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Assertions reference

Adrien Quillet edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 9 revisions

STH provides a lot of build-int assertions. Here is the exhaustive list of assertions, with explainations and examples.

Synchronous assertions

For synchronous assertion explanation, please refer to this page.

Assertion shortcuts


This utility contains basic assertions that you will need every time you write a test. By composing those assertions, you can express any kind of verification.


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is of type bool and is strictly true

assert_that(true).is_true() # OK

assert_that(false).is_true() # KO
assert_that(null).is_true() # KO
assert_that(Vector2()).is_true() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is of type bool and is strictly false

assert_that(false).is_false() # OK

assert_that(true).is_false() # KO
assert_that(null).is_false() # KO
assert_that("").is_false() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is strictly null

assert_that(null).is_null() # OK

assert_that(Vector3()).is_null() # KO
assert_that("").is_null() # KO
assert_that(false).is_null() # KO
assert_that(0).is_null() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is not null

assert_that(0).is_not_null() # OK
assert_that("").is_not_null() # OK
assert_that([]).is_not_null() # OK

assert_that(null).is_not_null() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is equal to another value. Equality is checked using == operator.

assert_that(0).is_equal_to(0) # OK
assert_that(null).is_equal_to(null) # OK
assert_that(Vector2(5, 8)).is_equal_to(Vector2(5, 8)) # OK

assert_that(null).is_equal_to(Vector2(5, 8)) # KO
assert_that("").is_equal_to("a") # KO
assert_that(5).is_equal_to([]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is not equal to another value. Equality is checked using == operator.

assert_that(0).is_not_equal_to(1) # OK
assert_that(null).is_not_equal_to("") # OK
assert_that(Vector2(5, 8)).is_not_equal_to(Vector2(1, 6)) # OK

assert_that(null).is_not_equal_to(null) # KO
assert_that("").is_not_equal_to("") # KO
assert_that([]).is_not_equal_to([]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is:

  • for value types, the same value as another one,
  • for reference types, the same reference as another one.
var arrayA:Array = []
var arrayB:Array = []

assert_that(0).is_same_has(0) # OK
assert_that(Vector2(0, 0)).is_same_has(Vector2(0, 0)) # OK
assert_that(arrayA).is_same_has(arrayA) # OK

assert_that(5).is_same_has(6) # KO
assert_that(arrayA).is_same_has(arrayB) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is:

  • for value types, not the same value as another one,
  • for reference types, not the same reference as another one.
var arrayA:Array = []
var arrayB:Array = []

assert_that(0).is_not_same_has(1) # OK
assert_that(Vector2(0, 0)).is_not_same_has(Vector2(5, 8)) # OK
assert_that(arrayA).is_not_same_has(arrayB) # OK

assert_that(5).is_not_same_has(5) # KO
assert_that(arrayA).is_not_same_has(arrayA) # KO


This utility contains assertions that are specialized for verifying Array values.


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is strictly null

assert_that_array(null).is_null() # OK

assert_that_array(Array()).is_null() # KO
assert_that_array([1]).is_null() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is not null

assert_that_array([]).is_not_null() # OK
assert_that_array([null]).is_not_null() # OK

assert_that_array(null).is_not_null() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is equal to another value. Equality is checked using == array operator.

assert_that_array([]).is_equal_to(Array()) # OK
assert_that_array([1]).is_equal_to([1]) # OK

assert_that_array(null).is_equal_to([]) # KO
assert_that_array([1]).is_equal_to([2]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is not equal to another value. Equality is checked using == array operator.

assert_that_array(null).is_not_equal_to([]) # OK
assert_that_array([1,2,3]).is_not_equal_to([3,2,1]) # OK

assert_that_array([]).is_not_equal_to([]) # KO
assert_that_array(["a"]).is_not_equal_to(["a"]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given array is empty. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

assert_that_array(Array()).is_empty() # OK
assert_that_array([]).is_empty() # OK

assert_that_array(null).is_empty() # KO
assert_that_array([1]).is_empty() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given array is not empty. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

assert_that_array([1,2,3]).is_not_empty() # OK

assert_that_array(null).is_not_empty() # KO
assert_that_array([]).is_not_empty() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given array has the expected size. Note that null values will result in failed assertion, independent of the expected value.

assert_that_array([]).has_size(0) # OK
assert_that_array([1,2,3]).has_size(3) # OK

assert_that_array(null).has_size(0) # KO
assert_that_array([]).has_size(1) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given array contains the expected value. It complies to has method contract from arrays. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

assert_that_array([0]).contains(0) # OK
assert_that_array([1,2,3]).contains(2) # OK

assert_that_array(null).contains(null) # KO
assert_that_array([]).contains(1) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given array contains the expected values, in exact order, anywhere in the array. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

assert_that_array([0,1,2,3]).contains_in_exact_order([2,3]) # OK
assert_that_array([1,2,3]).contains_in_exact_order([1]) # OK

assert_that_array(null).contains_in_exact_order([]) # KO
assert_that_array([1,2,3,4,5]).contains_in_exact_order([2,4,5]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given array contains the expected values, in any order. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

assert_that_array([0,1,2,3]).contains_in_any_order([2,3]) # OK
assert_that_array([0,1,2,3]).contains_in_any_order([2,3]) # OK
assert_that_array([1,2,3]).contains_in_any_order([1]) # OK

assert_that_array(null).contains_in_any_order([]) # KO
assert_that_array([1,2,3,4,5]).contains_in_any_order([1,6]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that each element in the given array can be positively test by the given predicate. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

Given predicate is a Callable that take an array element as parameter, and returns true or false.

assert_that_array([0,1,2,3]).all_match(func(e): return e < 10) # OK
assert_that_array([2,3,4]).all_match(is_even) # OK, if a function is_even exists

assert_that_array(null).all_match(func(e) : return true) # KO
assert_that_array([1,2,3,4,5]).all_match(is_even) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that at least one element in the given array can be positively test by the given predicate. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

Given predicate is a Callable that take an array element as parameter, and returns true or false.

assert_that_array([0,1,2,3]).any_match(func(e): return e < 10) # OK
assert_that_array([1,2,3,5]).any_match(is_even) # OK, if a function is_even exists

assert_that_array(null).any_match(func(e) : return true) # KO
assert_that_array([1,2,3,4,5]).any_match(func(e) : return e > 10) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that all elements in the given array can be negatively test by the given predicate. Note that null values will result in failed assertion.

Given predicate is a Callable that take an array element as parameter, and returns true or false.

assert_that_array([0,1,2,3]).none_match(func(e): return e > 10) # OK
assert_that_array([1,3,5]).none_match(is_even) # OK, if a function is_even exists

assert_that_array(null).none_match(func(e) : return false) # KO
assert_that_array([1,10,11]).none_match(func(e) : return e < 10) # KO


This utility contains assertions that are specialized for verifying Color values.


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is strictly null

assert_that_color(null).is_null() # OK

assert_that_color(Color.RED).is_null() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is not null

assert_that_color(Color.BLACK).is_not_null() # OK

assert_that_color(null).is_not_null() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is equal to another value. Equality is checked using == operator.

assert_that_color(Color.RED).is_equal_to(Color.RED) # OK

assert_that_array(Color.RED).is_equal_to(Color.GREEN) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given value is not equal to another value. Equality is checked using == operator.

assert_that_color(Color.RED).is_not_equal_to(Color.BLUE) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.RED).is_not_equal_to(Color.RED) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given red value, between 0 and 1. Equality is checked using is_equal_approx function.

assert_that_color(Color.RED).has_red(0.99999) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.RED).has_red(0.88) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has exactly the given red value, between 0 and 255.

assert_that_color(Color.RED).has_red_int(255) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.RED).has_red_int(254) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given green value, between 0 and 1. Equality is checked using is_equal_approx function.

assert_that_color(Color.GREEN).has_green(0.99999) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.GREEN).has_green(0.88) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has exactly the given green value, between 0 and 255.

assert_that_color(Color.GREEN).has_green_int(255) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.GREEN).has_green_int(254) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given blue value, between 0 and 1. Equality is checked using is_equal_approx function.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_blue(0.99999) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_blue(0.88) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has exactly the given blue value, between 0 and 255.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_blue_int(255) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_blue_int(254) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given blue value, between 0 and 1. Equality is checked using is_equal_approx function.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_alpha(0.99999) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_alpha(0.88) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has exactly the given blue value, between 0 and 255.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_alpha_int(255) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_alpha_int(254) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given hue value, between 0 and 1.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_hue(0.66666) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_hue(0.2) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given saturation value, between 0 and 1.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_saturation(1) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_saturation(0.4) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color has approximately the given brightness value, between 0 and 1.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_brightness(1) # OK

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).has_brightness(0.7) # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color is not transparent.

assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).is_fully_opaque() # OK

assert_that_color(Color(1,1,1,0.5)).is_fully_opaque() # KO


Is an assertion to verify if the given color is fully transparent.

assert_that_color(Color(1,1,1,0)).is_fully_transparent() # OK

assert_that_color(Color(1,1,1,0.5)).is_fully_transparent() # KO
assert_that_color(Color.BLUE).is_fully_transparent() # KO


This utility contains assertions that are specialized for verifying Dictionary values.


This utility contains assertions that are specialized for verifying int values.


Is an assertion to verify the given value is exactly 0

assert_that(0).is_zero() # OK

assert_that(5).is_zero() # KO
assert_that(-5).is_zero() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is not 0

assert_that(1).is_not_zero() # OK
assert_that(-9).is_not_zero() # OK

assert_that(0).is_not_zero() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is strictly lower than 0

assert_that(-1).is_strictly_negative() # OK
assert_that(-9).is_strictly_negative() # OK

assert_that(0).is_strictly_negative() # KO
assert_that(6).is_strictly_negative() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is lower than or equals to 0

assert_that(-1).is_negative_or_zero() # OK
assert_that(0).is_negative_or_zero() # OK

assert_that(1).is_negative_or_zero() # KO
assert_that(6).is_negative_or_zero() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is strictly greater than 0

assert_that(1).is_strictly_positive() # OK
assert_that(7).is_strictly_positive() # OK

assert_that(0).is_strictly_positive() # KO
assert_that(-42).is_strictly_positive() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is greater than or equals to 0

assert_that(1).is_positive_or_zero() # OK
assert_that(0).is_positive_or_zero() # OK

assert_that(-7).is_positive_or_zero() # KO
assert_that(-53).is_positive_or_zero() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is odd (not divisible by 2)

assert_that(-7).is_odd() # OK
assert_that(1).is_odd() # OK
assert_that(15).is_odd() # OK

assert_that(2).is_odd() # KO
assert_that(0).is_odd() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is even (divisible by 2)

assert_that(2).is_even() # OK
assert_that(6).is_even() # OK
assert_that(0).is_even() # OK

assert_that(-7).is_even() # KO
assert_that(1).is_even() # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is equal to another

assert_that(2).is_equal_to(2) # OK
assert_that(6).is_equal_to(6) # OK

assert_that(-7).is_equal_to(0) # KO
assert_that(1).is_equal_to(-1) # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is not equal to another

assert_that(2).is_not_equal_to(1) # OK
assert_that(6).is_not_equal_to(0) # OK

assert_that(-7).is_not_equal_to(-7) # KO
assert_that(32).is_not_equal_to(23) # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is strictly less than another value

assert_that(2).is_strictly_less_than(3) # OK
assert_that(-5).is_strictly_less_than(-7) # OK

assert_that(5).is_strictly_less_than(5) # KO
assert_that(32).is_strictly_less_than(21) # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is less than or equals to another value

assert_that(2).is_less_than_or_equal_to(3) # OK
assert_that(2).is_less_than_or_equal_to(2) # OK

assert_that(5).is_less_than_or_equal_to(1) # KO
assert_that(32).is_less_than_or_equal_to(21) # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is strictly greater than another value

assert_that(2).is_strictly_greater_than(1) # OK
assert_that(-5).is_strictly_greater_than(-7) # OK

assert_that(5).is_strictly_greater_than(5) # KO
assert_that(32).is_strictly_greater_than(45) # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is greater than or equal to another value

assert_that(2).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(2) # OK
assert_that(-5).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(-7) # OK

assert_that(5).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(6) # KO
assert_that(32).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(45) # KO


Is an assertion to verify the given value is included in a given range of values. Starting and ending range values are included.

assert_that(2).is_in_range_inclusive(2, 2) # OK
assert_that(0).is_in_range_inclusive(-5, 5) # OK

assert_that(20).is_in_range_inclusive(1, 10) # KO


This utility contains assertion to check for signal emition (with or without arguments). It works with collect_signal and collect_signals_of functions from TestCase class. Using those collection functions, the test case will start to record emitted signals with arguments. Using assert_that_signal, you can then check for emitted signals. If you dont collect signals that you are asserting about, assertions will fail.

Unlike await_for, signal assertions are synchronous, meaning assertions are verified immediatly when method is called.

Collected signals are automatically disconnected and freed.


Is an assertion to verify that the given signal has never been emitted (with or without arguments)

assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_never_been_emitted() # OK
await get_tree().process_frame
assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_never_been_emitted() # KO


Is an assertion to verify that the given signal has been emitted exactly once (with or without arguments).

# assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_been_emitted_only_once() # KO
await get_tree().process_frame
assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_never_been_emitted() # OK


Is an assertion to verify that the given signal has been emitted exactly a number of times (with or without arguments).

assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_been_emitted(0) # OK
await get_tree().process_frame
assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_been_emitted(1) # OK
assert_that_signal(node.tree_entered).has_been_emitted(2) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that the given signal has never been emitted with given arguments. If signal has never been emitted or emitted with other arguments, the assertion is successful.

assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_never_been_emitted_with_args([5]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_never_been_emitted_with_args([5]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_never_been_emitted_with_args([7]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that the given signal has been emitted only once with given arguments. If signal has never been emitted or emitted with other arguments, the assertion is successful. If signal was emitted many times with given arguments, the assertion fails.

# assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_only_once_with_args([7]) # KO
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_only_once_with_args([7]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_only_once_with_args([7]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that the given signal has been emitted exactly a number of times with given arguments. If signal has never been emitted or emitted with other arguments, the assertion is failed. If signal was emitted the required number of times but with unexpected arguments, the assertion fails. If the signal is emitted more or less than the expected number of times but with expected arguments, the assertion fails.

assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args(0, [7]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args(1, [7]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args(2, [7]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args(3, [7]) # KO


Is an assertion to verify that there exists a sequence of emission of the given signal with given arguments in this exact order. Signal can be emitted before and/or after the sequence, as long as the sequence exists, the assertion will be successful.

# assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args_in_exact_order([5, 6, 3]) # KO
# assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args_in_exact_order([5, 6, 3]) # KO
# assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args_in_exact_order([5, 6, 3]) # KO
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args_in_exact_order([5, 6, 3]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args_in_exact_order([7, 5]) # OK
assert_that_signal(npc.on_damage).has_been_emitted_with_args_in_exact_order([5, 6, 3]) # OK

Asynchronous assertions

For asynchronous assertion explanation, please refer to this page.


This utility offers assertions to test asynchronous behaviors and states. Note that all invocation of this utility must be prefixed by keyword await since all assertions are coroutines. If you forgot to use await instruction, the assertion will fail.

Since this utility make asynchronous assertions, time can pass between assertion call and actual result. For that reason, all assertions can be parametrized before invoking them:

  • at_least : allow to choose the minimum amount of time (in seconds) before expected behavior activation. If the expected behavior occurs before this amount of time, the assertion will fail. Default value is 0,
  • at_most : allow to choose the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to expect a given behavior. In case the behavior occurs after this duration, the assertion will fail.
  • poll_delay : allow to choose the poll delay, in seconds. Some assertions check are waiting for a condition to be true. This condition is checked at regular intervals. The poll delay represents this interval. This parameter is not used by all assertions.

This utility is not design to assert on signals emitted synchronously. To do that, please refer to assert_that_signal.

await await_for("NPC is not moving anymore").at_least(0.5).at_most(5).until(func(): return not _npc.is_moving())


Is an instruction to wait until the given Callable returns true. If the condition is fulfilled within the time range defined par àt_leastandat_most`, the assertion is successful, else the assertion is failed.

var _state:int = 0


# Wait at most 3 seconds until _state is 4
await await_for().at_most(3).until(func(): return _state == 4)


Is an instruction to wait until the given signal has been emitted at least once, with any arguments. If the signal is emitted within the time range defined par at_least and at_most, the assertion is successful, else the assertion is failed.

# Wait at least 1 second until node emits signal tree_entered
await await_for().at_least(1).until_signal_emitted(node.tree_entered)


Is an instruction to wait until the given signal has been emitted at least once, with the given arguments. If the signal is emitted within the time range defined par at_least and at_most, the assertion is successful, else the assertion is failed.

If signal is emitted with another argument value, the condition is not fulfilled.

signal on_damage(value:int, attacker:Node)

# Wait at most 1 second until node emits signal on_damage with value 7 and player
await await_for().at_most(1).until_signal_emitted(npc.on_damage, [7, player])