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GitHub Profile Views Counter is an opensource project that powered entirely by GitHub Actions to fetch and store insights of repositories. It uses GitHub API to fetch the insight data of your repositories and commits changes into a separate repository.

The project created and maintained by gayanvoice. Don't forget to follow him on GitHub, Twitter, and Medium.

Repository Last Updated Unique Views
Astro_Documentacao 2024/7/2 12:42 AM UTC 9 Response time graph 13
Aluratube_v2 2024/7/2 12:43 AM UTC 31 Response time graph 258
Angular2_Na_Pratica 2024/7/2 12:43 AM UTC 47 Response time graph 119
App_Inventor_Projetos_Pessoais 2024/7/2 12:43 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
Balta.io_Criando_um_App_com_React 2024/7/2 12:44 AM UTC 20 Response time graph 74
Balta.io_Comecando_com_Angular 2024/7/2 12:44 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 2
cantinho_do_bloguinho 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 31 Response time graph 77
Casa_do_Codigo_VueJS 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 17 Response time graph 69
Consulta_Quadrinhos_v2 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 24 Response time graph 114
Consulta_Quadrinhos 2024/7/2 12:46 AM UTC 27 Response time graph 80
Certificados 2024/7/2 12:46 AM UTC 62 Response time graph 500
Codesigners_Front-End_Design_Essencial 2024/7/2 12:46 AM UTC 35 Response time graph 224
Caelum_HTML_CSS_JavaScript 2024/7/2 12:47 AM UTC 15 Response time graph 76
Curso_em_Video_HTML5_e_CSS3 2024/7/2 12:47 AM UTC 26 Response time graph 458
Curso_em_Video_HTML5_e_CSS3_Modulo_2 2024/7/2 12:47 AM UTC 42 Response time graph 265
Curso_em_Video_JavaScript 2024/7/2 12:48 AM UTC 7 Response time graph 78
Cataline_HTML_e_CSS 2024/7/2 12:48 AM UTC 3 Response time graph 4
Desenvolvimento_Web_Completo_2021 2024/7/2 12:49 AM UTC 16 Response time graph 71
Digital_Innovation_One_Bootstrap 2024/7/2 12:49 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
DigitalHouse_Codigo_Preto 2024/7/2 12:49 AM UTC 3 Response time graph 4
first-contributions 2024/7/2 12:50 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 1
FreeCodeCamp_Projetos_do_Design_Responsivo 2024/7/2 12:50 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 2
FreeCodeCamp_CSS_Grid 2024/7/2 12:50 AM UTC 3 Response time graph 3
FreeCodeCamp_React 2024/7/2 12:51 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 130
FreeCodeCamp_CSS_Flexbox 2024/7/2 12:51 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 1
FreeCodeCamp_Principios_do_Design_Responsivo 2024/7/2 12:51 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
FreeCodeCamp_Acessibilidade_Aplicada 2024/7/2 12:52 AM UTC 7 Response time graph 25
FreeCodeCamp_JavaScript_Basico 2024/7/2 12:52 AM UTC 18 Response time graph 965
FreeCodeCamp_Design_Visual_Aplicado 2024/7/2 12:53 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
FreeCodeCamp_CSS_Basico 2024/7/2 12:53 AM UTC 7 Response time graph 24
FreeCodeCamp_HTML_e_HTML5_basico 2024/7/2 12:53 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 1
GitHub_Finder 2024/7/2 12:54 AM UTC 6 Response time graph 42
hackathon-listaProdutos 2024/7/2 12:54 AM UTC 11 Response time graph 61
Hcode_Cafe_Next.js_13_Potencialize_suas_Aplicacoes 2024/7/2 12:54 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
Igma_Teste_FrontEnd 2024/7/2 12:55 AM UTC 7 Response time graph 57
Imersao_React_Alura 2024/7/2 12:55 AM UTC 39 Response time graph 166
Imersao_Dev_Alura 2024/7/2 12:56 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
IFRS_CURSO_HTML_2 2024/7/2 12:56 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 2
IFRS_CURSO_HTML 2024/7/2 12:56 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 3
IGTI_Bootcamp_Desenvolvedor_Front_End 2024/7/2 12:57 AM UTC 7 Response time graph 18
learncafe_Microsoft_C_Sharp 2024/7/2 12:57 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
Mini_Shopping 2024/7/2 12:57 AM UTC 11 Response time graph 13
MKS_FrontEnd_Challenge 2024/7/2 12:58 AM UTC 103 Response time graph 1138
Microsoft_C_Sharp 2024/7/2 12:58 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
Microsoft_Learn_Crie-seus_primeiros_aplicativos_Web_com_React 2024/7/2 12:58 AM UTC 5 Response time graph 25
Microsoft_Learn_Introducao_ao_TypeScript 2024/7/2 12:59 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 2
NewTab_Academy_Angular 2024/7/2 12:59 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 4
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Individual_PHP 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 9 Response time graph 64
NewTab_Academy_Projetos 2024/7/2 1:00 AM UTC 11 Response time graph 12
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Individual_React 2024/7/2 1:00 AM UTC 4 Response time graph 9
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Individual_MySQL 2024/7/2 1:01 AM UTC 4 Response time graph 20
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Individual_JavaScript 2024/7/2 1:01 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Guiado_JavaScript 2024/7/2 1:01 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 3
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Individual 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 4
NewTab_Academy_Projeto_Guiado_CSS 2024/7/2 1:02 AM UTC 5 Response time graph 5
Origamid_React_Completo 2024/7/2 1:02 AM UTC 26 Response time graph 131
Origamid_HTML_e_CSS_para_Iniciantes 2024/7/2 1:03 AM UTC 128 Response time graph 1904
Origamid_TypeScript_Para_Iniciantes 2024/7/2 1:03 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 2
Origamid_JavaScript_Completo 2024/7/2 1:04 AM UTC 14 Response time graph 83
Portfolio_v2 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 62 Response time graph 212
Previsao_do_Tempo 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 6 Response time graph 11
Projeto-hashtagFinder 2024/7/2 1:05 AM UTC 6 Response time graph 14
Portfolio 2024/7/2 1:05 AM UTC 9 Response time graph 12
Projeto_Verificar_KWh 2024/7/2 1:05 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 1
K19_Treinamentos_HTML_CSS_JAVASCRIPT 2024/7/2 1:06 AM UTC 8 Response time graph 26
React_Documentacao 2024/7/2 1:06 AM UTC 13 Response time graph 18
RL_System_HTML5 2024/7/2 1:07 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 5
Rocketseat_HTML 2024/7/2 1:07 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 3
Rocketseat_CSS 2024/7/2 1:07 AM UTC 4 Response time graph 6
Sujeito_Programador_NextJS_do_zero_ao_avancado 2024/7/2 1:08 AM UTC 63 Response time graph 453
School_Of_Net_HTML_Basico 2024/7/2 1:08 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 2
School_Of_Net_CSS 2024/7/2 1:08 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 1
School_Of_Net_Multimidia 2024/7/2 1:09 AM UTC 1 Response time graph 2
School_Of_Net_C_Shap 2024/7/2 1:09 AM UTC 0 Response time graph 0
TailwindCSS_2_para_Iniciantes 2024/7/2 1:10 AM UTC 21 Response time graph 59
Testes_React_com_Vitest_e_Testing_Library 2024/7/2 1:10 AM UTC 3 Response time graph 7
teste_achievements_github 2024/7/2 1:10 AM UTC 3 Response time graph 10
Udemy_fundamentos_C_sharp 2024/7/2 1:11 AM UTC 2 Response time graph 7
VueJS_Documentacao 2024/7/2 1:11 AM UTC 6 Response time graph 8
world-portfolios 2024/7/2 1:11 AM UTC 3 Response time graph 8
Zabbix 2024/7/2 12:00 AM UTC 1901 Response time graph 5972

Last updated on 2024/7/4 12:42 PM UTC

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  • The app will automatically stop measuring insights until you revoke those commits.

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