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WWF Donations Plugin

Plugin for WordPress to collect donations in a WooCommerce shop for the non-profit organization WWF. Automatically sending mail reports.

NOTE: Currently this plugin is in German language available only.

Do you have questions, want to request a feature or did you find a bug? -> Create issues!

For a full list of features visit the main project's README.

Server and WordPress requirements

  • PHP 7.4+
  • MySQL/MariaDB 5.7+/10.3+
  • Required active WordPress plugins:
    • woocommerce (up to version 5)
  • WordPress crons (= scheduled events) are set up and are running at least once a day.
  • Important: WordPress should be able to send mails via wp_mail. If you are not sure about this, e.g. check this article and test successful mail delivery.
  • WooCommerce is (initially) set up
    • Currency: Euro

Setup - Installation procedure

  1. Be sure to meet the listed requirements for the web server and the WordPress installation, before you proceed.
  2. Extract the release archive of this plugin to wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Install and activate this plugin in WordPress plugin management section.
  4. Configure plugin settings in Einstellungen > Spenden.
  5. Add the banner to your WooCommerce cart page by using a block (in "Gutenberg" editor) or as an alternative you can use a WordPress shortcode (documented below). Technically both ways lead to the same markup/result.
  6. Read this documentation carefully to understand how this plugin is supposed to work.
  7. You'll receive regular donation reports. You must transfer the donated money to the WWF Germany. More information (including bank account) is given in the plugin's dashboard.

NOTE: After the first plugin installation there will be generated a first (probably empty) report.

Plugin's functionality


This plugin will create one new product category in a WooCommerce shop called "Spendemünzen" containing six donation products (à 1 €) for different campaigns:

  • Protecting species
  • Protecting oceans
  • Protecting forests
  • Protecting climate
  • Protecting diversity

Note: You can view the WooCommerce product IDs in the plugin's report dashboard page.

Note: Products are not removed during the uninstallation process. You have to remove them yourself for a complete cleanup.

Default WooCommerce product configuration for donation products

  • virtual
  • no stock management enabled
  • no backorders allowed
  • no taxation (tax_status='none')
  • not sold individually
  • no reviews allowed
  • catalog_visibility='hidden'
  • weight = 0
  • regular price = sale price

NOTE: You are free to modify the WooCommerce products in your shop once this plugin is installed and activated. This plugin won't overwrite your custom product configuration.

Shortcode wwf_donations_banner

You can configure the target donation campaign by providing a campaign argument. If no campaign is given, the * default* one is: protect_species_coin.

Valid values for campaign argument are:

  • protect_species_coin
  • protect_ocean_coin
  • protect_forest_coin
  • protect_climate_coin
  • protect_diversity_coin

Example of shortcode usage: [wwf_donations_banner campaign='protect_climate_coin']

Shortcode wwf_donations_banner_small

This shortcode works in the same way as wwf_donations_banner does, except the default campaign is set to protect_diversity_coin. You can use the campaign argument, too.

If no campaign is specified explicitly, the default one or the one defined in the plugin's settings page will be used.


You can configure three different report interval modes: weekly, monthly, quarterly.

Each report will be sent by mail to an address you can view, but not change in the plugin's backend section.

Technically the report generation is a summation of plugin's donation products in completed or processed orders grouped by a donation campaign in a certain time range.

All reports are persisted as a private custom post type integrated into the WordPress system.

One time per day, a routine will check if the time to generate a new report has been reached. You can view the date and time of the last check in the plugin's report dashboard.

Plugin's settings

This plugin enables you to modify certain aspects of the donations campaign integration:

  • Reporting interval: {weekly, monthly, quarterly}
  • Report preview default days in the past: This can be overwritten in the preview section.
  • (readonly) Recipient's mail address: You can't change this value and you must not.
  • Show Mini-Banner in Mini-Cart:* yes/no flag.
  • Campaign of mini-banner:* Default is "protect diversity"
  • Target page of "more information" link in Mini-Banner:* Default is the WooCommerce "Cart page".

* If you change these settings, in order to see the effects, you need to clear your browser's cookies and the local storage one time. E.g. by doing the following: Dev Tools -> Application -> Local Storage -> Delete the entry which is prefixed by 'wc_cart_hash...' and reload the page .

(Custom) banner design/styling

This plugin is shipped with self-contained responsive CSS styles without dependencies to a specific theme or framework. Although the styles should work in most setups there are situations when you want to modify the styles, e.g. if you use special fonts or a special theme. Feel free to overwrite the styles as you want as long as there are no major differences in regard to content and copyright.

Officially this plugin is developed and tested with the Theme Shophistic Lite.

NOTE: Styles are included by WordPress only if the banner was placed into a page/post or if the mini-banner integration is enabled.

  • General tested minimum screen width: 320px
  • Maximum screen width: 4k+
  • Main banner main class: .cart-donation-banner
  • Small banner main class: .cart-donation-mini-banner
  • CSS styles: wwf-donations-plugin/banner.css
  • SCSS styles (for development/modifications): wwf-donations-plugin/styles/banner.scss



Requirements for development

  • PHP Language Level 7.4+
  • MySQL/MariaDB 5.7+/10.3+
  • docker + docker-compose
  • Composer for PHP
  • WordPress crons (= scheduled events) are activated (simply by calling wp-cron.php)
  • npm

Plugin Development

This repository contains a docker-compose configuration for a reproducible environment during development. The directory ./wwf-donations-plugin will be mounted into the WordPress container.

NOTE: For an easy setup procedure, simply execute in this repository and run docker-compose-commands afterwards.

  • You need Composer as package manager for PHP and npm for JavaScript. Note: You need at least the following PHP extensions enabled:
    • openssl
    • dom
    • json
    • libxml
    • mbstring
    • xml
    • xmlwriter
  • cd into wwf-donations-plugin directory and execute composer install and npm install
  • Build CSS artifacts via npm run build (during development you can also use npm run stylewatch)
  • Build JS artifacts via npm run build-js (during development you can also use npm run start)
  • Start the whole stack (database + WordPress instance) in containers and find out the container ID of the WordPress instance via docker ps

Run shop on your local machine

  • This project uses a custom docker WordPress container image with predefined plugins, themes etc.
  • Build the development container with docker-compose build
  • Open the directory of this README in cmd and run command docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans. Consider using --force-recreate in some cases. The initial setup procedure will take approx. 30 secs.
    • Note that after 10 seconds the WordPress setup routine starts inside the WordPress container, which is defined in
  • Check if container is running docker container ls or docker ps.
  • Open local shop via web browser Append /wp-admin to URL for backend access.
  • Be sure to run the WooCommerce plugin setup wizard once logged in at initial startup. Note that we do not use the Jetpack Plugin yet.

WordPress development setup information

Further information

  • To get a shell inside the WordPress development container, simply use: docker exec -ti <container_id> bash. Your working directory inside the container is /var/www/html.
  • You can use the wp command as documented here, e.g. to enable/disable the current plugin type wp plugin toggle wwf-donations-plugin
  • To run unit tests, cd into wwf-donations-plugin and execute ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit test
  • For tests with a lot of orders, use this plugin.
  • Simple performance measurement: 1000 orders in a report time range need ~25 seconds during report generation

Shutdown and cleanup

Warning: This will remove the complete database and all existing data!

  • Open this directory in cmd and run command docker-compose down --volumes.

Update WordPress container

  • Stop all running containers via docker-compose down --volumes
  • docker-compose pull
  • docker-compose build
  • Start with docker-compose up


  • Multi-Language Support/I18N
  • Add copyright header to source files
  • Test with other themes
  • Test without WooCommerce


License & Copyright

All images in wwf-donations-plugin/images/ are explicitly excluded of the licensing policy mentioned below.

This plugin is licensed under GPL v3.0.