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Upgrade Guide

Use the following guide to assist in the upgrade process of the easypost-csharp library between major versions.

Upgrading from 5.x to 6.0

6.0 High Impact Changes

6.0 Low Impact Changes

6.0 .NET Support

Likelihood of Impact: High

.NET Core 3.1 Support Dropped

This library no longer supports .NET Core 3.1, which has reached end-of-life.

.NET 8.0 Support Added

This library now supports .NET 8.0.

6.0 Carbon Offset Removed

Likelihood of Impact: High

EasyPost now offers Carbon Neutral shipments by default for free! Because of this, there is no longer a need to specify if you want to offset the carbon footprint of a shipment.

The withCarbonOffset parameter of the Create, Buy, and RegenerateRates shipment functions has been removed.

The CarbonOffset parameter of the Shipment.Create, Shipment.Buy and Shipment.RegenerateRates parameter sets has been removed.

This is a high-impact change for those using EndShippers, as the signature for the Create and Buy shipment function has changed. You will need to inspect these callsites to ensure that the EndShipper parameter is being passed in the correct place.

The CarbonOffset model has also been removed.

6.0 CreateAndBuy Batch Function Removed

Likelihood of Impact: Low

The create_and_buy batch endpoint has been deprecated, and the CreateAndBuy Batch service function has been removed.

The correct procedure is to first create a batch and then purchase it with two separate API calls.

Upgrading from 4.x to 5.0

NOTICE: v5 is deprecated.

5.0 High Impact Changes

5.0 Medium Impact Changes

5.0 Service Functions

Likelihood of Impact: High

Previously, only Create, Retrieve and All functions were available in services, with all other functions related to a specific instance of a resource available on the resource itself.

For example, v4.x flow of creating a pickup and then buying it:

var pickup = await myClient.Pickup.Create(parameters);
pickup.Buy();  // pickup variable is updated in-place

In v5.0, the flow is now:

var pickup = await myClient.Pickup.Create(parameters);
purchasedPickup = await myClient.Pickup.Buy(pickup.Id); // need to capture the updated Pickup object

5.0 Client Configuration

Likelihood of Impact: High

The process of configuring a Client has been overhauled to allow for more flexibility in the configuration process.

Old method:

Client myClient = new Client("my_api_key");

New method:

Client myClient = new Client(new ClientConfiguration("my_api_key"));

The ClientConfiguration class has a number of optional parameters that can be set to customize the behavior of the Client instance.

Client myClient = new Client(new ClientConfiguration("my_api_key") {
  ApiBase = "optional_api_base_override",
  CustomHttpClient = myOptionalCustomHttpClient,
  Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(myCustomTimeoutMilliseconds)

5.0 Drop RestSharp Dependency

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The RestSharp dependency in this library has been dropped in favor of using the System.Net.Http and Newtonsoft.Json libraries directly.

This should have no impact on the end-user experience of using this library, but if you were reliant on the RestSharp dependency in this library being transitively used for another aspect of your codebase, you will need to now install RestSharp directly.

5.0 Naming Conventions

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The following classes and properties have been renamed or altered:

  • Smartrate is now SmartRate

5.0 Exception Changes

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

Some exception types have been consolidated or altered:

  • UnexpectedHttpError is now UnknownHttpError
  • UnknownApiError has been removed and replaced with UnknownHttpError
  • ExternalApiError no longer inherits from ApiError and instead inherits from EasyPostError
    • Any EasyPost API failure will raise an ApiError-based exception
    • Non-EasyPost API/HTTP failures (e.g. calls to Stripe) will raise an ExternalApiError exception
  • All EasyPostError exceptions now have a PrettyPrint getter method that returns a human-readable string representation of the error
  • An EasyPost API timeout will raise a TimeoutError exception rather than a System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException

5.0 Parameter Sets

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The Parameter objects introduced in v4.5.0 have been moved out of beta. As a result, the classes are available in a different namespace.

Old namespace:

var parameters = new EasyPost.BetaFeatures.Parameters.Addresses.Create();

New namespace:

var parameters = new EasyPost.Parameters.Address.Create();

Note that the namespaces have also changed from plural to singular (e.g. Addresses to Address, Shipments to Shipment) to better correlate with the service names on a Client instance.

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.0

NOTICE: v4 is deprecated.

4.0 High Impact Changes

4.0 Low Impact Changes

4.0 Updating Dependencies

Likelihood of Impact: High


  • RestSharp was upgraded from v107 to v108
  • All dependencies had minor version bumps and have been locked to the latest (at the time) major version

4.0 Client Instance

Likelihood of Impact: High

The library is now designed around the idea of a Client. Users will initialize a Client instance with their API key and then use that instance to make API calls.

This change allows for multiple clients to be instantiated with different API keys and for the library to be used in a multi-threaded environment.

// Old
EasyPost.ClientManager.SetCurrent("EASYPOST_API_KEY"); // global API key

// New
var client1 = new EasyPost.Client("EASYPOST_API_KEY_1"); // per-client API key
var client2 = new EasyPost.Client("EASYPOST_API_KEY_2"); // per-client API key

All functions are now accessed via the Client instance. For example, to create a shipment:

// Old
EasyPost.Shipment shipment = await EasyPost.Shipment.Create(parameters);

// New
EasyPost.Shipment shipment = await myClient.Shipment.Create(parameters);

4.0 Language Conventions

Likelihood of Impact: High

All functions, classes and properties have been renamed to follow the C# language conventions. The most notable changes here is that all properties of an object are now PascalCase rather than snake_case.

// Old
var id =;
var toAddress = myShipment.to_address;
var formType = myScanForm.form_file_type;

// New
var id = myAddress.Id;
var toAddress = myShipment.ToAddress;
var formType = myScanForm.FormFileType;

4.0 Nullable Properties

Likelihood of Impact: High

All properties of all objects are now nullable. This means that if a property is not returned by the API, it will be either null or the default value for the given type (e.g. false for bool).

This change silences compilation warnings for the library.

The majority of properties for an object will likely be populated as a result of an API call, but if not, end-users will know that the value of a non-populated property is guaranteed to be null.

End users may need to add additional null checks or nullability markers in their code, although this change will likely play well with any existing null checks.

// Old
string name =; // "name" is non-nullable, but not guaranteed to be populated
bool correctName = name.startsWith("John"); // compilation warning: "name" may be null

// New
string? name = myAddress.Name; // "Name" and "name" are nullable
bool correctName = name?.startsWith("John") ?? false; // no compilation warning

4.0 Error Types

Likelihood of Impact: High

Error handling has been overhauled and a number of specific exception types have been introduced.

All exceptions inherit from EasyPost.Exceptions.EasyPostError (which extends System.Exception). Users can catch this exception type to handle all errors thrown by the library.

Subclasses of EasyPostError are grouped into two categories:

  • EasyPost.Exceptions.ApiError for errors returned by the API. Subclasses of this exception type are:
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.ConnectionError - thrown when the library is unable to connect to the API
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.ExternalApiError - thrown when an issue occurs with an external API (e.g. Stripe)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.GatewayTimeoutError - thrown when the API gateway times out (504 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.InternalServerError - thrown when an internal server error occurs (500 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.InvalidRequestError - thrown when the API received an invalid request (422 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.MethodNotAllowedError - thrown when the API receives a request with an invalid HTTP method ( 405 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.NotFoundError - thrown when the API receives a request for a resource that does not exist ( 404 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.PaymentError - thrown when a payment error occurs (402 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.ProxyError - thrown when the library is unable to connect to the API via a proxy
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.RateLimitError - thrown when the API rate limit is exceeded (429 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.RetryError - thrown when an error occurs during a retry
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.ServiceUnavailableError - thrown when the API is unavailable (503 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.SslError - thrown when the library is unable to connect to the API via SSL
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.TimeoutError - thrown when the API request times out (408 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.UnauthorizedError - thrown when the API receives an unauthorized request (401 or 403 status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.UnexpectedHttpError - thrown when an unknown HTTP error occurs (unexpected 5xx status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.UnknownApiError - thrown when an unknown API error occurs (unexpected 4xx status code)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.VcrError - thrown when an error occurs with the VCR (used for testing only)
  • Generic exceptions
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.FilteringError - thrown when an error occurs during filtering (e.g. calculating lowest rate)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.InvalidObjectError - thrown when an invalid object is being used
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.JsonError
      • EasyPost.Exceptions.JsonDeserializationError - thrown when an error occurs during JSON deserialization
      • EasyPost.Exceptions.JsonSerializationError - thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization
      • EasyPost.Exceptions.JsonNoDataError - thrown when no data is provided for JSON deserialization
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.MissingPropertyError - thrown when a required property is missing (e.g. Id for most objects)
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.SignatureVerificationError - thrown when the signature for a webhook is invalid
    • EasyPost.Exceptions.ValidationError
      • EasyPost.Exceptions.MissingParameterError - thrown when a required parameter is missing
      • EasyPost.Exceptions.InvalidParameterError - thrown when an invalid parameter is passed to a function

Any exception thrown by the EasyPost library will be one of the above types.

Any EasyPost.Exceptions.ApiError exception will have the following properties:

  • int? StatusCode - the HTTP status code returned by the API call (e.g. 404)
  • string? Code - the error code returned by the API (e.g. "PARAMETER.INVALID")
  • List<EasyPost.Error>? Errors - a list of errors returned by the API (e.g. "Invalid parameter: to_address")

Any EasyPost.Exceptions.ApiError exception can be pretty-printed using the PrettyPrint string property.

Users can better anticipate exception information through utilities in the EasyPost.Exceptions.Constants namespace.

  • Check what exception type will be thrown for a given HTTP status code by using EasyPost.Exceptions.Constants.GetEasyPostExceptionType(HttpStatusCode statusCode)
  • Check error message strings/templates in EasyPost.Exceptions.Constants.ErrorMessages

4.0 Namespace Changes

Likelihood of Impact: High

As a result of organizing the source code of this library, the namespace of several classes has changed.

  • Most EasyPost-related objects are now in the EasyPost.Models.API namespace
    • e.g. EasyPost.Address is now EasyPost.Models.API.Address
  • Exceptions, as noted in Error Types, are now in the EasyPost.Exceptions namespace
  • Services (static functions) are now in the EasyPost.Services namespace (see Services and Resources)
    • This should be opaque to end users accessing services through the EasyPost.Client class.

4.0 Beta Feature Access

Likelihood of Impact: Low

Following the client instance redesign, beta features are now accessed via the Beta property of the Client instance.

This "beta client" can only be used to access beta features. Using a beta client to access non-beta features may result in unexpected behavior.

// Old
var betaObject = await EasyPost.Beta.SomeService.SomeFunction(parameters);

// New
var betaObject = await myClient.Beta.SomeService.SomeFunction(parameters);

Any beta function will use the same client (and associated API key) from which the beta function was accessed ( i.e. myClient in the example above).

4.0 Services and Resources

Likelihood of Impact: Low

Static and instance-based methods have been divided into separate services and resources. For example, the static method Shipment.Create is now accessible in the Shipment service via myClient.Shipment.Create. The instance method myShipment.Buy is still accessible only via a Shipment instance.

Instances of an object cannot be initialized directly. Instead, use the service to create the instance via a Create , Retrieve, or All API call.

Outside of the new client instance change and the namespace change, this design change should not have any additional significant impact on usage, but it is worth noting the new organizational structure.

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.0

NOTICE: v3 is deprecated.

v3 Docs

3.0 High Impact Changes

3.0 Medium Impact Changes

3.0 Low Impact Changes

3.0 Updating Dependencies

Likelihood of Impact: High

Explicit .NET Framework Support Removed

easypost-csharp no longer explicitly supports .NET Framework.

.NET Standard 2.0 is compatible with .NET Framework 4.6.1+. See this article for more information.

.NET Standard 2.0 & NET 5.0 & 6.0 Support Added

easypost-csharp can now be used with .NET Standard 2.0, NET 5.0 & NET 6.0 along with Visual Basic and F#.


  • RestSharp was upgraded from v106 to v107
  • All dependencies had minor version bumps

3.0 Project is Now Asynchronous

Likelihood of Impact: High

Most functions are now asynchronous which requires prepending await to any function call and making the functions async. This change dramatically improves API response times and prevents deadlocks. Aside from the need to await for your async calls, the interfaces of methods remain the same (except for a couple notable changes listed below) . A simple example of how to call an EasyPost function may look like:

// `async` now required
static async Task Main()
    // Must call `await` on EasyPost function calls
    Shipment shipment = await Shipment.Create(new Dictionary<string, object>() {
        { "from_address", fromAddress },
        { "to_address", toAddress },
        { "parcel", parcel },

    // Must call `await` on EasyPost function calls
    await shipment.Buy(shipment.LowestRate());

This change may require refactoring the parent methods to also be asynchronous.

3.0 Address Verification Parameter Changes

Likelihood of Impact: High

The parameters to verify an address have been changed from verification to verify and strict_verification to verify_strict to match our other libraries and documentation. The new parameter names must be used to verify an address.

// Old
addressData.Add("verifications_strict", new List<bool> { true });

// New
addressData.Add("verify_strict", new List<bool> { true });

3.0 Removes Non-Static Create() Functions

Likelihood of Impact: High

In order to make this library Visual Basic-compatible, non-static Create() functions are no longer supported.

This affects the Address, Order, Pickup and Shipment classes.

Previously, users could create, i.e., an Address object (myAddress) locally, set its attributes, and then call myAddress.Create() to send the address data to EasyPost's API.

Now, users must call Address.Create() to create an Address object, passing in the address attributes as a dictionary. This will send the data to EasyPost's API and return a local Address object.

// Old
Address myAddress = new Address(); = "EasyPost";
await myAddress.Create();

// New
Address myAddress = await Address.Create(new Dictionary<string, object>() {
    { "company", "EasyPost" },

3.0 Renames List() Functions to All()

Likelihood of Impact: High

Functions that called the /all method have been renamed from List() to All() to make function naming uniform ( previously there were a mix of both naming conventions) which also brings these calls inline with our documentation. If you use any List functions in your project, you will need to update these.

// Old
ShipmentList shipments = Shipment.List()

// New
ShipmentCollection shipments = Shipment.All()

3.0 Clarify XList vs XCollection Distinctions

Likelihood of Impact: High

We unified the names of all "collection" type objects from XList to XCollection (eg: ShipmentList -> ShipmentCollection) . If you are using these objects, you will need to correct their names.

// Old
ShipmentList shipments = Shipment.List()

// New
ShipmentCollection shipments = Shipment.All()

3.0 Destroy Functions Renamed Delete

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

Functions that were previously named Destroy are now named Delete. This change was made make this library consistent with our other libraries and documentation while also clarifying what the action is doing. You will need to correct these names in your code when performing actions such as deleting Webhooks, Users, and Carrier Accounts.

// Old

// New

3.0 Removal of shipment.GetRates() Shipment Method

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The HTTP method used for the get_rates endpoint at the API level has changed from POST to GET and will only retrieve rates for a shipment instead of regenerating them. A new /rerate endpoint has been introduced to replace this functionality; In this library, you can now call the shipment.RegenerateRates method to regenerate rates. Due to the logic change, the GetRates method has been removed since a Shipment inherently already has rates associated.

// Old

// New

3.0 Removes the Unusable Rating Class

Likelihood of Impact: Low

The Rating class is unusable as you cannot "create" a rate and has been removed. Rates must be retrieved from a Shipment after creation.