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Prior to the use of this cookiecutter, make sure that you have an account on PyPI


1. Install Cookiecutter

Create and activate an environment for the package project.

conda create -n <repo_name> python=<python_version> cookiecutter

Activate your environment.

activate <repo_name>          #Windows
source activate <repo_name>   #Linux

2. Create the package

Use cookiecutter, informing the address of cookiecutter-esss-pypackage

Before you start, make sure that you have a PyPI account, because the username will be requested.


Answer the questions in the prompt.

3. Create a GitHub Repo

Go to GitHub and create a new repository, where the name of the repository must be the same that [project_slug] from your answers to running cookiecutter.

When creating the repository, make sure to: - Keep __unmarked__ the option Initialize this repository with a README - Keep the option Add .gitignore as None - Keep the option Add a License as None

After that, commit the package to GitHub:

cd <package_name>
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "Initial skeleton."
git remote add origin<package_name>.git
git push -u origin master

4. Set Up Travis CI and AppVeyor

Travis CI and AppVeyor are both continuous integration services configured to be executed on every commit to the master branch or when a pull request is opened.

Make sure to enabled both services to work with your repository.

4.1 Activating Travis:

  1. Open sign in with github account
  2. Access<package_name>
  3. Click on Activate repository

4.2 Activating AppVeyor:

  1. Open and sign in with github account
  2. On the dashboard click on New Project
  3. Wait (no kidding, takes a time to load all projects).
  4. Search for the <project_name> and click on Add

5. Setup deploy to PyPI

Travis CI will be also used to deploy the application to PyPI, for more details check the section Release on the README file from your project. In order to set up this configuration, it's necessary to encrypt you PyPI password on .travis.yml

Make sure that you have the Travis command line client installed.

5.1 Instruction to install travis-cli

You need to have at least the ruby version 1.9.3 installed in your machine.

choco install ruby

apt install ruby

Using the package manager from ruby you can install de travis-cli tool

gem install travis 

Run the commands below on the root directory of your project.

1) travis encrypt --com --add deploy.password
2) Type your PyPI password

On Linux:
   3) Press CTRL+D
   3) Press Enter
   4) On the new line Press CTRL+Z

The command line from travis will create a new entry called "Deploy" on your .travis.yml file.

  provider: pypi
  distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
  user: <pypi user>
    secure: REPLACE
    tags: true
    repo: ESSS/<package name>
    python: 3.6

only: - master - "/v(\d+\.)*\d/"


secure: <encrypted password>

Copy the <encrypted password> and replace the REPLACE text with the encrypted password.

Do not forget to delete the deploy and password newly created tags

  provider: pypi
  distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
  user: <pypi user>
    secure: <encrypted password>
    tags: true
    repo: ESSS/<package name>
    python: 3.6

only: - master - "/v(\d+\.)*\d/"

The project will only be available at PyPI after the first release, for more details on how to make a release check the section Release on the README file from your project.

Don't forget to add at least one technical leader as maintainers.

6. Set Up ReadTheDocs

ReadTheDocs hosts documentation for the open source community.

  1. Log into your account at ReadTheDocs
  2. Click in "My Projects" and choose the button to Import the repository
  3. Click on import manualy
  4. Activate the ReadTheDocs to work with github.
  5. On the dashboard from ReadTheDocs, click on Admin
  6. Select Integrations -> GitHub incoming webhook
  7. Copy the link -><package name>/<some number>/

On Github

  1. Go to your package repository -><package name>
  2. Click on Settings -> WebHooks
  3. Click on Add Webhook
  4. On Payload URL use the URL of the integration
  5. For Content type, select application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  6. On Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? select Let me select individual events. and check the folling items:
  • Pushes
  • Branch or tag creation
  • Branch or tag deletion

Now your documentation will get rebuilt when you make documentation changes to your package.

Don't forget to add at least one technical leader as maintainers.

  1. Set up Codacy
  2. Set up Codecov


A minimal template to publish open source python packages







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