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adds a normalized cross correlation as an alternative similarity metric
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marcdegraef committed Oct 6, 2020
1 parent d558d6b commit 9b56e35
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Showing 5 changed files with 99 additions and 34 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NamelistTemplates/EMEBSDDI.template
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
! 'dynamic' for on the fly indexing or 'static' for pre calculated dictionary
indexingmode = 'dynamic',
! use the normalized dot product 'ndp' or the normalized cross correlation 'ncc' as the similarity metric
similaritymetric = 'ndp',
Expand Down
64 changes: 46 additions & 18 deletions Source/EMOpenCLLib/Indexingmod.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ module Indexingmod
!> @date 02/07/20 MDG 4.0 integration with new wrapper routine; adds optional arguments
!> @date 02/22/20 MDG 4.1 split of call back routines
!> @date 06/01/20 MDG 5.0 change in handling of pattern binning (as of EMsoft version 5.0.3)
!> @date 10/06/20 MDG 5.1 added normalized cross correlation as optional similarity metric
subroutine EBSDDIdriver(Cnmldeffile, Cprogname, cproc, ctimeproc, cerrorproc, objAddress, cancel) &
bind(c, name='EBSDDIdriver')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,8 +267,8 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver
real(kind=dbl) :: prefactor
character(fnlen) :: xtalname
integer(kind=irg) :: binx,biny,TID,nthreads,Emin,Emax, iiistart, iiiend, jjend
real(kind=sgl) :: sx,dx,dxm,dy,dym,rhos,x,projweight, dp, mvres, nel, emult
real(kind=sgl) :: dc(3),quat(4),ixy(2),bindx
real(kind=sgl) :: sx,dx,dxm,dy,dym,rhos,x,projweight, dp, mvres, nel, emult, mean, sdev
real(kind=sgl) :: dc(3),quat(4),ixy(2),bindx, Nval, Nval2
integer(kind=irg) :: nix,niy,nixp,niyp
real(kind=sgl) :: euler(3)
integer(kind=irg) :: indx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,6 +303,13 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver
! deal with the namelist stuff
call GetEBSDIndexingNameList(nmldeffile,dinl)

if (dinl%similaritymetric.eq.'ndp') then
call Message('--> Using normalized dot product as similarity metric')
end if
if (dinl%similaritymetric.eq.'ncc') then
call Message('--> Using normalized cross correlation as similarity metric')
end if

! binned pattern array size for experimental patterns
binx = dinl%exptnumsx/dinl%binning
biny = dinl%exptnumsy/dinl%binning
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -953,6 +961,10 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver
cancelled = .FALSE.
end if

Nval = 1.0/float(binx*biny)
Nval2 = 1.0/float(binx*biny-1)

dictionaryloop: do ii = 1,cratio+1
results = 0.0

Expand All @@ -976,7 +988,8 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver
end if

!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(TID,iii,jj,ll,mm,pp,ierr,io_int, vlen, tock, ttime, dicttranspose, EBSDdictpatflt) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(binned, ma, mi, EBSDpatternintd, EBSDpatterninteger, EBSDpatternad, quat, imagedictflt, imagedictfltflip)
!$OMP& PRIVATE(binned, ma, mi, EBSDpatternintd, EBSDpatterninteger, EBSDpatternad, quat, imagedictflt, imagedictfltflip) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(mean, sdev)

! allocate the local arrays that are used by each thread
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1032,8 +1045,11 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver

call InnerProdGPU(cl_expt,cl_dict,Ne,Nd,correctsize,results,numd,dinl%devid,kernel,context,command_queue)

if (dinl%similaritymetric.eq.'ncc') results = results * Nval

dp = maxval(results)
if ( mvres = dp
write (*,*) jj,pp,'; max/min ncc = ',dp, minval(results)

! this might be simplified later for the remainder of the patterns
do qq = 1,ppendE(jj)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1139,23 +1155,33 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver
call CalcEBSDPatternSingleFull(jpar,quat,accum_e_MC,mLPNH,mLPSH,EBSDdetector%rgx,&

if (dinl%scalingmode .eq. 'gam') then
binned = binned**dinl%gammavalue
end if

! hi pass filtering
! hi pass filtering (disabled)
! rdata = dble(binned)
! fdata = HiPassFilter(rdata,dims,w)
! binned = sngl(fdata)

if (dinl%similaritymetric.eq.'ndp') then
! adaptive histogram equalization
ma = maxval(binned)
mi = minval(binned)

EBSDpatternintd = ((binned - mi)/ (ma-mi))
EBSDpatterninteger = nint(EBSDpatternintd*255.0)
EBSDpatternad = adhisteq(dinl%nregions,binx,biny,EBSDpatterninteger)
binned = float(EBSDpatternad)
ma = maxval(binned)
mi = minval(binned)

EBSDpatternintd = ((binned - mi)/ (ma-mi))
EBSDpatterninteger = nint(EBSDpatternintd*255.0)
EBSDpatternad = adhisteq(dinl%nregions,binx,biny,EBSDpatterninteger)
binned = float(EBSDpatternad)
else ! use normalized cross correlation
binned = binned * mask
mean = sum(binned) * Nval
binned = binned - mean
sdev = sqrt(Nval2 * sum( binned*binned ))
binned = binned / sdev
end if

imagedictflt = 0.0
imagedictfltflip = 0.0
Expand All @@ -1166,13 +1192,15 @@ END SUBROUTINE ProgCallBackTypeErrorDIdriver
end do

! normalize and apply circular mask
imagedictflt(1:L) = imagedictflt(1:L) * masklin(1:L)
vlen = vecnorm(imagedictflt(1:correctsize))
if ( then
imagedictflt(1:correctsize) = imagedictflt(1:correctsize)/vlen
imagedictflt(1:correctsize) = 0.0
end if
if (dinl%similaritymetric.eq.'ndp') then
imagedictflt(1:L) = imagedictflt(1:L) * masklin(1:L)
vlen = vecnorm(imagedictflt(1:correctsize))
if ( then
imagedictflt(1:correctsize) = imagedictflt(1:correctsize)/vlen
imagedictflt(1:correctsize) = 0.0
end if
end if

dict((pp-1)*correctsize+1:pp*correctsize) = imagedictflt(1:correctsize)

Expand Down
51 changes: 37 additions & 14 deletions Source/EMsoftHDFLib/patternmod.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1470,6 +1470,7 @@ end subroutine patternmod_errormessage
!> @date 04/01/18 MDG 1.0 original
!> @date 04/04/18 MDG 1.1 added optional exptIQ parameter
!> @date 06/02/20 MDG 2.0 changed handling of pattern binning (version 5.0.3)
!> @date 10/06/20 MDG 2.1 add option for normalized cross correlation
recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, masklin, correctsize, totnumexpt, &
epatterns, exptIQ)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1515,11 +1516,11 @@ recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, mas
integer(HSIZE_T) :: dims3(3), offset3(3)
integer(kind=irg),parameter :: iunitexpt = 41, itmpexpt = 42, itmpexpt2 = 43
integer(kind=irg) :: tickstart, tstop
real(kind=sgl) :: vlen, tmp, ma, mi, io_real(1)
real(kind=sgl) :: vlen, tmp, ma, mi, io_real(1), Nval, Nval2, mean, sdev
real(kind=dbl) :: w, Jres, sclfct
integer(kind=irg),allocatable :: EBSDpint(:,:)
real(kind=sgl),allocatable :: tmpimageexpt(:), EBSDPattern(:,:), exppatarray(:), EBSDpat(:,:), pat1D(:), &
Pepatterns(:,:), mask(:,:)
real(kind=dbl),allocatable :: rrdata(:,:), ffdata(:,:), ksqarray(:,:), inpat(:,:), outpat(:,:)
complex(kind=dbl),allocatable :: hpmask(:,:)
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX),pointer :: inp(:,:), outp(:,:)
Expand All @@ -1529,6 +1530,11 @@ recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, mas

call Message('Preprocessing experimental patterns')

if (ebsdnl%similaritymetric.eq.'ncc') then
mask = reshape(masklin,(/ebsdnl%exptnumsx,ebsdnl%exptnumsy/))
end if

! define a bunch of mostly integer parameters

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1685,13 +1691,16 @@ recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, mas
call WriteValue(' binned size : ',io_int,2,"(I4,' x ',I4)")
end if

Nval = 1.0/float(Px*Py)
Nval2 = 1.0/float(Px*Py-1)

! ===================================================================================
! we do one row at a time
prepexperimentalloop: do iii = iiistart,iiiend

! start the OpenMP portion
!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(TID, jj, kk, mi, ma, istat, ip, op) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(tmpimageexpt, EBSDPat, rrdata, ffdata, EBSDpint, vlen, tmp, inp, outp)
!$OMP& PRIVATE(tmpimageexpt, EBSDPat, rrdata, ffdata, EBSDpint, vlen, tmp, inp, outp, mean, sdev)

! set the thread ID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1736,6 +1745,8 @@ recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, mas
! then loop in parallel over all patterns to perform the preprocessing steps
do jj=1,jjend

! convert imageexpt to 2D EBSD Pattern array
do kk=1,Py
EBSDPat(1:Px,kk) = exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+(kk-1)*Px+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+kk*Px)
Expand All @@ -1751,25 +1762,37 @@ recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, mas
ffdata = applyHiPassFilter(rrdata, (/ Px, Py /), w, hpmask, inp, outp, HPplanf, HPplanb)
EBSDPat = sngl(ffdata)

! in ncc mode, we multiply by the mask before scaling the intensities

if (ebsdnl%similaritymetric.eq.'ndp') then
! adaptive histogram equalization
ma = maxval(EBSDPat)
mi = minval(EBSDPat)
ma = maxval(EBSDPat)
mi = minval(EBSDPat)

EBSDpint = nint(((EBSDPat - mi) / (ma-mi))*255.0)
EBSDPat = float(adhisteq(ebsdnl%nregions,Px,Py,EBSDpint))
EBSDpint = nint(((EBSDPat - mi) / (ma-mi))*255.0)
EBSDPat = float(adhisteq(ebsdnl%nregions,Px,Py,EBSDpint))
else ! use normalized cross correlation so subtract mean and divided by standard deviation
EBSDPat = EBSDPat * mask
mean = sum(EBSDPat) * Nval
EBSDPat = EBSDPat - mean
sdev = sqrt(Nval2 * sum( EBSDPat*EBSDPat ))
EBSDPat = EBSDPat / sdev
end if

! convert back to 1D vector
do kk=1,Py
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+(kk-1)*Px+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+kk*Px) = EBSDPat(1:Px,kk)
end do

! apply circular mask and normalize for the dot product computation
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) = exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) * masklin(1:PL)
vlen = vecnorm(exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL))
if ( then
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) = exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL)/vlen
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) = 0.0
if (ebsdnl%similaritymetric.eq.'ndp') then
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) = exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) * masklin(1:PL)
vlen = vecnorm(exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL))
if ( then
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) = exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL)/vlen
exppatarray((jj-1)*Ppatsz+1:(jj-1)*Ppatsz+PL) = 0.0
end if
end if
end do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1857,7 +1880,7 @@ recursive subroutine PreProcessPatterns(nthreads, inRAM, ebsdnl, binx, biny, mas
! convert outpat to a 1D array for writing to file or epatterns array
pat1D = sngl(reshape(outpat, (/ BL /) ))
! normalize the pattern
pat1D = pat1D/vecnorm(pat1D)
if (ebsdnl%similaritymetric.eq.'ndp') pat1D = pat1D/vecnorm(pat1D)
if (inRAM.eqv..TRUE.) then
epatterns(1:Bpatsz, jj) = pat1D(1:BL)
Expand Down
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions Source/EMsoftLib/NameListHandlers.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4107,10 +4107,11 @@ recursive subroutine GetBSENameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
character(fnlen) :: useangles
character(fnlen) :: imagefile
character(fnlen) :: masterfile
character(fnlen) :: Kosselmasterfile
character(fnlen) :: datafile

! define the IO namelist to facilitate passing variables to the program.
namelist / BSEdata / energymin, energymax, beamcurrent, dwelltime, gammavalue, workingdistance, BSEdistance, &
namelist / BSEdata / energymin, energymax, beamcurrent, dwelltime, gammavalue, workingdistance, BSEdistance, Kosselmasterfile, &
rin, rout, NsqL, nthreads, scalingmode, useangles, imagefile, masterfile, datafile, incidence

Expand All @@ -4131,6 +4132,7 @@ recursive subroutine GetBSENameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
useangles = 'original'
imagefile = 'undefined'
masterfile = 'undefined'
Kosselmasterfile = 'undefined'
datafile = 'undefined'

if (present(initonly)) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4159,6 +4161,10 @@ recursive subroutine GetBSENameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
call FatalError('GetBSENameList:',' master pattern file name is undefined in '//nmlfile)
end if

if (trim(Kosselmasterfile).eq.'undefined') then
call FatalError('GetBSENameList:',' Kossel master pattern file name is undefined in '//nmlfile)
end if

if (trim(datafile).eq.'undefined') then
call FatalError('GetBSENameList:',' DI input file name is undefined in '//nmlfile)
end if
Expand All @@ -4182,6 +4188,7 @@ recursive subroutine GetBSENameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
enl%useangles = useangles
enl%imagefile = trim(imagefile)
enl%masterfile = trim(masterfile)
enl%Kosselmasterfile = trim(Kosselmasterfile)
enl%datafile = trim(datafile)

end subroutine GetBSENameList
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6460,6 +6467,7 @@ recursive subroutine GetEBSDIndexingNameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
character(1) :: maskpattern
character(1) :: keeptmpfile
character(3) :: scalingmode
character(3) :: similaritymetric
character(3) :: Notify
character(fnlen) :: dotproductfile
character(fnlen) :: masterfile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6497,7 +6505,7 @@ recursive subroutine GetEBSDIndexingNameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
scalingmode, maskpattern, energyaverage, L, omega, nthreads, energymax, datafile, angfile, ctffile, &
ncubochoric, numexptsingle, numdictsingle, ipf_ht, ipf_wd, nnk, nnav, exptfile, maskradius, inputtype, &
dictfile, indexingmode, hipassw, stepX, stepY, tmpfile, avctffile, nosm, eulerfile, Notify, maskfile, &
section, HDFstrings, ROI, keeptmpfile, multidevid, usenumd, nism, isangle, refinementNMLfile
section, HDFstrings, ROI, keeptmpfile, multidevid, usenumd, nism, isangle, refinementNMLfile, similaritymetric

! set the input parameters to default values (except for xtalname, which must be present)
ncubochoric = 50
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6539,6 +6547,7 @@ recursive subroutine GetEBSDIndexingNameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
maskpattern = 'n' ! 'y' or 'n' to include a circular mask
Notify = 'Off'
scalingmode = 'not' ! intensity selector ('lin', 'gam', or 'not')
similaritymetric = 'ndp'
masterfile = 'undefined' ! filename
dotproductfile = 'undefined'
energymin = 10.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6664,6 +6673,7 @@ recursive subroutine GetEBSDIndexingNameList(nmlfile, enl, initonly)
enl%beamcurrent = beamcurrent
enl%dwelltime = dwelltime
enl%scalingmode = scalingmode
enl%similaritymetric = similaritymetric
enl%ncubochoric = ncubochoric
enl%omega = omega
enl%energymin = energymin
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Source/EMsoftLib/NameListTypedefs.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ module NameListTypedefs
character(fnlen) :: useangles
character(fnlen) :: imagefile
character(fnlen) :: masterfile
character(fnlen) :: Kosselmasterfile
character(fnlen) :: datafile
end type BSENameListType

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1349,6 +1350,7 @@ module NameListTypedefs
character(1) :: maskpattern
character(3) :: scalingmode
character(3) :: Notify
character(3) :: similaritymetric
!character(3) :: eulerconvention
!character(3) :: outputformat
character(1) :: keeptmpfile
Expand Down

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