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Akamai CLI for Netstorage

NOTE: This tool is intended to be installed via the Akamai CLI package manager, which can be retrieved from the releases page of the Akamai CLI tool.

Local Install, if you choose not to use the akamai package manager

If you want to compile it from source, you will need Go 1.9 or later, and the Glide package manager installed:

  1. Fetch the package: go get
  2. Change to the package directory: cd $GOPATH/src/
  3. Install dependencies using Glide: glide install
  4. Compile the binary: go build -ldflags="-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}}" -o akamai-netstorage


In order to use this configuration, you need to:

  • Set up your credential files as described in the authorization and credentials sections of the getting started guide on

Expects netstorage section in .edgerc

hostname = XXXXXXXX
keyname = XXXXXXXX
cpcode = 9999999
path = /some/path or ""


The Akamai NetStorage Kit is a set of go libraries that wraps Akamai's {OPEN} APIs to help simplify common netstorage tasks.

Main Usage command

# akamai netstorage
   akamai-netstorage - A CLI to interact with Akamai NetStorage

   akamai-netstorage [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Petr Artamonov
   Rafal Pieniazek

     du                  Show disk usage of `DIRECTORY`
     empty-directory, e  Erase all files from `DIRECTORY`, non empty directories inside target `DIRECTORY` will be ignored
     get, g              Download from `OBJECT`
     list, ls            List `OBJECT` content in NetStorage
     mkdir, md           Create `DIRECTORY` recursively
     put                 Upload files from `DIRECTORY`
     rm, delete          Delete `FILE`
     rmdir               Delete `DIRECTORY`
     help, h             Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --config FILE, -c FILE   Location of the credentials FILE (default: "/Users/partamonov/.edgerc") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
   --cpcode CP CODE         CP CODE to use
   --no-color               Disable color output
   --section NAME, -s NAME  NAME of section to use from credentials file (default: "netstorage") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC_NETSTORAGE_SECTION]
   --help, -h               show help
   --version, -v            print the version

DU command

If you will DU not directory, then the output will be ls

> akamai netstorage du /test
# Directory               Files   Size
/<CPCODE>/test            10      4.3 MB
> akamai netstorage du /test/icons.png
Type    Name        Mtime                           Size     MD5
File:   icons.png   2018-02-12 10:59:30 +0100 CET   3.4 kB   055531dc54f773403865a704e0bdae21

Empty-directory command

Purpose of this command is to delete all files and empty directories inside target DIRECTORY. This is a safety measure to prevent deletion of unexpected content. If you want true recursive behaviour than open support case for Akamai to enable Quick Deletion for required CP Code. Use akamai netstorage rmdir --recursively [PATH] command.

> akamai netstorage empty-directory test/super/tttt

Get command

> akamai-netstorage get [command options] --to /local/path [OBJECT]

Purpose of this command is to download OBJECT from NetStorage. If given OBJECT is directory, then all files will be downloaded. Directories inside target path won't be touched.

If you have such structure:

  • dir1
    • dir2
      • file2
    • dir3
    • file1

Then if you will run akamai netstorage get dir1, file1 will be downloaded to ~/<CPCODE>/dir1.

To set local path for download, please use --to option

List command

Purpose of this command is to list directory content or object information

> akamai netstorage ls
Directory: /225406
Type   Name      Mtime                            Size   MD5
DIR:   test     2016-07-28 11:41:38 +0200 CEST
DIR:   test2    2018-01-31 07:05:58 +0100 CET

Mkdir command

Purpose of this command is to create directories in Netstorage

Put command

Purpose of this command is to put OBJECT to Netstorage. You can upload all files from given directory, if you will specify directory as source.

> akamai netstorage put --from /tmp/www /CPCODE/test

Rm command

Purpose of this command is to delete File in Netstorage

Rmdir command

Purpose of this command is to delete Directory in Netstorage