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Python Programming for Water Resources Engineering and Research

arbogne The Argbogne River in Switzerland (source: Sebastian Schwindt 2013).

Exercise: One-dimensional (1d) cross-section-averaged sediment transport

Background: Sediment transport drives and is driven by the morphodynamic pattern of fluvial systems. Alas, dozens of (semi-) empiric sediment transport formulae for estimating one-dimensional (1D) cross-section averaged transport rates are used in two-dimensional numerical models with unknown model uncertainty.

Goals: This exercise features the application of the Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948) bedload transport formulae to a valid application: 1d, cross-section averaged hydraulics. Write object-oriented code with custom classes for tailored interactions with xlsx workbooks. The homework involves using built-in methods of pandas data frames and plotting.

Requirements: Python libraries: numpy and pandas. Read and understand the data handling with numpy and pandas, as well as object orientation.

Get ready by cloning the exercise repository:

git clone


1d Cross-section Averaged Hydrodynamics

From the stage-discharge (Manning-Strickler formula) exercise, we recall the formula to calculate the relationship between water depth h (incorporated in the hydraulic radius Rh) and flow velocity u:

u = 1/n · Se1/2 · Rh2/3

  • n is the Manning coefficient in fictional units of (s/m1/3).
  • Se is the hypothetical energy slope (m/m) and corresponds to the channel slope for steady, uniform flow conditions (non-existing in natural rivers).
  • the hydraulic radius Rh = A / P, where (for a trapezoidal cross-section):
    • the wetted (trapezoidal) cross-section area is A = h · 0.5·(b + B) = h · (b + h·m);
    • the wetted perimeter of a trapezoid is P = b + 2h·(m² + 1)1/2;
    • b (channel base width) and m (bank slope) are illustrated in the figure below to calculate the depth-dependent water surface width B=b+2·h·m.


This exercise uses one-dimensional (1D) cross-section averaged hydraulic data produced with the US Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS software, which solves the Manning-Strickler formula numerically for any flow cross-section shape. In this exercise, HEC-RAS provides the hydraulic data needed to determine the sediment transport capacity of a channel cross-section, although no explanations for creating, running, and exporting data from HEC-RAS models are given.

Sediment Transport

Fluvial sediment transport can be distinguished into two modes: (1) suspended load and (2) bed load (see figure below). Finer particles with a weight that can be carried by the fluid (water) are transported as suspended load. Coarser particles rolling, sliding, and jumping on the channel bed are transported as bedload. There is another type of transport, the so-called wash load, which is finer than the coarse bed load, but too heavy (large) to be transported in suspension (Einstein 1950).


In the following, we will look at the bed load transport mode. In this case, a sediment particle located in or on the riverbed is mobilized by the shear forces of the water as soon as they exceed a critical value (see figure below). In river hydraulics, the so-called dimensionless bed shear stress or Shields stress (Shields 1936) is often used as the threshold value for the mobilization of sediment from the riverbed. This exercise uses one of the dimensionless bed shear stress approaches and the next section provides more explanations.


The Meyer-Peter and Müller (1948) formula

The Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948) formula for estimating bed load transport was published by Swiss researchers Eugen Meyer-Peter (founder of the famous Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)) and Robert Müller. Their study began one year after the establishment of the VAW in 1931 when Robert Müller was appointed assistant to Eugen Meyer-Peter. The two scientists worked in collaboration with Henry Favre and Albert Einstein's son Hans Albert. In 1934, the laboratory published for the first time a formula for the calculation of bed load transport and its fundamental relationship between observed τx and critical τx,cr dimensionless bed shear stresses is used until today. The dimensionless bed load transport rate Φ according to Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948) is:

Φ ≈ 8 · (τx - τx,cr)3/2


  • τx,cr ≈ 0.047 (up to 0.07 in mountain rivers), and
  • τx = Rh · Se / [(s - 1) · Dchar]

The other parameters are:

  • s ≈ 2.68, the dimensionless ratio of sediment grain density ρs (≈ 2680 kg/m³) and water density ρw (≈ 1000 kg/m³);
  • Dchar, the characteristic grain size in (m). It can be assumed that Dchar ≈ D84 (i.e., the grain diameter of which 84% of a sediment mixture is smaller) in line with the scientific literature (e.g., Rickenmann and Recking 2011).

The Meyer-Peter & Müller formula applies (like any other sediment transport formula) only to certain rivers that have the following characteristics (range of validity):

  • 0.4·10-3m < Dchar < 28.6·10-3m
  • 10-4m < Fr < 639 (Fr denotes the dimensionless Froude number)
  • 0.0004 < Se < 0.02
  • 0.0002 m³/(s·m) < q < 2.0 m³/(s·m) (q is the unit discharge, i.e., q=Q/(0.5·(b + B)))
  • 0.25 < s < 3.2

The dimensionless expression for bed load Φ was used to enable information transfer between different channels across scales by preserving geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity. The set of dimensionless parameters used results from Buckingham's Π theorem. Therefore, to add dimensions to Φ, it needs to be multiplied with the same set of parameters used for deriving the dimensionless expression from Meyer-Peter & Müller. Their set of parameters involves the characteristic grain size Dchar, the grain density ρs, and the gravitational acceleration g. Thus, the dimensional unit bed load is (in kg/s and meter width, i.e., kg/(s·m)):

qb = Φ · ((s-1) · g · Dchar3)1/2 · ρs

The cross-section averaged bed load Qb (kg/s) is then:

Qb = beff · qb = beff · Φ · [(s-1) · g · Dchar3]1/2 · ρs

where beff is the hydraulically active channel width of the flow cross-section (e.g., for a trapezoid beff = 0.5 · (b + B))


Set the Frame

The object-oriented code will use custom classes that we will call within a script. Create the following additional scripts, which will contain the custom classes and functions to control logging.

  • will contain logging functions.
  • will contain a HecSet class to read hydraulic output data from HEC-RAS as structured objects.
  • will contain a GrainReader class to read grain size class information as structured objects.
  • will contain the class BedCore with basic elements that most bedload formulae have in common.
  • will contain the class MPM, which inherits from BedCore and calculates bed load as above described (Meyer-Peter & Müller 1948).

We will create the classes and functions in the indicated scripts according to the following flow chart:


To start with the script, add a main function as well as a get_char_grain_size and a calculate_mpm function. Moreover, make the script stand-alone executable:

# This is
import os

def get_char_grain_size(file_name, D_char):
    return None

def calculate_mpm(hec_df, D_char):
    return None

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Logging functions

The script will contain two functions:

  1. start_logging to setup logging formats and a log file name as described on the debugging page, and
  2. log_actions, which is a function wrapper for the main() ( functions to log script execution messages.

The start_logging function should look like this (change the log file name if desired):

import logging

def start_logging():
    logging.basicConfig(filename="logfile.log", format="[%(asctime)s] %(message)s",
                        filemode="w", level=logging.DEBUG)

The log_actions wrapper function follows the instructions from the functions page:

def log_actions(fun):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        fun(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

To use the log_actions wrapper throughout the program, we will implement it at the highest level, which is the main() function in

from fun import *


def main():"This is a test message (do not keep in the function).")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now, we can log messages at different levels (info, warning, error, or others) in all functions called within main() by using for example"Message"), logging.warning("Message"), or logging.error("Message") rather than the print() function.

Read grain size data

Sediment grain size classes (ranging from D16 to Dmax) are provided in the file grains.csv (delimiter=",") and can be customized.

Write a GrainReader class that uses pandas read_csv method to read the grain size distribution from grains.csv. Write the class in a separate Python script (e.g., as indicated in the above figure):

class GrainReader:
    def __init__(self, csv_file_name="grains.csv", delimiter=","):
        self.sep = delimiter
        self.size_classes = pd.DataFrame

The get_grain_data method should look like this for reading the provided grain size classes:

    def get_grain_data(self, csv_file_name):
        self.size_classes = pd.read_csv(csv_file_name,
                                        names=["classes", "size"],

Bonus: Add a __call__() method to the GrainReader class.

Implement the instantiation of a GrainReader object in the script in the get_char_grain_size function. The function should receive the string-type arguments file_name (here: "grains.csv") and D_char (i.e., the characteristic grain size to use from grains.csv). The main() function calls the get_char_grain_size function with the arguments file_name=os.path.abspath("..") + "\\grains.csv" and D_char="D84" (corresponds to the first column in grains.csv).

import os
from grains import GrainReader

def get_char_grain_size(file_name=str, D_char=str):
    grain_info = GrainReader(file_name)
    return grain_info.size_classes["size"][D_char]


def main():
    # get characteristic grain size = D84
    D_char = get_char_grain_size(file_name=os.path.abspath("..") + "\\grains.csv",

Read HEC-RAS Input Data

The provided HEC-RAS dataset is stored in an xlsx workbook (HEC-RAS/output.xlsx) and contains the following output:

Col.No. Alphabetic Col. Variable Type Description
Col. 01 A Reach [string] River (reach) name
Col. 02 B River Sta [m] Position on the longitudinal river axis
Col. 03 C Profile [string] Name of flow scenario profile (e.g., HQ2.33)
Col. 04 D Q Total [m³/s] River discharge
Col. 05 E Min Ch El [m a.s.l.] Minimum elevation (level) of channel cross-section
Col. 06 F W.S. Elev [m a.s.l.] Water surface elevation (level)
Col. 07 G Vel Chnl [m] Flow velocity main channel
Col. 08 H Flow Area [m²] Wetted cross-section area A (see above)
Col. 09 I Froude# Chl [-] Froude number of the channel (if 1, computation error do - not use!)
Col. 10 J Hydr Radius [m] Hydraulic radius
Col. 11 K Hydr Depth [m] Water depth (active cross-section average)
Col. 12 L E.G. Slope [m/m] Energy Gradeline slope

To load HEC-RAS output data, write a custom class (in a separate script called that takes the file name as input argument and reads the HEC-RAS file as pandas data frame:

class HecSet:
    def __init__(self, xlsx_file_name="output.xlsx"):
        self.hec_data = pd.DataFrame

The get_hec_data method should look (something) like this:

    def get_hec_data(self, xlsx_file_name):
        self.hec_data = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file_name,

To create a HecSet object in the main() ( function, we need to import and instantiate it for example as hec = HecSet(file_name). In addition, we can already implement passing the pd.DataFrame of the HEC-RAS data to the calculate_mpm function (also in that we will complete later on.

import os
from ...
from hec import HecSet


def main():
    D_char = ...

    hec_file = os.path.abspath("..") + "\\HEC-RAS\\output.xlsx"
    hec = HecSet(hec_file)

Create a Bedload Core Class

A BedCore class written in the script provides variables and methods, which are relevant to many bed load and sediment transport calculation formulae (e.g., the Parker-Wong correction or the Smart & Jaeggi 1983 formula). Moreover, the BedCore class contains constants such as the gravitational acceleration g (i.e., self.g=9.81), the ratio of sediment grain and water density s (i.e., self.s=2.68), and the critical dimensionless bed shear stress τx,cr (i.e., self.tau_xcr=0.047, which may be re-defined by users). The header of the BedCore class should look (similar) like this:

from fun import *
import numpy as np

class BedCore:
    def __init__(self):
        self.tau_x = np.nan
        self.tau_xcr = 0.047
        self.g = 9.81
        self.s = 2.68
        self.rho_s = 2680.0  # kg/m3 sediment grain density
        self.Se = np.nan  # energy slope (m/m)
        self.D = np.nan  # characteristic grain size
        self.Fr = np.nan  # Froude number
        self.h = np.nan  # water depth (m)
        self.phi = np.nan  # dimensionless bed load
        self.Q = np.nan  # discharge (m3/s)
        self.Rh = np.nan  # hydraulic radius (m)
        self.u = np.nan  # flow velocity (m/s)

Note: Import fun (the script with logging functions) to enable the usage of logging.warning(...) messages in the methods of BedCore and its child classes.

Add a method to convert the dimensionless bed load transport Φ into a dimensional value (kg/s). In addition to the variables defined in the __init__ method, the add_dimensions method will require the effective channel width beff (recall the above descriptions):

    def add_dimensions(self, b):
            return self.phi * b * np.sqrt((self.s - 1) * self.g * self.D ** 3) * self.rho_s
        except ValueError:
            logging.warning("Non-numeric data. Returning Qb=NaN.")
            return np.nan

Many bed load transport formulae involve the dimensionless bed shear stress τx (see above formula) associated with a set of cross-section averaged hydraulic parameters. Therefore, implement the calculation method compute_tau_x in BedCore:

    def compute_tau_x(self):
            return self.Se * self.Rh / ((self.s - 1) * self.D)
        except ValueError:
            logging.warning("Non-numeric data. Returning tau_x=NaN.")
            return np.nan

Write a Meyer-Peter & Müller Bedload Assessment Class

Create a new script (e.g., and implement an MPM class (Meyer-Peter & Müller) that inherits from the BedCore class. The __init__ method of MPM should initialize BedCore and overwrite (recall Polymorphism) relevant parameters to the calculation of bed load according to Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948). Moreover, the initialization of an MPM object should go along with a check of the validity and the calculation of the dimensionless bed load transport Φ (see above explanations):

from bedload import *

class MPM(BedCore):
    def __init__(self, grain_size, Froude, water_depth,
                 velocity, Q, hydraulic_radius, slope):
        # initialize parent class
        # assign parameters from arguments
        self.D = grain_size
        self.h = water_depth
        self.Q = Q
        self.Se = slope
        self.Rh = hydraulic_radius
        self.u = velocity

Add the check_validity method to verify if the provided cross-section characteristics fall into the range of validity of the Meyer-Peter & Müller formula (i.e., slope, grain size, ratio of discharge and water depth, and Froude number):

    def check_validity(self, Fr):
        if (self.Se < 0.0004) or (self.Se > 0.02):
            logging.warning('Warning: Slope out of validity range.')
        if (self.D < 0.0004) or (self.D > 0.0286):
            logging.warning('Warning: Grain size out of validity range.')
        if ((self.u * self.h) < 0.002) or ((self.u * self.h) > 2.0):
            logging.warning('Warning: Discharge out of validity range.')
        if (self.s < 0.25) or (self.s > 3.2):
            logging.warning('Warning: Relative grain density (s) out of validity range.')
        if (Fr < 0.0001) or (Fr > 639):
            logging.warning('Warning: Froude number out of validity range.')

Note: The here shown check_validity method takes the Froude number as input argument. Alternatively, assign the Froude number already in __init__ and use self.Fr.

To calculate dimensionless bed load transport Φ according to Meyer-Peter & Müller, implement a compute_phi method that uses the compute_tau_x method from BedCore:

   def compute_phi(self):
        tau_x = self.compute_tau_x()
            if tau_x > self.tau_xcr:
                self.phi = 8 * (0.85 * tau_x - self.tau_xcr) ** (3 / 2)
                self.phi = 0.0
        except TypeError:
            logging.warning("Could not calculate PHI (result=%s)." % str(tau_x))
            self.phi = np.nan

With the MPM class defined, we can now fill the calculate_mpm function in the script. The function should create a pandas data frame with columns of dimensionless bed load transport Φ and dimensional bed load transport Qb associated with a channel profile ("River Sta") and flow scenario ("Profile" > "Scenario").

The following code block illustrates an example of the calculate_mpm function that creates the pandas data frame from a dictionary (mpm_dict). The illustrative function creates the dictionary with void value lists, extracts hydraulic data from the HEC-RAS data frame, and loops over the "River Sta" entries. The loop checks if the "River Sta" entries are valid (i.e., not "Nan") because empty rows that HEC-RAS automatically adds between output profiles should not be analyzed. If the check was successful, the loop appends the profile, scenario, and discharge directly to mpm_dict. The section-wise bed load transport results from MPM objects. After the loop, the function returns mpm_dict as a pd.DataFrame object.

from ...
from ...
from mpm import *


def calculate_mpm(hec_df, D_char):
    # create dictionary with relevant information about bed load transport with void lists
    mpm_dict = {
            "River Sta": [],
            "Scenario": [],
            "Q (m3/s)": [],
            "Phi (-)": [],
            "Qb (kg/s)": []

    # extract relevant hydraulic data from HEC-RAS output file
    Froude = hec_df["Froude # Chl"]
    h = hec_df["Hydr Depth"]
    Q = hec_df["Q Total"]
    Rh = hec_df["Hydr Radius"]
    Se = hec_df["E.G. Slope"]
    u = hec_df["Vel Chnl"]

    for i, sta in enumerate(list(hec_df["River Sta"])):
        if not str(sta).lower() == "nan":
  "PROCESSING PROFILE {0} FOR SCENARIO {1}".format(str(hec_df["River Sta"][i]), str(hec_df["Profile"][i])))
            mpm_dict["River Sta"].append(hec_df["River Sta"][i])
            section_mpm = MPM(grain_size=D_char,
            mpm_dict["Q (m3/s)"].append(Q[i])
            mpm_dict["Phi (-)"].append(section_mpm.phi)
            b = hec_df["Flow Area"][i] / h[i]
            mpm_dict["Qb (kg/s)"].append(section_mpm.add_dimensions(b))
    return pd.DataFrame(mpm_dict)

Having defined the calculate_mpm() function, the call to that function from the main() function should now assign a pandas data frame to the mpm_results variable. To finalize the script, write mpm_results to a workbook (e.g., "bed_load_mpm.xlsx") in the main() function:

import os
from ...


def calculate_mpm(hec_df, D_char):

def main():

    mpm_results = calculate_mpm(hec.hec_data, D_char)
    mpm_results.to_excel(os.path.abspath("..") + "\\bed_load_mpm.xlsx")

Launch and Debug

Using PyCharm, right-click in the script and click > Run 'main'. If the script crashes or raises error messages, trace them back, and fix the issues. Add try - except statements where necessary and recall the debugging instructions.

Note: The program intentionally produces warning messages because some of the profile characteristics do not fulfill the Meyer-Peter & Müller formula's validity range.

A successful run of produces a bed_load_mpm.xlsx file that looks like this:

River Sta Scenario Q (m3/s) Phi (-) Qb (kg/s)
0 1970.1 Q mean 1
1 1970.1 HQ2.33 13 0.548377243 42.72291418
2 1970.1 HQ5 17 0.682792055 54.58338633
3 1970.1 HQ10 19 0.765834516 62.56010505
4 1970.1 HQ100 25 0.905542967 77.92848176
5 1893.37 Q mean 1 0.193642263 5.075423967
6 1893.37 HQ2.33 13 0.144406226 14.00424884
7 1893.37 HQ5 17 0.203854633 20.40484039
8 1893.37 HQ10 19 0.229078172 23.1352098
9 1893.37 HQ100 25 0.297767546 31.25225316
... ... ... ... ... ...

The logfile should look similar to this:

[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,900] PROCESSING PROFILE 1970.1 FOR SCENARIO Q mean
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,900] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,901] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,902] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,902] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,903] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,903] PROCESSING PROFILE 1893.37 FOR SCENARIO Q mean
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,903] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,903] PROCESSING PROFILE 1893.37 FOR SCENARIO HQ2.33
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,903] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,904] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.
[20XX-XX-XX 14:08:22,904] Warning: Discharge out of validity range.

Note: There are many possible solutions to this exercise and any solution that results in the same outcome (workbook and logfile) is valid. The key challenge is to use an object-oriented approach with at least one class inheriting from another class.

HOMEWORK 1: Implement the Parker-Wong correction for the Meyer-Peter & Müller formula: Φpw ≈ 4.93 · (τx - τx,cr)1.6. Implement the formula in the MPM class either use an optional keyword argument in compute_phi or a new method.

HOMEWORK 2: Use the openpyxl library to add a background color to the headers of output tables.

HOMEWORK 3: Choose and extract 3 profiles from mpm_results and plot the dimensional bed load transport Qb (y-axis) against the discharge Q (x-axis).


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