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eg-radar is a JavaScript library for creating interactive radars inspired by Thoughtworks and Zalando Tech Radar technology radars. It provides many customization options to create radar that fits your needs and style preferences. You can look at demo technology radar built with eg-radar.


Tech radar module can simply be installed using npm:

$ npm install eg-radar


To use the module you need to import it in your project:

import { EgRadar } from 'eg-radar';

Then, create a radar configuration object and pass it to the radar constructor:

var radarConfig = {
    width: 700,
    sectors = [
        { "label": "Techniques"              },
        { "label": "Tools"                   },
        { "label": "Platforms"               },
        { "label": "Languages & Frameworks"  },
    rings = [
        { "label": "ADOPT" , "color": "green" },
        { "label": "TRIAL" , "color": "blue"  },
        { "label": "ASSESS", "color": "orange"},
        { "label": "HOLD"  , "color": "red"   }
    entries = [
         { "label": "Java",   "sector": 3, "ring": 1, "moved": 0 },
         { "label": "Angular","sector": 3, "ring": 2, "moved": 1 },
         { "label": "React",  "sector": 3, "ring": 2, "moved": -1},
         { "label": "AWS",    "sector": 2, "ring": 0, "moved": 0 }
    style: {
      showSectorLabels: true

let radar = new EgRadar(radarConfig);

Finally to render the radar create <svg> element and pass element id to the render function:

<svg id="myRadar"></svg>

Radar Configuration

Radar configuration object has following properties:

Property Type Description
width number Width and Height of the radar
sectors array Array of sector configurations
sectors[].label string Sector label
sectors[].data any Custom sector data
rings array Array of ring configurations objects
rings[].label string Ring label
rings[].color string Ring color
entries array List of entries to display in radar
entries[].label string Data label
entries[].sector number Sector index
entries[].ring number Ring index
entries[].moved number Movement direction (1 - up, -1 down, 0 - no change)
entries[].data any Custom data for your needs


Radar configuration object has following style properties:

Property Type Default Description
style.seed number Random value Seed for random number generator to have consistant generations, leave empty for random result
style.background string Transparent (#00000000) Radar background color
style.lineColor string gray Radar line color
style.font string Arial, Helvetica Text font used across radar
style.blips object Blip style configuration
style.blips.r number 12 Blip radius
style.blips.offset number 15 Spacing between blips. Ignored if all blips cannot be spread out
style.blips.textColor string white Blip text color
style.blips.fontSize number 12 Blip text font size
style.rings object Ring style configuration
style.rings.fontSize number 30 Ring text font size
style.rings.showLabels boolean true Show ring labels
style.rings.showCurvedLabels boolean true Renders ring label in arc. Long text may not be rendered
style.rings.showBackground boolean false If enabled fills ring's background
style.sectors object Sector style configuration
style.sectors.fontSize number 30 Sector text font size
style.sectors.textColor string black Sector text color
style.sectors.showLabels boolean true Show sector labels
style.sectors.highlight boolean true Highlight sector on entry selection
style.tooltip object Tooltip style configuration
style.tooltip.enabled boolean true Enable tooltip on hover
style.tooltip.background string black Tooltip background color
style.tooltip.textColor string white Tooltip text color
style.tooltip.fontSize number 15 Tooltip text font size


Radar has following callback properties that can be registered using addEventListener function:

Event Type Description
selectEntry function(entry: RadarEntry) Callback function called when entry is clicked
selectSector function(sector: Sector) Callback function called when sector is clicked
hoverEntry function(entry: RadarEntry) Callback function called when entry is hovered
hoverEntryOut function(entry: RadarEntry) Callback function called when hover has ended
this.radar.addEventListener('entrySelect', (entry: RadarEntry) => /* do something */); 


Contributions are welcome. Please read for more information.

Special thanks to all the people who have already contributed to this project!