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Realtime Bubbles is a template for oTree apps. It includes a bubbles user interface, and the ability to run realtime experiments.

Bubbles UI

Bubbles UI refers to a display in which the x-axis indicates users action selection and y-axis indicates current payoffs.

Bubbles allows as input a single continuous variable from N-players. Arbitrary payoff functions that accept this input may be applied.

Horizontal Slider:

  • User control over a single continuous variable via a horizontal slider.
  • The user's action choice is displayed on the horizontal axis.
  • The slider may be restricted to binary choice, or a discrete set set of values, say, integers.

Verticle Axis:

  • payoffs are shown on vertical axis.
  • payoff information may be limited, e.g.

Any arbitrary payoff function that takes as input one variable per user


Also Curtis Notes


Install on your mac

  • Clone repo
  • navigate in
  • setup virtual environment virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate
  • setup pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • You have needed to install jsonfield manually, since there might be a package bug.
  • You may need to install pip install -U git+git://, and pip install -U otree-core mannually. And you may have to do this in a particular order, installing the latest version of otree-core after otree-redwood.

Just in case I forget, from shell;

  • Activate the virutal environment venv/Scripts/activate .. deactivate. Sometimes source venv/Scripts/activate
  • Run docker docker-compose -f .docker-compose-....yml up

Inspector tools:

  • In the inspecter console during the experiment:
    • document.querySelector('redwood-decision').groupDecisions to get list of group decisions.


otree realtime group game with bubbles ui







No releases published
