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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“

15 Sep 16:02
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✢ Ported HappyNTH's 'Project Exodus' refugee mechanics from Old World Blues to Equestria at War, changing it to fit the scenario and existing mechanics.
✢ Added effects to Our Town's focuses so they are properly playable.
✢ Greater Feathisia and Rozenkampist paths now get flags, wargoals and cores.
✢ Added an event for harmonic Wittenland about Silver Star's redemption.
✢ Added and reworked numerous concern and advisor icons.
✢ Added cosmetic tags for Leopold's Barrad, Francistrian Aquileia and Virgil in the Griffon Frontier.
✢ Added decision for Our Town to form Stalliongrad.
✢ Added capitulation event responses for Marelandia and Our Town.
✢ Added NATO counters for dragon units.
✢ Added a new tank designer for Stalliongrad.
✢ Redone portrait for Double Diamond in Our Town.
✢ Fixed New Mareland not having modern society development level.
✢ Fixed Herzland formable cores being given to the Griffonian Empire formables instead.
✢ Fixed Evi formable decision not applying the cosmetic tag when it should.
✢ When attacking the owner of Prywhen states, Hellquill will now get wargoals instead of instantly declaring war.
✢ Increased dragon HP.
✢ Increased soul-bound clockwork organization.
✢ Fixed issue with Viira spreading Barrad climate.
✢ Fixed Fezera not getting all the cores it should.
✢ Removed extra Pride of the Fleet from Olenia.
✢ The Lord Protector path in Griffonian Empire now gradually reduces maluses from "Die Anarchie" national spirit.
✢ After annexing Dread League, there is now an event option to release the Arcturian Order as a puppet.
✢ Pentarch cooperation national spirits are now removed properly.
✢ Puppet AI [REDACTED] in Brodfeld can no longer annex majors.
✢ Made political party naming styles more consistent.
✢ Fixed Tarrin missing the griffon operative codename list.
✢ Adjusted various VP values.
✢ Katerin now gets an event informing about secession of Herzland nations even if Diellza was deposed.
✢ Adelart is now called "Free Territory of Adelart".
✢ Katerin event about religious socialism now gives political power instead of removing it.
✢ Katerin can no longer core Northern Tribes.
✢ Nerfed Duskfeather field marshal in Katerin.
✢ Asterion can no longer release autonomous Cyanolisia if they don't control the capital state.
✢ Reworked Dietrich Mach's Grover VI event.
✢ Removed outdated tooltip from Brodfeld's "Project Horizons" focus.
✢ Aquileia's White Phosphorus Barrage tactic is no longer available for everyone.
✢ Fixed starting compliance modifiers being too small.
✢ Fixed Lushi-Brodfeld not getting a core on Sydia.
✢ Changelings can no longer form the Severyana Protectorate without owning Our Town.
✢ Fixed Aquileia's coring focuses being blocked by guaranteeing or allying Periphery nations.
✢ Removed Griffonian Republic's claim on a Skynavian state.
✢ Reduced the amount of dragon equipment Wittenland gets from the "Tame Dragons" spell decision.
✢ Stalliongrad being renamed now renames the state as well. The town of Caramel Marks is also renamed.
✢ Replaced "Colitsyn" renaming option with "Princessyn".
✢ When Changelings form the Severyana Protectorate, Stalliongrad is renamed.
✢ Fixed the Titan appearing again if you continued to dig deeper as Barrad.
✢ Nimbusia now starts with basic rifle technology.
✢ Supremacy Lushi now gets wargoals alongside claims.
✢ Adjusted Wingbardy's starting tank template so the AI can use it properly.
✢ Slightly adjusted color for Herzland formable.
✢ Increased IC cost of Ursas and Trollhounds.
✢ Fixes for Griffonian Republic's Skynavia and Northern Tribes puppets.
✢ Barrad now starts with the Unicorn Mage Company technology.
✢ Buffed Magical Supremacy technologies.
✢ Dehumanized some GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: d99e

“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“

29 Aug 20:40
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✢ Added coring decisions and custom puppets for Viira's true path in Barrad.
✢ Added new trait for true path Viira.
✢ Added new names and descriptions for infantry equipment technologies.
✢ Added new flag for communist Karthinia.
✢ Added unique intel agency icon for Barrad.
✢ Added new icon for Angriver's Free Army national spirit.
✢ Added new events for Barrad.
✢ Added Ember as a field marshal for United Dragon Isles.
✢ Added unique equipment icons for Barrad.
✢ Added an admiral and an advisor for Stalliongrad.
✢ Added a decision for Stalliongrad to transfer the Frontier to Nova Griffonia if both are puppets.
✢ Redone portraits for Starry Night in Longsword/Hellquill and a general in Nimbusia.
✢ Viira can now reach an accord with the Pentarchy.
✢ National Griffonian Republic now has the same equipment localization as the main Griffonian Republic.
✢ Properly fixed supply issues in the Griffonian Republic's civil war.
✢ Election event for Suntail's successor now has dynamic text, changing if Kemerskai was rehabilitated or not.
✢ "Cult of the Two Marshals" focus now gives Kemerskai Jr. as a general.
✢ Francistria can now only reform Aquileia if it is non-aligned.
✢ Fixed Lunar Empire event response in the Disciples tag-switch event.
✢ Fixed air attack for dragons.
✢ Fixed AI Stalliongrad not taking war focuses.
✢ AI Stalliongrad now properly builds the Palace of the Soviets.
✢ On historical, Stalliongrad will now join the Great War at 25% Equestrian surrender progress instead of 15%.
✢ Equestria AI will now transfer land to Stalliongrad more often after the Great War.
✢ Fixed various state ownership checks for Crystal Empire.
✢ Sombra now becomes a field marshal upon his return.
✢ Longsword now starts with division editing locked before the civil war.
✢ Improved tooltips for science base national spirits.
✢ Fixed puppeted Wittenland becoming communist when it shouldn't.
✢ Reduced focus duration times for [REDACTED] in Brodfeld.
✢ Adjusted colour of Sirdis cosmetic tag in Longsword.
✢ Renamed some Herzland formables.
✢ Having closed economy now blocks trading with Skyfall.
✢ Fixed motorized officer trait having a cavalry icon.
✢ Fixed Aquileian Republic stealing all generals from Griffonian Republic if it went down the Iron Marshal path.
✢ Replaced "Topple Government" wargoals with regular puppeting wargoals.
✢ Las Pegasus can now always form Equestria.
✢ Adjusted AI strategies for River Coalition to be less eager about supporting Longsword.
✢ Improved amtrac icons.
✢ Removed world tension blockers in economy laws.
✢ Increased AI likelihood of guaranteeing Yale in the archives event.
✢ Cleaned up tooltip for annexing new River Federation members.
✢ Rebalanced skill levels and adjusted traits of numerous generals.
✢ Prywhen can now only ally Aquileia or Wingbardy if it neighbours them.
✢ Chiazbeacle Pact can no longer be formalized while at war.
✢ Forming Herzland now unlocks compliance coring of various neighbouring countries.
✢ Griffonian Republic's wargoal focus on Vedina now bypasses properly.
✢ Fixed Synovial's hat not always changing when he returns to Changeling Lands.
✢ Added missing event for Talouse elections and fixed wrong ideology drift.
✢ Barrad can now only send volunteers in the sane Ambrosius path.
✢ Reduced surrender limit bonus from an Avian national spirit.
✢ Adjusted outdated amphibious tank statistics.
✢ Beakolini in Wingbardy now gets a recruitable population bonus from Blackwings national spirit.
✢ Verany no longer gets a Grover VI event upon forming the Griffonian Republic if he is dead.
✢ Coltstream referendum ending in River Republic victory now removes Wittenland's claim on the state.
✢ Modified some flags to replace valknuts with proper griffon religious symbols.
✢ Supremacy Falcor now isn't renamed when it unites Karthinia.
✢ Forming Lushi-Brodfeld now gives cores and a new cosmetic tag.
✢ Redglad in Griffonian Liberation Army now starts as a field marshal.
✢ Fixed Grover VI being dead resulting in supremacy Romau being unable to core Herzland.
✢ Fixed frontier conquest focuses in Angriver and Greifenmarschen giving wargoals on owned states.
✢ Fixed wrong prerequisites for a couple of Aquileia focuses.
✢ "Memories of Greater Feathisia" focus now gives wargoals and compliance cores.
✢ Fixed Wittenland unlocking tier 2 and tier 3 spells at the same time.
✢ Nova Griffonia now always goes to war with the Frontier on historical.
✢ Vasily in Stalliongrad will no longer attack Nova Griffonia while at war.
✢ Changed Stalliongrad's tank concern to a heavy tank manufacturer.
✢ Adjusted support equipment production cost to be same as in vanilla.
✢ Decreased special forces infantry equipment cost.
✢ Updated GFX for magical equipment.
✢ Removed some unused GFX.
✢ Dehumanized some icons.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: eba2

“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“

04 Aug 22:10
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✢ Added late-game content for Suntail in the Griffonian Republic.
✢ Added a new flavour event for Wingbardy.
✢ Added a unique spy operative for Changeling Lands.
✢ Added missing technology and equipment icons.
✢ Fixes and tweaks for the new technology and equipment icons.
✢ Removed extra Panzerschiff decision from Changeling Lands.
✢ Adjusted decryption technology values.
✢ AI Wingbardy is now less likely to choose the Chiazbeacle pact focus.
✢ Adjusted stats for jet airplanes.
✢ National Griffonian Republic now starts with more war support.
✢ Adjusted statistics for Griffonian Republic's generals.
✢ Tweaked some state resources.
✢ Various tweaks and fixes to country flags.
✢ Bakara now starts with fuel silo technology.
✢ All ideologies now prefer trade with faction members.
✢ Navy is now properly transferred to the victor of the civil war in the Griffonian Republic.
✢ Fixed Suntail's outdated advisor icon.
✢ Added AI factors for decisions to drain inundated Tarrin states so the AI actually does them.
✢ Reset capital for National Griffonian Republic to hopefully avoid supply issues during the civil war.
✢ The Griffonian Republic no longer flees to Haukland if they were annexed by a republican country.
✢ Francistria can now restore Aquileia.
✢ When Rumare makes white peace with Griffonstone, it now makes peace with their allies too.
✢ Adjusted which countries/paths are considered oppressive by Kasa's refugee modifier calculation.
✢ Skynavia may no longer invite Lavender Berry to their faction.
✢ Fixed wrong general being promoted to field marshal in harmonic Francistria's focus.
✢ Made Disciples no longer hate Nightmare Moon for giving them autonomy.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 1794

“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“ 1.9.1

27 Jul 11:26
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✢ Extensively reworked AI to hopefully be smarter.
✢ Increased max level of radar to 9.
✢ Heavy aircraft designers now boost transport plane range.
✢ Tank designers now boost armored cars correspondingly.
✢ Changeling Lands now has a decision to create a carrier.
✢ Changeling Lands now has a decision to gain docking rights to Wingbardy and vice versa.
✢ Changeling Lands now has a decision to research panzerschiffes.
✢ Added Cruiser Submarine 2.
✢ Adjusted resources worldwide.
✢ Added numerous resource prospecting decisions.
✢ Replaced illogical rubber prospecting decisions with synthetic refineries.
✢ Increased shore bombardment hard cap from 25% to 30%.
✢ Reduced max plane joining naval combat per HP from 0.05 to 0.04.
✢ Reworked Changeling naval tree and some navy-related national spirits.
✢ Made jet planes the same archetype as their non-jet counterparts. This means you can mix them in air wings and transfer aces.
✢ Increased harmonist world tension gain factor from 5% to 25%.
✢ Increased harmonist army and air force intel to others from 5% to 10%.
✢ Harmonists and non-aligned can now send volunteers and lend lease at 0% world tension.
✢ Supremacy and communism can't justify wargoals until 30% world tension.
✢ Decreased divisions required for volunteers factor from -10% to -25% for non-aligned countries.
✢ Military police use magical weapons once you research the latter, granting +10% suppression boost.
✢ Extended most naval techs to 1026 (with Man the Guns) or 1023 (without).
✢ Extended air doctrines into the jet age.
✢ Added Jet CAS and Jet Heavy Fighters, as well as Transport Plane 2 and 3.
✢ Added Light Tank 6 and Amphibious Tank 6.
✢ Renamed modern tanks to main battle tanks.
✢ Rescaled lategame tanks, buffed lategame super-heavies.
✢ Added a final generation of artillery equipment.
✢ Adjusted start dates for lategame artillery technologies and rebalanced them accordingly.
✢ Every racial special force later tech now has a secondary bonus on top of +5 org.
✢ Buffed deer racial tech tree to give more benefits to recon companies.
✢ Added torpedo data computers, equivalent to fire control systems.
✢ Added helicopter support (transport, recon, anti-sub, and attack).
✢ Lategame nuclear techs cause reactors to cost fewer crystals.
✢ Added a final 1026 nuclear tech.
✢ Added crystal-powered rocket interceptor 4 and 5.
✢ Added ballistic missile 5.
✢ Lategame missile techs improve static anti-air as well as naval anti-air.
✢ Buffed generic racial tree slightly.
✢ Buffed griffon naval and air racial techs.
✢ Added lategame fuel refining and synthetic resource techs.
✢ Adjusted start dates of several infantry techs.
✢ Re-added magical motorized and mechanized infantry.
✢ Replaced infantry antitank 4 with infantry anti-air 1.
✢ Replaced elite forces 2 and 3 with more options.
✢ Moved the night vision line out of the support weapons line.
✢ Replaced night vision 3 with a boost to recon and initiative.
✢ Fixed support weapons to boost all infantry correctly.
✢ Disabled antitank armored car as a separate unit type.
✢ Added motorized 2 and 3 and katyusha 2.
✢ Rebalanced lategame infantry and mechanized equipment.
✢ Lategame mechanized and infantry now require some tungsten (representing anti-tank being widely distributed).
✢ Added final mechanized tech to improve tank and mechanized performance in wet terrain.
✢ Buffed lategame armored cars and final armored car techs improve suppression.
✢ Added lategame air and navy doctrines.
✢ Lategame engineers now get different terrain boosts instead of urban over and over again.
✢ Removed large cruiser type (now handled properly as subtypes of other ships).
✢ Rebalanced motorized expert trait and nerfed combined arms expert trait.
✢ Added numerous new naval traits.
✢ Increased armored car baseline org from 10 to 20, and made battalions give some recon.
✢ Added armored engineers (require Main Battle Tanks).
✢ Removed all instances of converting equipment across two generations.
✢ Buffed lategame guided missiles.
✢ Medium batteries now include some light attack and are ideal for killing light cruisers.
✢ Fire control systems no longer reduce reliability.
✢ Rebalanced jets.
✢ Added many ship names.
✢ Increased amphibious tank fuel consumption.
✢ Adjusted numerous ship designs.
✢ Increased fleet size and dockyard count of majors and a few minors.
✢ Improved some naval starting tech levels.
✢ Added admirals worldwide.
✢ Added a 3D zebra model, currently only used by Kasa Free State.
✢ Added a new 3D changeling model.
✢ Added new plane models for Equestria and Changeling Lands.
✢ Added a new general for Aztlan.
✢ Added unique focus icons for Viira in Barrad.
✢ Added a few political party descriptions for Baltimare Republic.
✢ Added some new national spirit and concern icons.
✢ Added some new generic griffon operative and generic zebra general portraits.
✢ Added unique Aquileian voicelines.
✢ Added new flags for Herzland, various Yale paths and Kratocratic Austurland.
✢ Redone portraits for Alaric in Rumare and Redglad in Prywhen.
✢ Fixes for Flawless Justice in Longsword.
✢ Non-aligned Greifenmarschen can no longer ally harmonic republics.
✢ Tarrin uprising can no longer occur while at war.
✢ Greneclyf protectorate should now form properly.
✢ Minor fixes for Everfree and ELF.
✢ If Dark Wing is couped, Stalliongrad's relations with Equestria are reset.
✢ Improvements for Russian dynamic localization.
✢ Ponaidhean is now less likely to accept puppeting demand from Wittenland.
✢ Fixed some Skyfall advisors not being available when they should be.
✢ Hopefully fixed Stalliongrad annexing Lunar Empire.
✢ The AI should no longer be able to diplomatically justify wargoals.
✢ Vanhoover border conflicts are now blocked if the target country doesn't actually control the state.
✢ Sigeweard Spellshield now dies when he is executed.
✢ Communist Hellquill can no longer get Starry Night as a leader if she died.
✢ Fixed rare scenario where Bakara unlocked River Federation focuses for Honoria or Wulfric in Wittenland.
✢ Katerin is now actually renamed when it unites Herzland.
✢ Improved Asterion's localization.
✢ Fixed exploit with puppeting Leopold's Barrad where you could use him as a unit.
✢ Adjusted some AI values for Stalliongrad and Nova Griffonia.
✢ Made Sinister Line for Stalliongrad dynamic depending on what states they own.
✢ Improved Spitfire advisor for Equestria.
✢ Various flag fixes and tweaks.
✢ Asterion's fascio-communist coalition leader is replaced after a fascist or communist coup.
✢ Asterion's synthetic oil focus gives the refinery technology.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 6b3d

“Two Eagles“

22 Jun 20:25
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✢ Expanded Flawless Justice's path in Longsword.
✢ Added events and news events for Povner in Longsword.
✢ Added more new focus icons.
✢ Added epilogue events for Count Francis' paths in Francistria.
✢ Added icons for Watertowns equipment designers and fixed them having two light aircraft designers.
✢ Added and changed various voice lines for various countries (DLC-only).
✢ Added a capitulation event response for Dragon Tribe.
✢ Added more farmland textures around Crystal City.
✢ Added a general in partisan Longsword.
✢ Added some new griffon operative portraits.
✢ Added AI game rules for Falcoria.
✢ Nova Griffonia can no longer ally Jaki-Clan as they're meant to be isolationist.
✢ News event about successful Aquileian revolution should no longer fire twice.
✢ Renamed Bakara's Riverlands union decisions to be more ideologically neutral.
✢ Fixed Sombra's capitulation event response appearing for Changeling Crystal protectorate.
✢ Updated Stalliongrad's flag.
✢ Updated portraits for Sour Sweet in New Mareland, an admiral in Olenia and generals in Las Pegasus and Equestria.
✢ Urgent War Committee focus for Equestria no longer has a world tension blocker.
✢ Equestria's decision to remove Stalliongradian influence no longer reduces war support.
✢ Fixed inconsistencies and issues with cores when Herzland nations formed the Griffonian Empire.
✢ Fixed various issues with bypasses and availability checks with Griffonian Republic's focuses.
✢ Republican Romau being annexed by Griffonian Republic now tag switches for the player.
✢ Griffonian Republic's Iron Marshal path now gets cores on Herzland.
✢ If Tarrin forms the Aquileian Republic, Meinard gets added as an advisor.
✢ Polished descriptions for Equestria's focuses.
✢ Fixed Stalliongrad's wargoal on the Griffon Frontier.
✢ Fixed Lycklig's portrait not appearing for a communist Vedina.
✢ Fixed Stalliongrad instantly annexing whoever owned Equestria if it didn't exist.
✢ Gryphia's focuses about joining factions now check if they're a puppet.
✢ Fixed Stalliongrad focus placing infrastructure and a factory in Equestrian states.
✢ Fixed an issue with Lake City's cosmetic tag.
✢ Replaced many national spirit icons in Falcoria.
✢ Fixed issues with Lunar New Mareland becoming independent.
✢ Fixed Tarrin's industrial council concern being available when it shouldn't be.
✢ Increased conscription bonus for Baltimare anarchists.
✢ Aquileia's focuses to unlock compliance coring on the periphery now requires that all those nations no longer exist.
✢ Fixed Greneclyf's AI factors for the trade crisis event chain.
✢ Wingbardy's decision to make peace with Equestria no longer requires them to control Southern Cross.
✢ If Lunar Empire moves its capital to the Castle of Two Sisters, it gets an increased VP value and more population.
✢ Adjusted VP values, names and population in several Equestrian states.
✢ Various nerfs to Aquileia: Reduced starting army, reduced amount of equipment gained from annexing loyal vassals and removed one military factory from Rila.
✢ Renamed Friendship Games to Equestria Games because this is not an Equestria Girls mod.
✢ Operatives can now have traits which contain their description.
✢ Re-added strait between Salt Island and Sydia.
✢ Halved political power gained from defending against Tarrin's border conflicts.
✢ Fixed Feathisia's carrier.
✢ Fixed some Celestial State focuses not checking if Aztlan and Baltimare had been annexed.
✢ Fixed a possible division template exploit with Tarrin and Wittenland.
✢ Fixed Viira's strong attack not subtracting resources.
✢ Equestria should now be able to core Stalliongrad with compliance.
✢ Renamed some victory points in Verenia region.
✢ Fixed issues with Wittenland's focus tree if puppeted by a non-aligned republic.
✢ Adjusted starting production for some Griffonian countries.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 4d6e

“Two Eagles“

17 May 18:28
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✢ Added an admiral for Olenia.
✢ Added anti-air buildings in some Griffonian capitals.
✢ Fixed Stalliongrad not having a core on Petershoof.
✢ Fixed Thestralia cosmetic tag disappearing.
✢ Fixed missing concern icons for Falcoria.
✢ Fixed Aquileian news events not appearing for other countries.
✢ Prevented Tarrin uprising from reappearing after being crushed.
✢ Fascist Wingbardy now has a decision to return owned Cyanolisian land to Asterion if they are fascist as well.
✢ Improved portraits for Marco Paltori and Fetivola in Talouse.
✢ Watertowns can no longer purge officers.
✢ Reduced political power cost for Francistria's decisions to join factions.
✢ Haukland no longer gets invited to Duchess Gabriela's banquet.
✢ Some adjustments to weather values.
✢ Fixed extension of Flowena loan not being blocked by bank secrecy being repealed.
✢ Reduced political power cost for Haukland and corsair Sicameon naval raids.
✢ Added a sanity check for Hellquill calling the Empire for aid.
✢ Stalliongrad will now only join the Great War if Equestria is at 30% surrender progress.
✢ Improved Stalliongrad's AI.
✢ Stalliongrad's "Union with Equestria" focus now gives cores on Equestria.
✢ Stalliongrad's "Civil war in Equestria" focus now gives a wargoal on Equestria.
✢ Yaks and Equestria can now remove Stalliongradian influence for 200 political power.
✢ Stalliongradian influence makes yaks more likely to go communist.
✢ Improved Stalliongrad's armour research bonus and made AI research tank technologies more.
✢ If communist Nova Griffonia makes a faction, Stalliongrad can join it.
✢ Made Nestor Lunin in Stalliongrad a field marshal with increased skills.
✢ Stalliongrad's focuses about intervening in a Nova Griffonian civil war which no longer exists have been replaced with wargoals on Frontier and Penguins.
✢ Reduced infrastructure in western Griffonia.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 0195

“Two Eagles“

11 May 10:15
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✢ Added some more flavour events for Wingbardy.
✢ Added a general for Skyfall.
✢ Added a news event picture for Longsword civil war.
✢ Added unique responses to the capitulation event depending on what country was capitulated.
✢ Added several new victory points in Stalliongrad.
✢ Added an event for lunarist New Mareland where the country can be renamed to Thestralia.
✢ Equestria now has claims on all Stalliongrad states, and can core them through integration occupation law.
✢ Reworked values for weather in land regions.
✢ "Finish the fight" focus for Wingbardy will now bypass if Falcoria doesn't exist.
✢ Fixed Wingbardy's National Health Bureau national spirit.
✢ A Wingbardy event should no longer be incorrectly triggered by a focus.
✢ Various improvements to Griffonian Empire's AI especially on historical. Most importantly, they will delay wars until they have cored all of Herzland.
✢ Changed some national spirits in communist Wingbardy into leader traits.
✢ "Rebuilt Aquila" state modifier's icon should now appear properly.
✢ Fascist Francistria's power struggle should end if Wingbardy no longer exist or isn't fascist.
✢ Griffonian Republic and Aquileia now instantly declare war on all Herzland nations instead of just getting wargoals.
✢ AI Wingbardy should be less suicidal.
✢ Changed the text for Barrad event where the country becomes harmonic, to clarify it's a dead end.
✢ Wingbardy's New Mareland protectorate has slightly adjusted borders and same color as Wingbardy.
✢ Supremacy Tarrin can no longer join factions.
✢ Fixed Flowena's Aquileian puppet color not appearing sometimes.
✢ Tarrin now goes harmonic on historical.
✢ Greatly reduced chance of countries accepting annexation ultimatums from Talouse.
✢ Fixed Wingbardy's communist uprising decisions not being available when they should be.
✢ Francistria no longer has a decision to ally a non-existent Griffonian Empire.
✢ More GFX dehumanization.
✢ Player Tarrin now gets fewer divisions.
✢ AI Aquileia is less likely to attack Tarrin if they are in a faction.
✢ Fixed April Fools' Dread League getting too high discounts for armor and artillery.
✢ Supremacy and communist Talouse can no longer form Karthinia, and supremacy Talouse cannot form Griffonian Empire.
✢ Fixed broken trait for a Talouse air chief.
✢ Fixed event for annexation of New Mareland speaking about Wingbardy even if Talouse is annexing it.
✢ Francis IX now gets an updated description in the "Allies, Not Subjects" path.
✢ Both operations and non-LaR decisions for Wingbardy's investigation should no longer be available at the same time.
✢ Sanity checks for Daybreaker spawning.
✢ Added race-specific unknown leader portraits and icons.
✢ Adjusted traits for various starting generals, so they don't have Adaptable or Improvisation Expert without their prerequisite traits.
✢ Fixed Othmar not having a description when he became country leader.
✢ Events where Grover VI dies now kill him properly.
✢ Talouse gets less infra damage from sabotage decisions.
✢ Fixed various issues with event triggers for Aquileia.
✢ Fixed harmonic Wingbardy's united against disharmony decision being spammable.
✢ Fixed Wingbardy's head of intelligence advisor.
✢ Various tweaks to Riverland country AIs, mostly to make them less suicidal.
✢ Fixed integration decisions not appearing for monarchist Wingbardy.
✢ Added a sanity check for Falcor's focus about allying Wingbardy.
✢ Tweaked triggers for Barrad's assassination missions.
✢ Made fascist Francistria more sensible about when it can attack Wingbardy.
✢ Added a new Olenian admiral.
✢ Fixed an edge case of Twilight being in Crystal Empire & ELF at the same time.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: cc11

“Two Eagles“

28 Apr 20:19
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✢ Various improvements to Griffonian Empire's AI.
✢ Added a new general for Angriver.
✢ Aquileian puppet Asterion now has the correct race.
✢ Fixed various cases of missing localization.
✢ Tarrin is now more likely to go harmony if Republican Aquileia helped them.
✢ Francistria can no longer do the army exercise focus while at war.
✢ Wingbardy can no longer core all of Cyanolisia, only their griffon-majority capital.
✢ Tarrin can now only ally Aquileia or Wingbardy if they have recognized their independence.
✢ Rebalanced Francistria's Count's Conspiracy decisions.
✢ Instead of getting cores on New Mareland, Wingbardy now establishes a protectorate.
✢ Talouse can now make white peace with Equestria like Wingbardy can.
✢ Fixed Francistria's communist path game rule not working properly.
✢ Fixed Wingbardy's investigation operation/decision.
✢ Fixed Griffaroo spotted event triggering when it shouldn't.
✢ Made Pridea's decisions to increase monarchist support weaker.
✢ If Tarrin forms the Aquileian Republic, they should no longer be able to get 6 research slots.
✢ Fixed AI Aquileia being too eager to accept communist Tarrin's proposal for annexation.
✢ Fixed communist Vinovia's leader having Cecile's portrait.
✢ Fixed crash from Pinkie Pie not being saved as an event target.
✢ Chiazbeacle pact can now be formalized if Francistria lost Tarrin.
✢ Francistria can no longer loop marriage proposals endlessly.
✢ Fixed King Garibald not dying fast enough.
✢ Reduced fuel stockpile reductions from society development levels as it caused crashes.
✢ Great war tanks can no longer be converted into heavy tanks.
✢ Updated flags of Changeling protectorates so they have the new symbol.
✢ Added new events for communist Wingbardy.
✢ Fixed communist Francistria's coring foci bypassing.
✢ Fixed focus prerequisites for "Reclaim the Peripherie" in Aquileia.
✢ Fixed Equestria's event response to Lake City forming the River Federation.
✢ Fixed advisor icons for Aquileia.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: db28

“Two Eagles“ 1.9

25 Apr 19:21
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✢ New focus trees and content for:
- County of Francistria
- Duchy of Talouse
- Republic of Tarrin (not playable at start)
✢ Reworked focus trees and content for:
- Kingdom of Aquileia
- Kingdom of Wingbardy
✢ Various fixes for April Fools' Dread League.
✢ Added a description for Othmar in Angriver.
✢ Redone portraits for Prince Elias in Lushi, communist Grover VI in Bronzehill, Synovial in Griffonian Empire, Asinti in Barrad, Gering in Farbrook and admirals in Changeling Lands.
✢ Added new generals for South Confederate States, River Republic, Manehattan Protectorate, Changeling Lands and Solar Empire, and new admirals for New Mareland.
✢ Reworked flag and added new advisor for Changeling Lands.
✢ Fixed government in exile generals.
✢ River Coalition countries can now join offensive wars started by the faction leader (should prevent River Republic from getting stuck).
✢ Decreased duration of some River Federation Race foci.
✢ Communist Longsword's Fateful Leap no longer gives negative penalties if cancelled due to being attacked.
✢ Reduced amount of free infantry equipment Barrad gets from foci.
✢ National Griffonian Republic now starts with partial mobilisation and limited conscription. They also get Griffonian Republic's navy and some of their generals if they win.
✢ Fixed icons for various national spirits.
✢ Dehumanized a large amount of GFX.
✢ Northern tribes generic generals should no longer have griffon racial trait.
✢ Fixed NATO icon for pegasi.
✢ National Griffonian Republic/Griffonian Republic cores are now removed if they are defeated by the opposing side in the civil war.
✢ Subjects can join River Coalition offensive wars freely.
✢ Changelings get an extra operative slots and can do special spy operations on Lunar Empire was well.
✢ Disabled an AI buff for Equestria that hadn't been disabled before.
✢ Magocratic countries get a special option in the random artifact event.
✢ Fixed issues with Yale's tank designer.
✢ Yale can no longer ally non-aligned monarchies.
✢ Socialist River Republic's maluses on other countries go away if they don't exist/aren't communist anymore.
✢ Harmonic Flowena's foci about Nicolas are now bypassed if he's dead.
✢ Society development level now affects fuel stockpile size.
✢ Nova Griffonian foci about allying/attacking other nations now gives a war warning, as a false alarm is better than no alarm at all.
✢ Fixed states not being transfered properly in Buffalo State's border conflicts.
✢ Renamed IU party in Baltimare into IES.
✢ Reduced AI chance of Avian going the Intergigantes path.
✢ Fixed issues with Barrad's Random AI game rules.
✢ Added a flag for Worldwide Socialist Republic.
✢ Added dynamic russian localization for victory point and state names.
✢ Fixed Skynavia's lategame national spirits.
✢ Reduced severity of penalty from running out of love as Changelings.
✢ Asterion can no longer demand Creeper Mountains/Salmarkt while at war.
✢ Fixed XP gain modifier on some general traits.
✢ Flowena now has a cosmetic tag when puppeted by Aquileia, and a dominion autonomy level.
✢ Buffed Povner and fixed Longsword leaders not dying properly.
✢ Increased Dragon Islands population by tenfold.
✢ Added new spy traits.
✢ Redone GFX for Equestrian tanks.
✢ Greatly decreased the chance of random fantasy events.
✢ Baltimare Republic now gets cores on Buffalos if they annex Southern Confederate States.
✢ Increased Ayacachtli's VP value and population, nerfed Mareidian. It should now be the new capital of the Disciples by default.
✢ Fixed Yale not getting a wargoal on Griffonstone.
✢ Skynavia no longer supports Povner.
✢ Troll Hounds and Ursas now require support equipment.
✢ Changeling Lands now load a generic tree if released by ELF.
✢ Artillery expert trait now requires a larger proportion of artillery to be gained.
✢ Fixed advisors for Dark Wing.
✢ Hellquill now has an airbase at start.
✢ Greifenmarschen now goes non-aligned on historical.
✢ Adjusted borders for Sombra's Imperium Crystale.
✢ Added a sanity check for Yale's focus about Asterion.
✢ Tweaked skill levels of numerous Admirals.
✢ Added unique background for Barrad technology screen.
✢ Katerintreue now remains loyal to the Archon.
✢ Herzland countries that remained loyal can no longer ally others in the brief moment between being released and being attacked by the Griffonian Empire.
✢ New Mareland can no longer ask the River Coalition for a guarantee. Instead, they can join a harmonic Karthinian Pact.
✢ Adjusted requirements so that the focus to request Falcor back from Wingbardy does not instantly bypass before being able to join the Karthinian Pact.
✢ Added an advisor icon for Nesty Mango in Baltimare.
✢ Made many of MARESOC's stability boosts into war stability boosts.
✢ Added compliance gain to Minitrue advisor to make it more worthwhile.
✢ MARESOC no longer needs to be at peace to declare a surprise war.
✢ Added a unique spy agency icon for MARESOC.
✢ Added numerous new focus icons for various countries.
✢ Fixed Brodfeld Tank Polygon not being available for Brodfeld.
✢ Forming Evi or Karthinia now only requires owning all capitals instead of all cores.
✢ Fixed the position of continuous focus box in Sicameon.
✢ Worked around a vanilla bug with AI templates.
✢ Fixed Lunar Empire getting decision to demand New Mareland back too early.
✢ Fixed borders for Grover II's protectorates.
✢ Motorized expert trait now gives defence instead of attack.
✢ Made synthetic refineries cheaper and more efficient.
✢ Some prospecting decisions now give synthetic refineries instead of increasing rubber production.
✢ Buffed Changeling Jagers.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 9526

“Dread Flood: The North Awakens“

04 Apr 14:24
Choose a tag to compare

✢ Disabled Dread Flood by default, can be re-enabled via game rule at start.
✢ Reverted minor map changes.
✢ Buffed bone armor (Necromancer Path).
✢ Various buffs to the Vampire path.
✢ Fixed event dedaprilfool.299 broken loc (Ending event of the Vampire Path).
✢ Fixed event dedaprilfool.190 not firing (Necromancer Path Fluff event).
✢ The First's portrait properly displays now.
✢ Hospital Tech is now disabled only for the Dread League.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.