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Releases: EdgarReynaldo/EagleGUI

Like A Rocket

16 Sep 14:49
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This release cleans up build system issues on Windows with MinGW and Linux with GCC. Everything now builds and installs properly from source on both platforms.

Like A Rock

05 Sep 18:43
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This is a feature release for Eagle 0 pt 8 pt 5. Classic Menus are now included in the demo ExMenu. Lots of fixes and improvements since the last release 9 months ago.

Eagle docs are in the repository and included in the download below. Get them here :

Allegro 5.2.8 from GIT and all its dependencies are included in the download. Full set of allegro examples, tests, and demos in dynamic debugging mode for testing are included. CHM docs for Allegro 5.2.8 are included. All headers and libs necessary to build Allegro and Eagle programs are included.

You'll need the compiler used if you use the binaries. Get it here :

Make It So

30 Dec 20:37
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This is a feature release of Eagle 0 point 8 point 4. A new example program has been added for the hbox, vbox, and flow layouts recently added to the layouts for Eagle. See ExFlow and press [1-9] | [SHIFT | CTRL] to rearrange the widgets.

Included is another release of Allegro from GIT to accompany it. Docs are now included in the repository at :

Compiler used is MinGW-W64 posix seh with GCC 11.2 found at here :

Eagle binaries and Allegro binaries are separate in case you're only interested in Allegro or you want to build allegro yourself using the dependencies.


06 Aug 19:15
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SteadySheGoes Pre-release

This is a WIP release of Eagle that includes many bugfixes since the previous version.

Included are binaries of Allegro from GIT as of 2021-08-06 and all their dependencies. Included with A5 are CHM docs and HTML docs as well. All the example programs, demo programs, and test drivers built by allegro are included too, in dynamic debugging binaries. Run the included RunA527Examples.bat file to add the dlls to the path and setup the environment to run them.

A5 dependency sources are also included as a separate download.

Included in the Eagle download are CHM docs. Or you can build from source with doxygen and the doxyfile in the repository.

You can get the compiler I used from here :

Refer questions and bug reports to edgarreynaldo at members dot allegro dot cc


19 Dec 19:31
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MassiveAttack Pre-release

Eagle 0.8.1 includes a fix for a common drawing function, DrawImageFit. Downloads have been integrated into a single file, and some scripts for making .lib files from the dlls is included for MSVC users.

Initial binary release

11 Dec 22:44
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An initial release of Eagle for testing purposes and general experimental use.

Docs are separate. Dependencies are separate. Both are provided here.

This release is a binary release of Eagle 0.8, Allegro 5.2.6+, and all the dependencies necessary.

They were built with the MinGW-W64 GCC 8.1 i686 posix dwarf compiler. They are ONLY compatible with that compiler. If you need a different compiler version, build with CMake.

Download the compiler used here :