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Source for documentation for the Alan Turing Institute Research Computing Service, data science platforms hosted by EPCC for the Alan Turing Institute.

For the current, rendered, documentation, see Alan Turing Institute Research Computing Service on Read the Docs.

The Sphinx Python documentation generator is used to create HTML documentation from these sources.

Prerequisites (Linux or Mac)

Install Anaconda Python 2.7 (or 3.6):

Get the sources

Fork this repository on GitHub into your own user account.

Clone your fork e.g.

$ git clone<your-github-username>/ATI-ResComp-Service-docs

Build HTML

Change into to the directory containing the user guide:

$ cd ATI-ResComp-Service-docs

Build the HTML pages:

$ make html

The HTML version of the documentation will be placed in _build/html/, with an entry point of _build/html/index.html.

Edit documentation

Documentation is written in plain-text reStructuredText format. For a summary of its notation, see the reStructuredText Primer

Commit changes to your Git repository, remembering to use meaningful commit messages.

Edit images

Image sources are in images-src/ as SVG files.

If you have created a new SVG file, export the SVG as a PNG file and add both to the repository.

If you have updated an existing SVG file, export the SVG to update the corresponding PNG file, add commit the updates to the repository.

Edit images using Inkscape

Inkscape is a free SVG editor which can be used to edit SVG files and export the images as PNG files.

To export an image as PNG:

  • Select File => Export PNG Image...

To set the default background for an image:

  • Select File => Document Properties...
  • Click square next to background colour.
  • Set R, G, B, A components.
  • For a white background, set R, G, B, A to 255.
  • For a transparent background, set R, G, B to 255 and A to 0.

To install additional symbols (e.g. from inkscape-open-symbols below):

  • Download symbols as SVGs.
  • Copy to Inkscape's share/symbols directory.
    • For example, on Windows, C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\symbols.

Third-party symbols in images

Some SVG images used symbols which were sourced as follows.

Inkscape open symbols

See inkscape-open-symbols on GitHub.

Icons from the following sets have been used:

  • GitHub Octicons, MIT licence, inkscape-open-symbols/octicons/octicons.svg
  • Google Material Design Icons [File Set], Apache 2.0 licence, inkscape-open-symbols/ material-design/material-design-file.svg
  • Google Material Design Icons [Hardware Set], Apache 2.0 licence, inkscape-open-symbols/material-design/material-design-hardware.svg

Docker logos

See Docker brand guidelines.

An icon (docker_logos_2018/CMYK/Monochomatic/AI/ from is used.

Reuse is permitted under conditions documented on the brand guidelines page.

Contribute updates.

Push changes back to your forked repository on GitHub.

Issue a pull request to this repository.

The documentation maintainers will review your changes and either merge them or let them know what you need to resolve.