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How to use v1

EX867 edited this page Sep 10, 2017 · 1 revision

How to use this software?

User interface

PositionWriter started with only pad buttons. I did not know this program would be like now... So all controls are in one screen, it is very dirty. (not in 2.0) User Interface That's all.
Also, the color picker-like thing is fake! (I added real color picker in 2.0.)
because...I had no skill to make it 1 years ago (when I design this...)! 😆

So...The details

Color selector

Color selector

Mode selector

Mode selector There are 4 mode... but 2 of them is useless!

  • default : Older version of PositionWriter used this mode.(~1.3) you can insert "on " or "off " things with pressing keys and insert position by clicking pad buttons. you can insert color with pressing velocity color ui and recent used html color button. you can insert delay with 'd' key.
  • autoinput Added in 1.4, inserts one line in clicking pad button. if led is already on before, off will be printed, else on. inserting delay is same with default mode.
  • chainmode : PositionWriter's original mode. first version of PositionWriter...(before 1.0) could only insert "<c> <y> <x>!"

I included this in 1.4 because just I was bored.

  • autoPlay : you cannot play this in PositionWriter 1.4, but you can just "insert" autoPlay commands using this mode.

Frame controls

Frame control If you inserted things like this...
If you inserted things like this...
this will play like this.


Settings I could not make awesome ui things because code was so dirty.
I did not want to make switch like that, but it was very easy to make! (no switches, but togglebuttons on 2.0)


(\n is line change)

  • o : print "\non"
  • f : print "\noff"
  • d : print "\ndelay"
  • a : print " auto"
  • n : print "\nfilename"
  • b : print "\nbpm"
  • Ctrl+z : undo
  • Ctrl+y : redo
  • Ctrl+r : force screen refresh
  • Ctrl+e : export. if nk filename specified, it will set filename to date. if filw already exists, it will overwrite. Export removes all unipad incompatitable commands and changes [on y x vel] to [on y x auto vel] too.
  • Ctrl+[1-0](keyboard order) : print " "+recent used color.
  • Ctrl+d : toggle text editor
  • Ctrl+f : toggle find replace window
  • Shift+numbers(multiple key type) : print " "+numbers, but space is not inserted after '/'.
  • < : one frame left
  • > : one frame right
  • [, ], {, } : in autoinput mode, move velocity cursor to left,right,up and down.
  • Space : test led
  • p : stop led test
  • / : print "/"
  • Backspace,Enter : you can insert backspace and enter in editor window too.

So that is all.

PositionWriter 2.0 will be more easy than this I guess.