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Edgar Conzen edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

ICY40 learning board

This is the ICY40 FPGA learning board in it's second revision. There are still a few bugs, mainly relating to the power supply, and a few things I want to change. So there will soon be a third revision.

The main components are

  • Lattice ICE40UP5K FPGA
  • Winbond W25Q80 8 MBit Flash for configuration and user code
  • FTDI FT2232H for configuration and as COM-port
  • Eightfold DIP-switch and 4 digit seven segment display, connected to the FPGA via shift registers
  • Five pushbuttons (debounced) and five LEDs, directly connected to the FPGA
  • One 8-bit PMOD, directly connected to the FPGA
ICE40UP5K soldered