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fcreds awssecrets

Fcreds awssecrets is a tiny command line utility to pull secrets created with AWS Secrets Manager. AWS Secrets Manager is AWS's best practice for storing application secrets. Used in conjuction with very granular IAM policies (tied to machine roles or keys) means a pretty small surface area for secret exposure.

awssecrets is written in Go with binaries for each major platform and was inspired by


usage: awssecrets --region=REGION [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

A CLI tool to get secrets from AWS secrets manager.

      --help             Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -r, --region=REGION    Configure the AWS region
  -p, --profile=PROFILE  Configure the AWS profile

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  exec --secret-name=SECRET-NAME <command>...
    Execute a command with all secrets loaded as environment variables.

awssecrets supports the AWS_* environment variables, and configuration in ~/.aws/credentialsand~/.aws/config`


First create a secret in secrets manager using the AWS CLI tools

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name postgresqlRootPwd --secret-string password123DontHackMe

Now execute env command, all secrets are loaded as environment variables.

fcreds -r us-east-1 exec -n postgresqlRootPwd -n mysqlRootPwd -- env

- or -

# how to use within a docker container
RUN curl -sL \ \
 | tar zx -C /usr/local/bin \
 && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fcreds

# our worker code is `node worker.js` simply prefix
# exposing it this way as opposed to using an ENV statement means that only the application
# has the secret not the whole contianer, like a local var as opposed to global scope
CMD /usr/local/bin/fcreds -r eu-west-2 exec -n postgresqlRootPwd -- node worker.js

IAM policy

To access the secret value from your application and keep things proper tight use granular IAM policies tied to roles. Any role used to call fcreds will require an IAM policy that looks a bit like this:

- PolicyName: SecretsManagerAccess
    - Effect: Allow
      - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
      - arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<accountId>:secret:postgresqlRootPwd-*


To release a new version you'll need Docker running on your machine and the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN set locally. Then we can run

GITHUB_TOKEN=123456ABCDEF ./ v1.2 takes a version number as a parameter (or we'll try to release v1.0 by default)

To Do

Currently the secret name needs to match the name of the environment variable that is used in the code. We should add the possibility to set the variable name to a different format.