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siganalogies for morphological analogies using Sigmorphon 2016 and 2019

The siganalogies package is design to manipulate morphological analogies built upon Sigmorphon 2016 and Sigmorphon 2019 in PyTorch.


Comming soon:

  • bilingual datasets (analogies between two similar languages);
  • examples of usage;
  • spliting of the data folowing the procédure of the articles by Alsaidi et al.

How to cite

To cite this dataset, use the following reference:

  • For this dataset:
        To be completed in the very near future.


The references of the datasets on wich the present dataset bases itself are as follow:

  • For Sigmorphon 2016:
      author    = {Cotterell, Ryan and Kirov, Christo and Sylak-Glassman, John and Yarowsky, David and Eisner, Jason and Hulden, Mans},
      title     = {The {SIGMORPHON} 2016 Shared Task---Morphological Reinflection},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 Meeting of {SIGMORPHON}},
      month     = {August},
      year      = {2016},
      address   = {Berlin, Germany},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}
  • For the Japanese data added to Sigmorphon 2016, from the Japanese Bigger Analogy Test Set:
      author = {Marzena Karpinska and Bofang Li and Anna Rogers and Aleksandr Drozd},
      title = {Subcharacter Information in Japanese embeddings: when is it worth it?},
      year = {2018},
      booktitle = {Workshop on the Relevance of Linguistic Structure in Neural Architectures for NLP},
      address = {Melbourne, Australia},
      pages = {28-37},
      publisher = {ACL}
  • For Sigmorphon 2019:
      title = "The {SIGMORPHON} 2019 Shared Task: Morphological Analysis in Context and Cross-Lingual Transfer for Inflection",
      author = "McCarthy, Arya D.  and
        Vylomova, Ekaterina  and
        Wu, Shijie  and
        Malaviya, Chaitanya  and
        Wolf-Sonkin, Lawrence  and
        Nicolai, Garrett  and
        Kirov, Christo  and
        Silfverberg, Miikka  and
        Mielke, Sabrina J.  and
        Heinz, Jeffrey  and
        Cotterell, Ryan  and
        Hulden, Mans",
      booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology",
      month = aug,
      year = "2019",
      address = "Florence, Italy",
      publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
      url = "",
      doi = "10.18653/v1/W19-4226",
      pages = "229--244",


Python >= 3.8 and PyTorch are required for siganalogies. The code was designed with PyTorch 1.10, but most versions equiped with the class should work.


The recommended file structure is as follows:

├── siganalogies/ (this package)
│   ├── precomputed/ (serialized datasets)
│   │   ├── 2016
│   │   └── 2019
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── sigmorphon2016/
│   ├── data
│   └── ...
├── sigmorphon2019/
│   ├── task1
│   └── ...
└── ...

To use, either copy all the files in a folder named siganalogies or clone this repository into your project (typically as a submodule).

You will also need to clone Sigmorphon 2016 and Sigmorphon 2019 into corresponding folders.

This can be done using the following commands, to be run from your project directory.

git clone
git clone sigmorphon2016
git clone sigmorphon2019
cp siganalogies/japanese-task1-train sigmorphon2016/data/japanese-task1-train

If you are in a repository, we recommend that you use git submodule add instead of git clone.

[OPTIONAL] Get pre-computed dataset files for analysis or faster first loading

When using the dataser factory described in Factories, if you pass download=True (the default) the corresponding file will be downloaded if it does not exist and force_rebuild is False (the default).

If you also specify serialization=False, no data will be saved locally. This could be useful for applications on devices with limited storage space.

Be careful. Some pre-computed dataset files do not exist on the remote.

Basic usage

To manipulate the analogies, you will first need to load a dataset object using the dataset factories. You will then be able to use the dataset as any other, each element being a quadruple.

The dataset object contains analogies of the form $A:B::C:D$ and $A:B::A:B$, but not the corresponding augmented forms (i.e. permutations). We recommend to apply data augmentation to add said augmented forms.

Config file

Some configuration, in particular data paths, can be changed for every iteration. A cleaner option is to create a siganalogies.cfg.json file in your project and specify the configuration here. The format of this JSON file is a dictionary with as keys the name of the configuration, followed by the configuraion new default value.

The JSON file can be located either in your working directory (such that, from your script, open('siganalogies.cfg.json') can find the file) or in the siganalogies package folder (not recommended).

For example, let us change the value of siganalogies.config.SIG2016_DATASET_PATH and siganalogies.config.SIG2019_DATASET_PATH. The corresponding siganalogies.cfg.json file will be:

  "SIG2016_DATASET_PATH": "new/path/to/sigmorphon2016/data/",
  "SIG2019_DATASET_PATH": "new/path/to/sigmorphon2019/task1/"

Supported configuration names are:

  • SERIALIZATION (default True);
  • DOWNLOAD (default True);
  • AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SIG (default False, not used yet);
  • DATASET_PATH (default <siganalogies root>/precomputed/);
  • SIG2016_DATASET_PATH (default <siganalogies root>/sigmorphon2016/data/);
  • SIG2019_DATASET_PATH (default <siganalogies root>/sigmorphon2019/task1/);

Other configurations in siganalogies.config should not be modified.

[COMING SOON] If AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SIG is set to True, when trying to access Sigmorphon 2019 or 2016, if the files are missing, they will be downloaded.

Dataset object

Dataset objects are subclasses of and should be created using factories.

A dataset object has the following attributes:

  • language: the dataset language;
  • mode: the subset of the language data, using the separation done in Sigmorphon (for Sigmorphon 2016: train, dev, test; for Sigmorphon 2019 high resource languages: train-high; for Sigmorphon 2019 low resource languages: train-low, dev, test; test-covered is supported for neither dataset);
  • word_encoder: the word encoding strategy, used by the dataset object (char to encode using character IDs based on the characters of the training dataset, or none to return the text itself, which is useful when using a custom encoding strategy); available Encoders are in the siganalogies.encoders sub-package;
  • several other statistic-oriented attributes are computed when building the dataset:
    • features: a list of all the features in the dataset;
    • word_voc: a list of all the words in the dataset;
    • features_with_analogies: a list of all the features in the dataset which are present in at least one analogy;
    • words_with_analogies: a list of all the words in the dataset which are present in at least one analogy.

A dataset object has the key methods of a PyTorch Dataset object (__len__ and __getitem__) as well as the following methods, none of which should be used in a standard usage (trust the factories to deal with things accordingly):

  • state_dict, and the corresponding static method Dataset.from_state_dict, used in background by the factories to save and load datasets;
  • prepare_encoder to prepare the word encoding;
  • set_analogy_classes to compute the analogical pairs;


Manually creating a dataset using its __init__ call is not recommended, use the generic factory or the dataset-specific factories, as they handle saving and loading the data.

If you are unsure the data saved is correct, you can specify force_rebuild=True to the factory function.

You can download the pre-computed dataset file if it does not already exits using download=True, to avoid the time required for the first initialization. See [OPTIONAL] Get pre-computed dataset files for analysis or faster first loading for details.

To load the metadata without loading the data, you can specify load_data=False. Combined with serialization=False and download=True, it alows to analyse some properties of the dataset without having the Sigmorphon files.

If you do not want to use serialized dataset (hence recompute the analogies each time) you can specify serialization=False to the factory function. To disable precomputed dataset files once, specify serialization=False in the factory. To disable dataset files globaly, change SERIALIZATION=True to SERIALIZATION=False in siganalogies/ or in the config file. Unless you also specify force_rebuild=True, the existing serialized datasets will still be used.

Generic factory

The generic factory is used to unify calls to dataset-specific factories. Typical usage is when Sigmorphon 2016 and Sigmorphon 2019 will be used interchangeably. To use the generic factory, refer to the dataset specific explanation of the key-word arguments.

from siganalogies import dataset_factory

dataset = dataset_factory(dataset="2016", **kwargs)

Dataset-specific factories

Specify dataset_pkl_folder if you do not use the recommended structure to store the precomputed dataset files. Defaults are:

  • siganalogies.config.SIG2016_SERIALIZATION_PATH="siganalogies/precomputed/2016"
  • siganalogies.config.SIG2019_SERIALIZATION_PATH="siganalogies/precomputed/2019"

Specify dataset_folder if you do not use the recommended structure to store the datasets. Defaults are:

  • siganalogies.config.SIG2016_DATASET_PATH="siganalogies/sigmorphon2016/data"
  • siganalogies.config.SIG2019_DATASET_PATH="siganalogies/sigmorphon2019/task1"

For all the datasets, word_encoding can be either "char" for character-based encoding, or either None or "none", if no encoding is applied and the raw text data is returned.

For Sigmorphon 2016, the available languages are listed in siganalogies.config.SIG2016_LANGUAGES. The available modes are train, dev, and test, also listed in siganalogies.config.SIG2016_MODES.

from siganalogies import dataset_factory_2016, SIG2016_SERIALIZATION_PATH, SIG2016_DATASET_PATH, SERIALIZATION

dataset = dataset_factory(

For Sigmorphon 2019, the available languages are split in two categories:

  • high ressource languages, listed in siganalogies.config.SIG2019_HIGH, and the corresponding mode are train-high, also listed in siganalogies.config.SIG2019_HIGH_MODES;
  • low ressource languages, listed in siganalogies.config.SIG2019_LOW, and the corresponding modes are train, dev, and test, also listed in siganalogies.config.SIG2019_LOW_MODES.
from siganalogies import dataset_factory_2019, SIG2019_SERIALIZATION_PATH, SIG2019_DATASET_PATH, SERIALIZATION

dataset = dataset_factory(

Data encoding

There are two strategies available for word encoding.

  1. The first strategy is to provide, depending on the needs, an existing or custom encoders.Encoder object, "char", or "none"/None/id to the Sigmorphon Dataset object. This will apply the encoding at each call of the dataset's __getitem__ method.
  2. The second strategy is to do the encoding in a collate function of PyTorch or the equivalent in whatever language you are using. There, you can also use an existing or custom encoders.Encoder object, or define the collate function to fit your needs.

Data augmentation and contain implementations of the data augmentation process, respectively with (default setting) or without central permutations among the predicates of analogy.

There are 3 key functions in each file:

  • enrich(a, b, c, d) generates equivalent/valid/positive permutations from a valid permutation;
  • generate_negative(a, b, c, d) generates invalid/negative permutations from a valid/positive one;
  • n_pos_n_neg(a, b, c, d, n=-1) combines the two, and computes the invalid (i.e., negative) analogies from each permutation generated by enrich(a, b, c, d). Using a positive value for n results in a sampling process such that we end up with n positive and n negative permutations. After all the valid and invalid permutations are computed, for each of the two sets of permutations:
    • if there are exactly n permutations, we return them;
    • if there are more than n permutations available, we sample n among them;
    • if there is less than n available, we sample additional permutations among until we have a total of n.

Augmented forms (i.e. permutations)

From $A:B::C:D$ we can have the following equivalent permutations (or forms):

  • $A:B::C:D$ (the base form)
  • $A:C::B:D$
  • $B:A::D:C$
  • $B:D::A:C$
  • $C:D::A:B$
  • $C:A::D:B$
  • $D:C::B:A$
  • $D:B::C:A$

We can also compute forms which should not be valid analogies, by permuting each analogical form $A:B::C:D$ above to obtain:

  • $A:A::C:D$
  • $B:A::C:D$
  • $C:B::A:D$

The above process is implemented in

Augmented forms (i.e. permutations) with central permutation not accepted as a property of analogy

From $A:B::C:D$ we can have the following equivalent permutations (or forms):

  • $A:B::C:D$ (the base form)
  • $B:A::D:C$
  • $C:D::A:B$
  • $D:C::B:A$

We can also compute forms which should not be valid analogies, by permuting each analogical form $A:B::C:D$ above to obtain:

  • $A:A::C:D$
  • $B:A::C:D$

The above process is implemented in

Augmented forms (i.e. permutations) with central permutation considered a non-property of analogy

If we consider central permutation a property analogy must not have, we add the following forms (involving central permutation) which should not be valid analogies:

  • $C:B::A:D$
  • $A:C::B:D$

The above process is implemented in, but requires specifying the keyword argument cp_undefined=False. In other words, not only central permutation is not valid, but it is considered a non-property instead of merely being undefined.

Dataset description

See siganalogies_description.pdf.

Publications using this dataset

To be completed.

[NOT RECOMMENDED] Minimal usage with pickle and dataset serialization files

It is possible to access the pre-computed data directly, using the following:

from pickle import load

data = load(open("precomputed/2019/adyghe-train-high-none.pkl", "rb"))

The pickled data files do not contain the data itself, even if they are usable without the actual data from Sigmorphon 2016 and Sigmorphon 2019.

The pickled data files follow the following pattern: <language>-<mode>-<word encoding>.pkl.

data will be a dictionary with the following keys:

  • timestamp: the timestamp of the creation of the pickled data;
  • all the key attributes of a dataset object: language, mode, word_encoding, char_voc and char_voc_id (if word_encoding is char), features,word_voc, features_with_analogies, and words_with_analogies.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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