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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

“Northern Lights”

13 May 18:11
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✢ Fixed overlapped focuses in the leftmost branch of Equestrian focus tree.
✢ Buffaloes can no longer be annexed by Equestria during Equestrian civil war.
✢ Balanced Vedinan ideas.
✢ The new neutrality icon will now show up.
✢ "Coltstream or War" will not remove Wittenland from River Coalition if Coltstream's owner is not in it. For sure. Promise.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 47bd

“Northern Lights”

12 May 17:16
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✢ Improvements and new features for Equestrian South-East during civil war.
✢ Fixed "1.6 pre-Ironclad research workaround" overflowing into negatives in certain edge cases.
✢ New focus, idea, concern and advisor icons.
✢ New Fascism and Neutrality ideology icons by LuxLoser, improved Harmony icon.
✢ Fixed wrong option names in Olenian Civil War support events.
✢ Added some new generals.
✢ Fixed Skynavian border wars not ending.
✢ Fixed pro-Skynavian civil wars causing various issues.
✢ Fixed references to wrong states in some Vedinian events.
✢ Changed requirements for "Into the Modern Age" focus for Wittenland.
✢ Fixed the generic focus tree being loaded by wrong focus for Sickleclaw's Skynavia.
✢ Fixed Charity event chain for Vedina.
✢ Fixed Governorate's generals not being transferred during Longswordian Civil War.
✢ Added missing idea icons for Vedinan princes.
✢ Hellquill/Longsword now needs to border the Empire to call them for aid.
✢ Fixed too many cores being removed by "Fiendship" focus for Crystal Empire.
✢ Improved core-adding focuses for Rumare and Secret Stalliongrad path.
✢ Changeling-Polar Bear focuses now bypass correctly.
✢ Urban terrain attack penalty increased to 50% (from 30%).
✢ "Coltstream or War" will not remove Wittenland from River Coalition if Coltstream's owner is not in it.
✢ "New Blood" decision for Blackrock now has a cooldown, reduced manpower gained to 7500.
✢ Fixed Equestria spawned during 2nd Solar Civil War missing completed focuses.
✢ Various tweaks to Brodfeld.
✢ Some faction names will now be localised (translatable).
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 729d

“Northern Lights”

02 May 14:07
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✢ Fixed a random, persistent CTD.
✢ Fixed Naval and Air unit experience levels not giving bonuses.
✢ Fixed Griffon countries joining Prywhen's faction when it makes no sense for them.
✢ Fixed "Limited Welfare Reforms" idea for Vedina missing an icon.
✢ Improved Skynavian Congress decision icons.
✢ Fixed Vedinan ideas being removed during civil war.
✢ Fixed double poverty at the end of Vedina Charity event chain.
✢ Improved the "Suppress the Separatists" decision for Vedina.
✢ Changed what traits the Vedinian Princess gets as a field marshal.
✢ Fixed being able to go over the limit with Statecraft/Military level-ups in Vedina.
✢ Fixed Ondska not showing up as a Head of State after a botched wedding.
✢ Fixed Head of State traits sometimes not being applied to the Vedinian Princess.
✢ Fixed a news event about Equestria capitulating to the Changelings firing despite nothing like that happening.
✢ Added missing tooltips for Knights unit modifiers.
✢ Fixed some Vedinan loc referring to wrong suitors (eg. the Hunt event options).
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 8613

“Northern Lights” 1.4

01 May 16:20
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✢ Focus Trees, Events, GFX and other content for:
♥ Kingdom of Vedina.
♥ Socialist Republic of the Free Griffons.
✢ "Spread the Darkness" focus for Lunar New Mareland will now give a wargoal to Lunar Empire.
✢ AI will now ignore naval production if losing a ground war.
✢ AI will now make and use sensible armored templates.
✢ Added bypasses to various wargoal focuses.
✢ Added extra checks to focus triggers.
✢ Added missing starting templates for some nations.
✢ Added narrative events for the first country to produce a nuclear bomb.
✢ Buffed Deer technologies slightly.
✢ Changed Changeling Lands flag to a clean one.
✢ Equestrian AI will be less likely to cancel the war plan.
✢ Everyone hates MARESOC now.
✢ Farbrook will now get Naval XP in their first naval focus.
✢ Fascist/Communist Greifwald can no longer form the Empire.
✢ Fixed "Invite X to our alliance" decision for Stalliongrad firing broken events.
✢ Fixed New Mareland Equalists not getting Blueberry Frost after MARESOC civil war.
✢ Fixed Random game rule for Crystal Empire not working correctly.
✢ Fixed Sombra's Crystal Empire inviting puppeted countries to the Gray Pact.
✢ Fixed Stalliongrad-Crystal Empire Union events not working correctly.
✢ Fixed a CTD caused by Crystal Empire focus being completed for Equestria after the latter puppets the former.
✢ Fixed dynamic Farbrook events sometimes not having any localisation.
✢ Fixed one inland province in Sicameon being marked as coastal.
✢ Fixed some Feathisian advisors not being available when they should be.
✢ Fixed some Feathisian ideas disappearing right away.
✢ Fixed some Vanhoover border war decisions targeting wrong states.
✢ Fixed unintended behavior with Dread League's magic system.
✢ Improved localisation for Crystal Empire, Nova Griffonia, Greifwald, Hellquill and Longsword.
✢ Improved localisation for generic vanilla events.
✢ Improved the "Broj Jedan" decision for Lake City.
✢ Increased research bonus from the Paperclip system (post-war research bonuses).
✢ Increased research bonuses from Wittenland's focus tree.
✢ New focus, idea and advisor icons.
✢ Olenian AI will prioritise political focuses.
✢ Reduced research speed penalty for being a tribal society.
✢ Requesting Forces from autonomous puppet types is now blocked.
✢ River Republic revolters will now load back the main focus tree after the civil war.
✢ Stalliongrad can now proceed in their Focus Tree after Nestor's coup.
✢ Tweaks to terrain types for provinces in Southern Griffonia.
✢ Various fixes and tweaks to Greneclyf.
✢ Various performance improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 5794

“Ponies at the Ready”

03 Apr 19:11
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✢ Compatibility for 1.6.2 Hearts of Iron IV patch.
✢ Large-scale performance improvements made possible with 1.6.2 features.
✢ New advisor icons in Sunstriker and Gryphian Host.
✢ Dust Hoover made an admiral in Equestria.
✢ Old voices for griffon nations.
✢ Removed humans in some nations.
✢ Minor model fixes.
✢ Fixed Lake City's game rules not always causing the intended outcome.
✢ Fixed a CTD with MARESOC's "Terror Battleships" focus.
✢ Fixed "Pardon the Commanders" decision for Olenia not working.
✢ Fixed "The Neuland Act" idea disappearing for fascist Hellquill.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 61db

“Ponies at the Ready” 1.3.6

02 Apr 15:00
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✢ Added new 3D unit models for Equestria, Crystal Empire and Changelings.
✢ Added new voice acting.
✢ New portrait for King Johan 'Djavulen'.
✢ New portraits for starting Equestrian generals.
✢ New and updated idea, interface and advisor graphics.
✢ Pumpkin Swirl is now more fleshed out.
✢ Rewritten and rebalanced River Republic's coup decisions.
✢ It is now possible to surrender to bandit raids to avoid the border war.
✢ Added game rules for Romau, Gryphia, Sunstriker Clan, Greifwald and Arantiga.
✢ Added custom decision costs for Loot.
✢ Added new cityfall events.
✢ Improved Lushi localisation.
✢ Fixed Lunar Civil War not ending.
✢ Fixed Lunar Empire not getting cores on Equestria.
✢ Fixed Equestrian Republican flag not working.
✢ Gryphian Host raids now make use of the generic raiding system.
✢ Fixed Crystal Empire game rules not working consistently.
✢ Fixed wrong news event after Solar Civil War.
✢ Fixed some AI countries not updating their templates.
✢ Changed reliability penalties to Unicorn Companies - now techs do not change the reliability, but the unit has a base debuff.
✢ Various Brodfeld tweaks.
✢ Fixed some idea triggers.
✢ Fixed a CTD related to River Republic integrating others while being a subject.
✢ Fixed some opinion modifiers not applying at game start.
✢ Added missing starting techs to Wittenland.
✢ Tweaked starting Olenian units.
✢ Fixed values for Lushi doctrine focuses.
✢ Fixed Equestrian civil war countries joining factions while in civil war.
✢ Reduced AA attack on infantry equipment by a factor of 10.
✢ Fixed Modern Tanks requiring Oil resource.
✢ Fixed Hellquill/Longsword releasing the Purple Plague when puppeted.
✢ Fixed bad events in Arcturian Order focus tree.
✢ Fixed the picture for the destruction of Stalliongrad news event.
✢ Solar Empire's AI will now prioritise political focuses more.
✢ Fixed a CTD that could happen after Nova Griffonia siezed Village Up North.
✢ Updated Russian translation.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: c5b7

“Riverlands: Brothers' Feud”

14 Mar 12:34
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✢ Fixed CTD because of Lake Rumare.
✢ Fixed Support the Club option in Sombra path in Crystal Empire.
✢ New Mareland's Solar national focuses now have icons assigned.
✢ Fixed Changelings' Carrier/Battleship focuses.
✢ "Mine the Arctic Shelf" focus for Changelings now gives one fuel silo.
✢ AI Equestria and Lunar Empire will always annex Stalliongrad and vise versa.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 331a

“Riverlands: Brothers' Feud”

13 Mar 22:18
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✢ Carried over changes from 1.6.1 HoI IV update.
✢ Enabled border wars and raiding decisions for users without Waking the Tiger DLC.
✢ Yak/Jak cores on Nova Griffonian/Frontier land changed to claims.
✢ Added portraits for Jak generals.
✢ Added Game Rules for Nimbusia and Griffonian Republic.
✢ Fixed Arantiga's and Rumare's focus trees not accounting for Lake Rumare not being a sea zone.
✢ Set provinces around Lake Rumare to not be coastal.
✢ Buffed Dread League slightly and a lot on the Dread Apocalypse Game Rule.
✢ AI improvements.
✢ Added some missing idea icons.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 1b37

“Riverlands: Brothers' Feud”

12 Mar 21:32
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✢ Diplomatic actions are now restricted for Detached Countries.
✢ Added extra advisor portraits to Feathisia, Griffonian Republic, Sunstriker.
✢ Improved game performance slightly.
✢ Make sure some AI countries always annex some other countries instead of puppeting.
✢ Removed Feathisian 3D unit models which glitched out for some people.
✢ Fixed triggers for Thorax's "Join Velvet" focus.
✢ Fixed certain Changelings ideas not disappearing after a regime change.
✢ Slight Changeling balance changes.
✢ Lake Rumare is now a lake, not a sea zone.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 51bb

“Riverlands: Brothers' Feud”

09 Mar 19:58
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✢ Fixed Lunar Empire and Thorax's Changelings disappearing after spawning.
✢ Fixed "Marshalling our Finest" focus for Yakyakistan not spawning units.
✢ Fixed Stalliongrad's game rules not always guaranteeing the desired outcome.
✢ Fixed some research bonuses which had too low values after converting them to 1.6 format.

Checksum: 73e0