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Mauricio de Oliveira edited this page Nov 11, 2018 · 46 revisions

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MQTT Message flow


  1. Connect to MQTT using username and password and Will as follows:

    • topic: user/{username}/client/{client-id}/status
    • payload: disconnected
    • qos: 2
    • retain: True
  2. Subscribe to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/error to retrieve eventual errors.

  3. Publish "online" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/status with qos = 2 and retain = True.

  4. Subscribe to settings to retrieve settings and defaults. Expected format is:

      "ambulance_status": {
        "UK": "Unknown",
        "AV": "Available",
        "OS": "Out of service",
        "PB": "Patient bound",
        "AP": "At patient",
        "HB": "Hospital bound",
        "AH": "At hospital"
      "ambulance_capability": {
        "B": "Basic",
        "A": "Advanced",
        "R": "Rescue"
      "call_priority": {
        "A": "Resucitation"
        "B": "Emergent"
        "C": "Urgent"
        "D": "Less urgent"
        "E": "Not urgent"
        "O": "Omega"
      "call_status": {
        "P": "Pending"
        "S": "Started"
        "E": "Ended"
      // The status for the ambulance in the call
      "ambulance_call_status": {
        "R": "Requested"
        "O": "Onging"
        "I": "Interrupted"
        "C": "Completed"
      "equipment_type": {
        "B": "Boolean",
        "I": "Integer",
        "S": "String"
      "defaults": {
        "location": {
          "latitude": "32.5149",
          "longitude": "-117.0382"
        "state": "BC",
        "city": "Tijuana",
        "country": "MX"
  5. Subscribe to user/{username}/profile to retrieve ambulances and hospitals available. Expected format is:

      "ambulances": [
          "ambulance_id": 1,
          "ambulance_identifier": "BUD1234",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "ambulance_id": 2,
          "ambulance_identifier": "BUH4321",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "ambulance_id": 34,
          "ambulance_identifier": "BUH1111",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "ambulance_id": 35,
          "ambulance_identifier": "BUJ1616",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
      "hospitals": [
          "hospital_id": 34,
          "hospital_name": "Hospital Nuevo",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "hospital_id": 35,
          "hospital_name": "Hospital Viejo",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "hospital_id": 36,
          "hospital_name": "Another Hospital",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "hospital_id": 37,
          "hospital_name": "Yet another",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true
          "hospital_id": 38,
          "hospital_name": "Uno mas",
          "can_read": true,
          "can_write": true

Additional handshake for ambulance MQTT clients

Log in and out of applications

  1. Publish "ambulance login" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{id}/status with qos = 2 when logging in.
  2. Publish "ambulance logout" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{id}/status with qos = 2 when logging out.

Requesting and streaming locations

  1. Subscribe to ambulance/{id}/data
  2. Publish {"location_client": client_id} to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{id}/data.
  3. Start streaming locations when location_client in ambulance/{id}/data matches client_id.
  4. Stop streaming locations when location_client in ambulance/{id}/data no longer matches client_id.
  5. Publish {"location_client": ""} to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{id}/data to stop streaming data or hijack current streaming source.

Accepting calls

  1. Make sure application is streaming location.
  2. Subscribe to ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/+/status
  3. Wait for "Requested" in ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status and retrieve call-id.
  4. Subscribe to call/{call-id}/data
  5. Wait to retrieve data and prompt user to accept call.
  6. Publish "Accepted" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  7. Receive "Ongoing" on ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  8. Publish patient bound (PB) as status to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{call-id}/data
  9. Publish other status updates, e.g. at patient (AP), hospital bound (HB), etc, as status to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{call-id}/data.
  10. When call is finished, publish "Finished" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  11. Receive "Completed" on ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  12. Unsubscribe to call/{call-id}/data

Rejecting calls

  1. Follow steps 1.-5. as in "Accepting Calls".
  2. Publish "Declined" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  3. Receive "Declined" on ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  4. Unsubscribe to call/{call-id}/data

Suspending calls

  1. Follow steps 1.-8. as in "Accepting Calls".
  2. Publish "Suspended" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  3. Receive "Requested" on ambulance/{ambulance-id}/call/{call-id}/status.
  4. Unsubscribe to call/{call-id}/data

Additional handshake for hospital clients

  1. Publish "online" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/hospital/{id}/status with qos = 2 and retain = true when logging in.
  2. Publish "offline" to clear user/{username}/client/{client-id}/hospital/{id}/status when logging out.

Retrieving information

  1. Subscribe to ambulance/{id}/data to retrieve ambulance information. Expected format is:

      "id": 2,
      "identifier": "BUH4321",
      "capability": "A",
      "status": "AV",
      "orientation": 0,
      "location": {
        "latitude": "32.51667385665262",
        "longitude": "-117.0299291610718"
      "timestamp": null,
      "location_client": "clientUniqueId12345678",
      "comment": null,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "updated_on": "2018-01-17T01:15:45.972000Z"
  2. Subscribe to hospital/{id}/data to retrieve hospital information. Expected format is:

      "id": 34,
      "number": "1234",
      "street": "Unknown Street",
      "unit": null,
      "neighborhood": null,
      "city": "Tijuana",
      "state": "BC",
      "zipcode": "92093",
      "country": "MX",
      "location": {
        "latitude": "32.5149",
        "longitude": "-117.0382"
      "name": "Hospital Nuevo",
      "comment": null,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "updated_on": "2018-01-16T18:17:19.678000Z",
      "hospitalequipment_set": [
          "hospital_id": 1,
          "equipment_id": 6,
          "equipment_name": "CT Scan",
          "equipment_type": "B",
          "value": "True",
          "comment": null,
          "updated_by": 9,
          "updated_on": "2018-04-20T04:00:52.164571Z"
          "hospital_id": 1,
          "equipment_id": 4,
          "equipment_name": "Number of Ventilators (ER)",
          "equipment_type": "I",
          "value": "5",
          "comment": null,
          "updated_by": 9,
          "updated_on": "2018-04-20T03:59:55.016004Z"
  3. Subscribe to hospital/{id}/metadata to retrieve hospital equipment metadata information. Expected format is:

        "id": 2,
        "name": "Beds",
        "etype": "I",
        "toggleable": false
  4. Subscribe to hospital/{id}/equipment/{equipment-id}/data to retrieve hospital equipment information. Expected format is:

      "hospital_id": 38,
      "equipment_id": 2,
      "equipment_name": "Beds",
      "equipment_etype": "I",
      "value": "132",
      "comment": null,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "updated_on": "2018-01-16T22:39:45.280000Z"
  5. Subscribe to call/{id}/data to retrieve call information. Expected format is:

      "id": 3,
      "status": "AV",
      "details": null,
      "priority": "A",
      "number": 169,
      "street": "Unknown Street",
      "unit": null,
      "neighborhood': null,
      "city": "Tijuana",
      "state": "BC",
      "zipcode": "92093",
      "country": "MX",
      "location": {
        "latitude": "32.51667385665262",
        "longitude": "-117.0299291610718"
      "created_at": "2018-01-17T00:00:45.972000Z"
      "pending_at": "2018-01-17T00:00:45.972000Z"
      "started_at": "2018-01-17T00:01:00.972000Z"
      "ended_at": "2018-01-17T02:15:45.972000Z"
      "comment": null,
      "updated_by": 1,
      "updated_on": "2018-01-17T01:15:45.972000Z",
      "ambulancecalltime_set": null,   //need modified
      "patient_set": [{"id": 345, "name": "A", "age": 37}]

Updating information

  1. Publish to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{id}/data to update ambulance information.

  2. Publish to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/hospital/{id}/data to update hospital information.

  3. Publish to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/hospital/{id}/equipment/{equipment-id}/data to update hospital equipment information.

Format is the same as shown in Section Retrieving information.

Logging out

  1. Publish "offline" to user/{username}/client/{client-id}/status with qos = 1 and retain = True.

Correspondence between API calls and MQTT topics


GET api/ambulance/ --- --- List of ambulances
POST api/ambulance/ --- --- Create new ambulance
GET api/ambulance/{id}/ SUB ambulance/{id}/data Get existing ambulance
PATCH/PUT api/ambulance/{id}/ PUB user/{username}/client/{client-id}/ambulance/{id}/data Modify existing ambulance


GET api/hospital/ --- --- List of hospitals
POST api/hospital/ --- --- Create new hospital
GET api/hospital/{id}/ SUB hospital/{id}/data Get existing hospital
PATCH/PUT api/hospital/{id}/ PUB user/{username}/client/{client-id}/hospital/{id}/data Modify existing hospital

Hospital Equipment

GET api/hospital/{id}/equipment/ --- --- List of hospital equipment
GET api/hospital/{id}/equipment/{equipment__name}/ SUB hospital/{id}/equipment/{equipment__name}/data Get existing hospital equipment
PATCH/PUT api/hospital/{id}/equipment/{equipment__name}/ PUB user/{username}/client/{client-id}/hospital/{id}/equipment/{equipment__name}/data Modify existing hospital equipment
GET api/hospital/{id}/metadata/ SUB hospital/{id}/metadata Hospital equipment metadata


GET api/user/{username}/profile/ SUB user/{username}/profile List of hospital and ambulance permissions


GET api/settings/ SUB settings Retrieve settings and defaults

MQTT exclusive topics

METHOD MQTT Description
SUB user/{username}/client/{client-id}/error Error messages from django generated after successfully posting a message
SUB user/{username}/client/{client-id}/status Used to communicate connection status of client: "online" and "offline" should be posted at login and logout. "disconnected" should be posted as a will message in case of unexpected disconnection.