75b8fbda82bb6bb29ef071010c5b)
    • initial release on PyPI (the Python Package Index)