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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev


26 Dec 12:08
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✢ Disabled Equestria's communist path (on new saves only).
✢ Update Russian translation.
✢ The correct loc is now shown for the appropriate paths in the Million Mare March.
✢ The Rarity Aftermath now displays correctly at the end of the Luna reform chain, if Rarity was present.
✢ The Rarity capture event should no longer remain in the event log.
✢ Picture now displays correctly for rarity captured event.
✢ Some loc changed to clarify the fate of Rarity.
✢ Loc made slightly less edgy.

Checksum: f7ab

“Moonshine” 1.3.2

26 Dec 10:40
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Moonshine adds an event chain to Equestria, as Celestia and Luna confront the issue of the batponies.

Other changes:
✢ Festive main menu background and music. Merry Christmas!
✢ Luna no longer inexplicably appears constantly in events despite having transformed into Nightmare Moon. Event pictures and localisation updated for the Lunar Empire appropriately.
✢ New balance for Lunar Civil War - Lunar Empire can receive a larger fraction of the Equestrian military, Equestria's new spawned troops come fully equipped to compensate.
✢ New Mareland and Crystal Empire are more likely to remain neutral in the Lunar Civil War.
✢ The focuses for a Lunar Civil War have been removed. Civil war can now only occur via events.
✢ Equestria starts with a new malus, 'The Forgotten Tribe', representing its schism with the batponies.
✢ Extended and improved harmonic Olenia focus tree branch.
✢ Improve localisation for Greifwald.
✢ New advisor and concern icons.
✢ Small AI tweaks to Polar Bears-Changelings relations.
✢ AI will now consider giving reparations to Wittenland.
✢ Small tweaks to Wittenland, "Into the Modern Age" focus now increases Science Development by one level.
✢ Disable vanilla crises while Nova Griffonia is undergoing its civil war.
✢ Fixed a CTD when Greifwald or Romau was puppeted by the Griffonian Empire.

Checksum: c7c5


25 Dec 00:43
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✢ Update Russian translation.
✢ Refactored and cleaned up code for Greneclyf trade, fixing some issues.
✢ Localisation and code improvements to Sunstriker Clan.
✢ Wittenland can now improve their Scientific Development.
✢ Add some missing focus and idea icons.
✢ Various small AI tweaks and improvements.
✢ Longsword can now get cores on Hellquill more easily.
✢ Fixed some odd interactions between New Mareland and Solar Empire.
✢ Improve post-unification River Games.
✢ Fix bad triggers in Solar Empire advisors.
✢ Add extra leader descriptions.
✢ Crystal Empire now starts with Outdated Industry.
✢ Make sure River Republic can only do the technology deal with harmonic Equestria.
✢ Updated and added new portraits for Aquileia, Griffonian Empire, and more.
✢ Slapped some band-aids on Stalliongrad - Nova Griffonia relations.
✢ Solar Empire can now destroy the city of Stalliongrad, and destruction has its effects.
✢ Add some extra checks to Griffonian Empire focus tree.
✢ One general in Wittenland; One general in Stalliongrad
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes and tweaks.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 0192


27 Nov 19:14
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✢ Removed Magical Weapons for Motorized and Magical Weapons for Mechanized decisions.
✢ Fixed wrong equipment numbers after choosing Magical Weapons for Special Forces.
✢ Diamond Dog Ironpaws now also count as Special Forces in Magical Weapons for Special Forces decision.
✢ Balancing and AI improvements to EQS-CHN war to provide a more desired outcome.
✢ Fixed the Race to Form the Federation not displaying the leader properly.
✢ Reduced the power and increased the research time of Unicorn technologies.
✢ Pegasi technologies now apply Air Attack properly.
✢ Fixed Polar Bear decisions annexing countries.
✢ Improved peace conference AI.
✢ Greneclyf can now sign the Treaty of Coldstream.
✢ Griffonian Empire can now demand their rightful land from their faction members.
✢ Griffonian Empire can now demand obedience from Hellquill.
✢ Fixed event lakecity.17 firing for wrong nations.
✢ Fixed event greneclyf.43 not firing properly.
✢ Improved conditions for Hellquill decisions and focuses.
✢ Additional checks for focus trees.
✢ Various fixes to the Frontier.
✢ Added a few new flavor events to the Frontier.
✢ Reduced focus times for Wittenland.
✢ Fixed River Republic Secure the Riverlands decision not being available if Arclight is in charge.
✢ Fixed "Remind the World" focus bypassing for the Griffonian Empire.
✢ Fixed odd behavior with Twilight escaping when she's the leader of Crystal Empire.
✢ Reduced required Harmonic popularity for Olenian coups.
✢ Lowered the required stability for Nimbusian Helot Rebellion.
✢ Socialist River Republic will now get cores on nations it integrates.
✢ Certain Arcturian Order focuses will now bypass properly.
✢ Localisation improvements and rewrites for Equestria and Crystal Empire.
✢ Added magical equipment GFX and localisation to Equestrian civil war states.
✢ Reworked the Sale of Residence for Rumare.
✢ Buffed "The Second Revolution" idea for Aquileia.
✢ Farbrook/Firtrees neutrality civil wars cannot fire if current ideology is neutrality.
✢ Sombra's ideas will now be removed when Crystal Empire's ideology changes.
✢ Fixed certain Dread League events not firing.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes and tweaks.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: 7f5b


18 Nov 20:07
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✢ Fixed Nimbusian news events looking borked.
✢ Fixed all news events looking borked in Russian version.
✢ More fixes for Greneclyf.
✢ Added some extra checks for focuses/events regarding Longsword.
✢ "Archonate Militias" idea for Greifwald won't disappear right away.
✢ Gave the Griffonian Republic Empire's tech pictures and localisation.
✢ Try to make Aquileia consider other focuses before attacking everyone.
✢ Fixed errors related to Sturmgriffen OOBs.
✢ Added some missing localization.

Checksum: 26b5


17 Nov 21:15
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✢ Changed the method of adding newspaper headers which should hopefully fix all oddities in tooltips and so on.
✢ As a workaround, the leader of the River Coalition will be impossible to capitulate unless every other member of the Coalition has capitulated.
✢ The leader of the River Coalition will automatically change depending on their standing in the Race to Form the Federation.
✢ Fixed a CTD where Hellquill puppeted itself if they became the Griffon Empire.
✢ Fixed a CTD where Skyfall would have been puppeted by the Empire while at war with them.
✢ Fixed an issue where fascist countries did not annex in peace conference properly.
✢ Fixed Equestria not being able to take their war focuses when being justified on by the Changelings.
✢ Polar Bear decisions are now only available for Polar Bears.
✢ Diamond Mountain will now rejoin the Coalition after a succesful harmonic coup.
✢ Raider countries are now prevented from preparing another raid if they have a raid in progress.
✢ Equestria will need to build up harmonic support in Olenia before staging a coup.
✢ Fixed various Longsword-related focuses in different countries being bypassed after the civil war.
✢ The AI will now be more likely to use magic weapons if they have the industrial capability for it.
✢ Reduced reliability and slightly increased IC cost of magical weapons.
✢ Prywhen should now be able to get rid of its famine.
✢ Reduced the number of starting factories for Greneclyf.
✢ Greneclyf focus "A Different Kind of Changeling" can now be picked correctly.
✢ Changed the order of griffon knight techs.
✢ Fixed triggers for Diamond Mountain ideas.
✢ Aquileia will now get a proper cosmetic tag when they become the Empire.
✢ Added extra checks for war declaration in events.
✢ Equestria can continue its war focuses even if the prerequisites are no longer met.
✢ Fixes to Hellquill.
✢ AI improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Checksum: f6ea

“Riverlands” 1.3.1

16 Nov 11:47
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✢ Added dynamic news event newspaper headers for countries.
✢ Our Town was moved to the border of Crystal Empire.
✢ Fix CTD caused by Gryphian Host raids.
✢ More advisor icons in Ponadhean.
✢ More concerns for River Republic.
✢ Attempted to balance the Great War better.
✢ Fixed Sinister's market not working.
✢ Fixed Lord Drak coming back to life and breaking away from Lushi.
✢ Fixed raiding decisions.
✢ Rebalanced Nimbusian focus tree times.
✢ Nimbusian focus tree slightly extended with new focuses and decisions.
✢ Nimbusia is now connected to the deer by a strait.
✢ Longsword should not join anyone when in civil war.
✢ Multiple fixes to Greneclyf.
✢ Lake City and River Republic focus trees have got extra sanity checks.
✢ Fixed issues with Diamond Mountain focus tree wargoals.
✢ River Republic's special forces decisions now require ponypower.
✢ Multiple fixes to Hellquill and Longsword events.
✢ Neighjima in Lake City is now unlocked properly.
✢ Fixed some inland provinces being considered coastal, potentially messing with AI.
✢ Only puppets that became puppets by choosing to join the River Federation later can leave the Coalition.
✢ Increased focus times for Wittenland.
✢ Buff Gryphian Host ideas, reduce some focus times.
✢ Griffon Republic should now be able to remove their famine.
✢ AI improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes and tweaks.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

We cannot guarantee this update's compatibility with the save games
Checksum: 7a4e


09 Nov 03:37
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✢ Changeling Lands slightly nerfed.
✢ Changeling Lands should eventually attack Equestria on non-historical.
✢ Reduced AI Changelings Lands strength.
✢ Equestrian War Committee focuses have had their requirements reduced.
✢ Stagnation of Harmony increases lend-lease, guarantee and volunteer tension requirement.
✢ Griffonian Empire will not help Reformisten. For sure. Promise.
✢ Inviting northen pony nations to the Coalition will work properly now.
✢ Fix CTD when Longswordian Governorate was puppeted by the Empire.
✢ If Hellquill becomes a honorary member of the Coalition, it will get a non-agression pact with Coalition members.
✢ Westerly cannot declare war on Longsword that's in the middle of a civil war.
✢ River Republic's mutually exclusive focuses will now bypass automatically.
✢ River Games will now fire properly.
✢ Fixed a bug in Firtree where a missing idea prevented from going further down the focus tree.
✢ Reduced the time it takes to complete some River Republic focuses.
✢ Buffed the River Republic Nova Whirl path.
✢ Only the Coalition leader will now guarantee Farbrook, Firtree and Watertowns.
✢ Nimbusia's focus durations have been shortened.
✢ Nimbusian ideas have been made stronger.
✢ Nimbusia now starts with Marines researched.
✢ Impact of communist infiltration on Nimbusia will be greater.
✢ Wittenland and Nimbusia get tooltips for their focuses.
✢ Fixed Wittenland ideas disappearing on civil war.
✢ Only Pony nations on Griffonian Continent can join the River Union.
✢ King Sombra's Crystal Empire was buffed.
✢ Riverlands have their own musket graphic.
✢ Two concern icons for Rijekogard, one concern for Gryphian Host, one advisor for Ponadhean.
✢ Fixes to Greneclyf events and focuses.
✢ New AI strategies (minor).
✢ Added missing localisation for some Longsword events.
✢ 3rd research slot to Sicameon, by popular request
✢ Updated Twilight Sparkle portrait.
✢ Localisation fixes and tweaks.
Checksum: 457c

Riverlands 1.3

04 Nov 19:48
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🏞 “Riverlands” 1.3 🏞
Focus Trees, Events and other content for:
♥ The River Coalition:
- River Republic
- Lake City
- Diamond Mountain
- Nimbusia
- Pònaidhean
- Kingdom of Wittenland
♥ The Griffons:
- Order of Hellquill
- County of Longsword
- Gryphian Host
- Principality of Lushi
♥ The Good Ponies and Changelings:
- Farbrook
- Greneclyf
- Firtree Villages
- Vanhoover Commune

New nations without focus trees:
- Barrad Magocracy
- Bakara
- Deponya

Additions and changes:
✢ Add an option to choose a random country in the country select menu. Not recommended in multiplayer. Thanks to Delincious from KR team for the idea.
✢ Diamond Dog racial technology.
✢ New generic pony generals and admirals.
✢ Majority of hands on the focus tree icons replaced with claws and hooves.
✢ New focus icons.
✢ Griffonian Empire now starts with its own faction.
✢ Racial tech research is no longer dependent on date.
✢ Deer racial techs buffed slightly.
✢ Olenia now starts with a small airforce.
✢ Late game industrial and electronics techs have been nerfed.
✢ Three more VPs in Equestria.
✢ New flag for MARESOC.
✢ More VPs in eastern Griffonia.
✢ Various map tweaks mostly in Griffonia.
✢ Promoted one of the Dread League's generals to a field marshal.
✢ Updated economic laws to vanilla consumer goods and build speed values.
✢ Reduced production efficiency penalty in Illiteracy, Poverty and Society ideas.
✢ Poor Society Development ideas now increase bombing resistance.
✢ Tribal Society ideas now massively increase research time.
✢ Rebalanced Flowena's focus tree and events.
✢ Make Synthetic Oil tech require Basic Infantry Equipment.
✢ Increased trade opinion impact of trade laws.
✢ Griffonian Republic can now honor their Marshal.
✢ Renamed Mare Republic to Baltimare Republic and changed their flag.
✢ Changed some state categories to be more realistic.
✢ King Sombra gets a new trait, and some buffs to his ideas.
✢ Equestria cannot progress down its Urgent War Committee branch unless at war or World Tension is sufficiently high.
✢ Equestrian Moderates' Discontent event chain will not start unless at least four focuses from the Urgent War Committee branch have been completed.
✢ Lunar Empire will recieve Equestria's navy if the latter capitulated (and vice versa).
✢ Solar Empire's God-Empress path has been nerfed slightly.
✢ Pegasi divisions can now fly over rivers, increasing their movement and attack.
✢ Changeling Lands:
- Branch to subjugate Polar Bear Communities
- Two Wartime Focuses
- New Icons

✢ Large scale performance enhancements.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Republic's Republican Pact not working.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Republic's civil war.
✢ Fixed crash when deploying carrier planes as New Mareland.
✢ Fixed some incorrect decision categories.
✢ Added triggers to the Penguin focus tree.
✢ Eyrie and Erie will now have longer wars and peace out less frequently.
✢ Updated raiding mechanics for Sunstriker Clan, more decisions.
✢ Celebrations in Lunar Empire will now repeat every year.
✢ Fixed Equestria's tech sharing group bug.
✢ Prevented Equestria from taking Olenian territory.
✢ Multiple naming and other issues with Equestrian civil war states fixed.
✢ Fixed some issues with Nova Griffonia(TM)'s mercenary system.
✢ MARESOC and Solar Empire's ideas are now hidden until required.
✢ Make the AI prioritise political focuses of the Griffonian Empire.
✢ The Griffonian Empire is now more likely to choose the Duchess on non-historical.
✢ Fixed triggers for New Mareland's Government-in-exile branch.
✢ Moved the Frontier's focus tree to the left.
✢ Added localisation for most of events and ideas that lacked it.
✢ General AI tweaks.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes and tweaks.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.

Windmill 1.2.2

11 Sep 19:05
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“Windmill” 1.2.2
✢ Arantiga
- Focus Tree
- Events
- Portraits
✢ Better Rivers submod by @Professional Horse was integrated, with several changes.
✢ Completely reworked Highhill path for Nova Griffonia. :highhill:
✢ Nerfed bonuses in Equestrian Democratic Path.
✢ Production Cost of all aircraft was reduced by 30%.
✢ Added tooltips to all advisors/military high command that require an unit leader to be present in the country.
✢ New generals.
✢ New Localisation for Generic Racial Tree and much of Our Town.
✢ Decisions for Eyrie and Erie to fight each other.
✢ Destroyer of Every World Possible was moved to Principality of Lushi. :destroyerofworlds:
✢ Lunar Empire Rarity can only be taken as an advisor if "Forgive the Elements" focus was taken, Magi-Tech Rifles focus changed to give AT research bonus instead.
✢ Solar Empire's decision to rehabilitate generals will have it PP cost scaled depending on how many generals will be readded.
✢ Dread League's Poison Attack on the Order has been rebalanced.
✢ Increased the starting OOB for the Griffonian Republic and buffed some of their ideas.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Republic's Alliance of Nations idea disappearing.
✢ Executions in Blackrock are now actually deadly.
✢ Fixed multiple localisation problems.
✢ Miscellaneous other fixes.