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DAWN-472 ⁃ Bandwidth Rate Limiting & Storage Usage Limits #353

bytemaster opened this issue Sep 6, 2017 · 9 comments · Fixed by #1979

DAWN-472 ⁃ Bandwidth Rate Limiting & Storage Usage Limits #353

bytemaster opened this issue Sep 6, 2017 · 9 comments · Fixed by #1979


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bytemaster commented Sep 6, 2017

Types of Consensus

  1. Soft Consensus - enforced only by block producers
  2. Hard Consensus - enforced by all full nodes

Resource Types

  1. Bandwidth (rate limited, soft consensus)
  2. Computation (rate limited, soft consensus)
  3. Database (locks tokens until released, hard consensus)
  4. IPFS (locks tokens until released, hard consensus)
  5. Print Log (per-contact stdout)
  6. Event Log (per-contact structured output)

Measuring Resources

  1. Bandwidth - binary size of processed transaction as it exists in block
  2. Computation - all transactions assumed to consume max quantum (1 ms) of CPU
    • each scope has its own measure of average use and all scopes (read or write) charge for 1 ms
  3. Database - based on size of created / released records + estimated overhead
  4. IPFS - based on the size of the declared file and only after producer confirms it as stored

Who to Bill

In this case billing applies to which account has their resource usage adjusted.

  1. Bandwidth - the user(s) who authorized the transaction (all billed equally even if it double bills)
  2. Computation - the user(s) who authorized the transaction (all billed equally even if it double bills)
  3. Database - the code account which executes the transaction
  4. IPFS - the user who requests the file be stored in their account and can delete at will


The biggest challenge with all resource usage is to perform these calculations in a way that does not force everything into a single thread. The second biggest challenge is how to build blocks incrementally while doing resource calculations in parallel.

  1. the authorizing accounts are independent of the scopes and we would like to avoid looping them into the scope.
  2. the code account (used to bill storage) is often different from scope accounts (eg currency contact)
  3. storage and bandwidth use isn't known until after applying the transaction
  4. The order in which transactions are applied impacts the global usage and therefore the fractional reserve status on the various resources. This means there must be a deterministic means of updating this data.

Potential Solutions

  1. resource usage data is "constant" during a block and updated "between" blocks.
    • this works well for rate limiting
    • this does not work for storage (people can get double storage)
  2. apply resource usage as a 2nd pass validation over the elements in a cycle
    • this allows us to pipeline resource usage updates with the next cycle
    • this may cause us to invalidate previously included transactions
      • this is like a branch miss-prediction and forces us to reset and re-apply a cycle and every cycle after it.


  1. Enable Free Applications for Users
  2. Enable Developers to cover User Costs
  3. Don't make developers re-invent rate limiting
  4. Don't expose users to unexpected fees
  5. Keep things as soft consensus and not part of validation consensus

From a platform perspective these goals are conflicting. If applications cover the costs then applications must implement their own rate limiting algorithm to prevent abuse and that also means the rate limiting is part of the hard consensus.


  1. User's can control if they transact and thus to spam or not to spam
  2. Application code controls allocation and release of storage
  3. Most users can transact with a very small balance
  4. Storage locks tokens until it freed

High Level Approach

  1. Charge rate-limited resources to users
  2. Charge database resources to application
  3. Charge IPFS to user


  1. User's initiate consumption of resources and are

Each write-scope implies a single-threaded throughput limit and maintains its own independent accounting of how many computation units an individual user has consumed in that scope.

Note: this issue is still under development and will need to be defined in greater detail before work can begin.

@bytemaster bytemaster self-assigned this Sep 6, 2017
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Proposed Design

Bandwidth rate limiting (BRL) will automatically limit computational usage if we assume that each message uses the maximum allowed computational time. If BRL is not part of hard consensus, then it can be implemented using any algorithm that an individual producer wants, including billing bandwidth sequentially as transactions come in, using locks, etc.

Each transaction contains a number of messages and each message defines a set of provided permissions which include the account authorizing the transaction.

     for each authorizing_account
         increment_bandwidth_used by trxsize / num_auth_accounts
         assert( bandwidth_used < allowed_bandwidth_per_staked_token )

All of these calculations should be implemented in the producer plugin and not in the chain plugin.

The only consensus state information needed for this is the current staking balance. All other information can be tracked by nodes outside the consensus process.

All full nodes need to run this, not just producers. Anyone participating in P2P network needs to help limit abuse.

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arhag commented Sep 6, 2017

Dan and I had a discussion about this issue today. Here is the summary of my understanding of what we concluded (as well as some of my later additional thoughts regarding the database memory usage limit design that we discussed):

Bandwidth and Computation Rate Limiting

Transactions are received from the network and put inside a ring buffer to later be scheduled into cycles and processed by other threads. But prior to being placed in the ring buffer, the transaction must go through a filter (let us denote that filter the "bandwidth/computation filter").

The bandwidth/computation filter maintains its own database (this is a bandwidth/computation quota database) separate from the databases holding contract state that are accessed during WebAssembly execution. The bandwidth/computation filter receives transactions from the network and then does a check / quota update for each of the accounts to be billed for bandwidth and computation usage of that transaction (these are the accounts that authorized the transaction).

The check / quota update consists of:

  1. accessing the current resource consumption values (calculated from the last update values and the current time) for each of the billed accounts;
  2. adding to them a resource consumption delta that assumes the worst-case for each of the resource types (in this case only bandwidth and computation);
  3. checking if any of those new calculated resource consumption values exceed the corresponding limit for each of the accounts;
  4. and, assuming the checks passed, storing those new calculated resource consumption values in the database for each respective account.

If any of the limits are exceeded that transaction is rejected right there. Otherwise, it moves on to the next stage: placed in the ring buffer to later be scheduled and processed.

To calculate a new resource consumption value assuming the worst-case, we need to determine what the worst-case values should actually be for both resource types in any given block. For the sake of easier implementation of the later resource consumption value updating stage, it would be helpful if these worst-case values were the same constants for all transactions. Ideally, they would remain constant over time as well, but it is still reasonable if they are only constant within any given block.

The worst-case value to use for computation rate limiting is the maximum time that a contract is allowed to execute; so, for example, that might be 1 ms. The worst-case value to use for bandwidth rate limiting determines the maximum allowed size of a processed transaction. On one hand, one would wish that it not be too small, so that useful transactions are not rejected. On the other hand, larger worst-case values mean that the user needs to keep a larger buffer in their quotas to be able to transact at all, even if the transaction they broadcast will end up (even after being processed) remaining a very small size compared to the maximum allowed processed transaction size.

During the later stages of the transactions lifetime, the transaction will ultimately either be rejected for a variety of possibly reasons or be accepted into a block. In either case, that transaction (which, if not rejected, is now a larger processed transaction which also includes metadata of how long the block producer claimed the contract took to run) needs to return back to the bandwidth/computation filter for the resource consumption value updating stage.

This updating stage reduces the resource consumption values (for each of the relevant accounts) to reflect the fact that the transaction did not (at least in most cases) actually use the maximum amount of computational resources (e.g. contract execution took less than 1 ms of CPU time) or bandwidth resources (i.e the processed transaction size is less than the maximum processed transaction size). And in the case of transaction rejection, the values are updated by subtracting the worst-case delta values that were added earlier. This stage is in place to be fair to the users and not bill them at worst-case rates if they did not use up the resources to that level (or to not bill them at all if the transaction was rejected).

Database Memory Usage Limits

Limiting database memory usage works very differently compared to the bandwidth and computation rate limiting described above.

The current memory usage of a contract would be stored in the regular database of the contract's account that is locked whenever access is needed to it during WebAssembly execution, rather than using a separate database as bandwidth and computation rate limiting do. EOS.IO database management code could then simply reject transactions that try to use more memory than they are allowed according to their current staked EOS tokens.

The justification for this design comes from the following facts. First, the actual net change in a contract's database memory usage is not known until after the contract completes execution. Second, rejecting a transaction for using too much database memory requires at least two pieces of information: the amount of database memory the contract is using after contract execution and the number of EOS tokens staked in the contract account. The staked tokens information is stored in the regular database of the contract's account so that the eos contract can unstake an account's EOS tokens while only needing that in the scope. Therefore, determining whether to reject a transaction for using too much database memory would ultimately require a lock on the account of the contract(s) used in the transaction. So, perhaps it makes sense to just keep the memory usage information in the same place as the number of staked EOS tokens and require the lock on the contract account during WebAssembly execution.

The negative consequence to that design (which I don't like but I haven't yet thought through other possible designs to see if they could actually have better performance than this design) is that anytime a contract needs to increase or decrease memory usage (even by a single byte) it needs to include the contract account as part of its required read/write scope.

At least with some contracts, this isn't a big deal in terms of performance. A transfer transaction for a currency contract would only need to require the currency account as part of its scope if the recipient of the transfer did not already have a database entry for their balance (e.g. if this was the first time their account was interacting with that currency contract). But a transfer between two accounts that already had a currency balance could avoid requiring the currency account as part of the transaction's scope.

I do think this is a slight downgrade in terms of the user experience. While the required scopes could be automatically determined by running the user's transaction in a simulated node, this would not be a perfect process because it would be based on old blockchain state.

For example, Alice may run her transfer from her alice account to the bob account in the simulated node and determine that the only scopes required are {alice, bob} since the bob account already has a currency balance. But between broadcasting her transfer transaction and having it processed by a block producer, Bob may have sent his entire currency balance to someone else. If the currency contract was designed to free up database objects (for the sake of reclaiming memory) if an account's balance went to 0, then the bob account would not have a currency balance by the time Alice's transfer transaction was processed. Then when Alice's transfer transaction was actually being processed, it would be rejected because EOS.IO would determine that the memory usage of the currency contract needed to increase and yet the transaction had not declared currency as part of the scope.

Perhaps the currency contract designer will choose to not remove database objects even if an account's balance goes to 0. In this case the required scope determined by the simulated node may be over-conservative (requiring the currency when it was actually not necessary by the time the transaction was processed), but it would be far less likely to lead to the poor user-experience of having a broadcast transaction unexpectedly fail due to missing scopes. So, in that case the currency contract designer would trade better user-experience for increased memory usage (and therefore more EOS tokens locked).

But the point is that this design of database memory usage limits requires contract developers to make these sorts of trade-offs. Also, the previous example only looked at a currency contract. Other contracts may have more difficulty avoiding memory usage changes with most of their transactions. For example, it is highly unlikely that most transactions for an exchange contract will lead to no net change in memory usage (bid/asks need to be created and zero or more of existing bids/asks may need to be removed as orders are filled). In the case of an exchange contract, this design adds no additional overhead because all the transactions require the exchange account in the scope anyway (bids/asks are stored within the database of the exchange account). But there may be many other contracts we have not thought of that will be burdened with much less concurrency (and thus less transaction throughput) because of this design of database memory usage limits.

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Database Memory Accounting

Currency Contract - on creation of new balances or emptying of balances
Exchange Contract - no overhead, accounting and app storage already in same scope
Social Media - every post and vote increases storage in scopes other than social
Escrow Contract - can reserve all space at time of creation, subsequent updates need not included Escrow scope.


Make the billing flexible so that developers can pass the expense (and locking requirements) on to their users. In this case the transaction would declare which scope to bill for storage. It can either be the "authorizing account" or the "contract account" as these are the two parties to the execution of the message.

With this arrangement, an escrow contract could ask the escrow-creator to pay the cost of storage. The creator would know the storage will be freed at the end of the transaction and therefore it will be a net cost of 0 EOS to use the escrow contract.

Under this arrangement the "voter" or "poster" would cover the cost of creating the storage for their vote, but again they could recover the cost when the post or vote expires.

This technique gives contract developers the greatest flexibility, but may push the problem back to user experience in either requiring temporary holding of EOS or requiring locking of the contract scope.

Note about Design History

Original design of EOS required all contracts to keep their state within their own scope and thus the billing / scoping / parallelism constraints were not a problem. This added design complexity around storage billing is a result of a breakthrough in enabling more scalable apps via user-local storage rather than contract-side storage. Our goal is to keep the performance benefits of user-local storage without abuse-prevention accounting getting in the way.

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Some random thoughts on how to implement database memory accounting efficiently:

The Relevant Data

  1. memory_used_by_contract
  2. memory_available_to_contract

Relevant Actions

  1. reduce_available_memory (so that user can claim tokens)
  2. adjust_used_memory

Required Invariants

  1. all transactions succeed regardless of which order they are applied
  2. all state is deterministic regardless of which order operations are applied


  1. withdraw_stake_from_contract is rare operation requiring only contract scope
  2. adjust_used_memory occurs very frequently

Atomic Algorithm

The biggest problem with our parallel algorithm is the UNDO database which must accurately revert the transaction if it fails. We cannot use the traditional approach to "backup data before modifying it" because that would be a sequential process (multiple transactions attempting to do this at the same time would be a mess). Instead, we need atomic update and atomic undo.

  1. use atomic operations to increment or decrement memory used
  2. if( producing )
    check that used <= available
    if not true then use atomic operations to undo step 1 and throw exception, transaction will not be accepted

The key to making this work is a viable undo infrastructure that will accurately revert the used_memory without requiring locks on this field.

To do this I imagine a new kind of database table that does not use the current UNDO infrastructure. Instead it depends upon each thread creating a stack of "atomic do" and "atomic undo" operations. Furthermore, it requires that the result of reading data modified by these atomic operations is only possible "while producing" and that no other side effects except "success | failure" are possible based upon the result of reading said memory.

If we maintain this pattern and we have three threads accessing total_used property such that not all 3 can be included at once then we have the following guarantee:

none, A, B, C, AB, AC or BC will be the only valid acceptance. This works because we always increment first, then check, then decrement and fail. At the time we check we are over-optimistic in used space. When we fail we unwind. Worst case scenario is all 3 add, then all three check, then all 3 unwind. This will happen when storage is near full.

The above is only true when contracts attempt to increase storage. If one of the messages decreases storage then when it unwinds total storage use could increase again. This means that after all transactions either succeed or fail the total used might be greater than the amount allowed. In this case the block producers can freeze the account until they fund it with more capacity. Letting it slide could open an attack where they intentionally "fake a delete".

This process will work for deciding to increment or fail the state of this field, but it does not allow other threads to access the data. For example, the currency contract could not reduce the available capacity so that it could claim tokens while this is going on.

Other options:

  1. maintain an increment only usage field and an increment only free field. While having a lock on the scope (to increase or decrease user storage or some other time) these fields could be normalized. In this case users get delayed credit for freeing memory.

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The atomic algorithm above can get quirky and may impact overall performance by forcing cache syncs. To avoid atomics all together each cycle will need to be generated in phases:

  1. apply all transactions in cycle and calculate storage delta (store on context)
  2. apply map reduce techniques to sum all storage deltas
  3. identify any accounts that exceed their storage allocation
  4. if any fail then undo all threads in cycle that reference over used contract
  5. reapply transactions in those threads skipping transactions that participated in overflow

This multi-step process makes the cost of producing a block more expensive in the failure event (forcing an undo of a cycle), but should result in relatively simple execution path in the nominal case where it can be pipelined.

Transactions that can assert 0 changes in storage usage are an order of magnitude more efficient because they can be scheduled without the need to sum deltas or the potential for undoing. In fact, transactions that can assert that they will only reduce storage usage can enable potential optimizations by eliminating the potential for failing all transactions.

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  1. each message shall specify the account to bill storage adjustments to

    • must be either the code account or one of the authorities authorizing the transaction
  2. block producers will do a two-phase cycle production process

    • apply all of the transactions
    • adjust all of the storage usage if success
      • mark accounts and threads that exceed limits
      • if any marked then reapply transactions discarding those that failed
  3. non producers will do a two-phase application process

    • apply all of the transactions
    • adjust all of the storage used fail block if this does not succeed.
      • alternatively, if they trust the producers, they can simply skip the usage check.
  4. Replay

    • during replay it should not be necessary to track all adjustments every block, instead it may be more efficient to do an accounting of size one time at the end.

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Should we limit the creation of account name too? Without limitation, good names will soon be exhausted.

@blockone-syncclient blockone-syncclient changed the title Bandwidth Rate Limiting & Storage Usage Limits DAWN-472 ⁃ Bandwidth Rate Limiting & Storage Usage Limits Jan 12, 2018
@coreylederer coreylederer added code review in code review and removed in progress labels Mar 30, 2018
@gleehokie gleehokie added needs testing and removed code review in code review labels Apr 2, 2018
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taokayan commented Apr 6, 2018

Is there any ATC for this?

@taokayan taokayan self-assigned this Apr 17, 2018
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new test cases added for ram_limits, weighted_cpu_limits, weighted_net_limits (#2450)

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