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Cloud-native Architecture workshop

In most workshops you start from scratch, but in this workshop you will actually start with a complete working solution called Pitstop. You will learn by executing several labs in which you will be adding functionality to the solution.

Pitstop is an open-source .NET sample application that demonstrates the following software-architecture aspects:

  • Microservices
  • Event-driven architecture
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Onion architecture
  • CQRS
  • Event-sourcing

Also, Pitstop demonstrates how to develop and deploy applications using Docker containers.


There are some prerequisites for this workshop:


First you need an active Internet connection. Additionally you will need to install the following software on your laptop:

  • Git (download)
  • .NET 6 SDK (download)
  • Visual Studio Code (download) with at least the following extensions installed:
  • Docker for desktop (download)
    • During the installation of Docker, do not switch to Windows containers. We will only use Linux containers.

All scripts in the instructions are Powershell scripts. If you're working on a Mac, it is recommended to install Powershell for Mac:

GitHub account

If you do not already have a Github account, create one by going to the Github website and click on the Sign up link in the top right corner. Make sure you are logged into Github with your account.


Make sure you can execute PowerShell scripts.

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell prompt.

  2. Execute the following command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


In order to complete the labs, make sure you read (at least) the following sections of the Pitstop wiki on Github:

By now, you should have an understanding of what the Pitstop solution contains and what functionality it offers. Next you will execute several lab assignments in which you will add stuff to the Pitstop solution.

TIP: When you copy/paste stuff from the lab descriptions, please double-check whether you copied an additional whitespace at the end. In some sitiuations this can lead to issues.

Lab 1: Run the applicaton

In this lab we'll make sure you can run Pitstop on your machine.

Step 1.1: Get the sources

Get the sources from Github onto your machine.

For this to work, you must have installed the Git client (see Step 0.1).

  1. Open your browser and navigate to the Pitstop repo on Github:
  2. Click the Fork button.
  3. The repo is forked to your Github account. If you have multiple accounts, Github will ask which account to fork to.
  4. Click the green Clone or download button on the forked repo. A dialog is shown.
  5. Copy the repo URL to the clipboard.
  6. Open Visual Studio Code on your machine.
  7. Give the clone repo command by pressing CTRL-Shift-P, typing Git Clone and pressing enter to confirm. You will be asked to specify a repo URL.
  8. Paste the copied repo URL in the text-box and press enter to confirm.
  9. You will be asked to specify a folder for cloning the repo into. Select a folder and confirm. The repo will be cloned in this folder.
  10. When VS Code asks you to open the cloned repo, do that. Now you can start working with the repo.

This would be a good time to walk through the solution and see what's in there. In the Wiki of the repo, you can find an overview of the solution structure.

Step 1.2: Build the Docker images

In order to build the Docker images, follow the instructions in the 'Building the Docker images' section in the repo's Wiki.

Step 1.3: Run the application

In order to run the application, follow the instructions in the 'Starting the application' section in the repo's Wiki.

Step 1.4: Get to know the solution

In order to get to know the functionality of the application, make sure you have read the introduction of the solution in the repo's README file up to the Technology section. After that, follow the 'Testing the application' section in the repo's Wiki.

Lab 2: Add an event-handler for customer events

When something happens within the Pitstop application that could be interesting for other parts of the system, an event is published to the message-broker. For instance: when a new customer is registered, a CustomerRegistered event is published.

In this lab you will add a service to the solution that will react to customer events. What we will do when the event is received is up to your imagination. For the workshop, we will keep it simple and just dump a message on the console.

The service we will build offers no API and can therefore be a simple console application (just as the existing NotificationService for instance).

Step 2.1: Create the .NET Console application

First we will add a new service to the solution.

  1. Open a command-prompt or Powershell window.

  2. Make sure you are in the src folder within the Pitstop repository.

  3. Use the dotnet new command to create a new .NET console application named CustomerEventHandler:

    dotnet new console -o CustomerEventHandler

    The output should look something like this:

A new CustomerEventHandler folder will be created which contains a .NET project. Because the created project-type is a console application, the folder will only contain a project file (CustomerEventHandler.csproj) and a main program file (Program.cs). The default implementation generated by dotnet new is printing 'Hello World!' to the console.

You can test the application by running it:

cd CustomerEventHandler
dotnet run

The output should look like this:

Step 2.2: Create event-handler

Now that you've added a new .NET project to the solution, you can start implementing the business logic of the service. As stated, the 'business logic' will be fairly simple for this workshop.

2.2.1: Open the project in VS Code
Let's open Visual Studio Code to start coding:

  1. Start Visual Studio Code.

  2. Select File, Open Folder and select the CustomerEventHandler folder you created in step 3.1.

    Visual Studio Code might show you some dialogs about plugins that you can install. For now, just install all plugins that it suggests. It will also asks you to add some 'assets' it needs for building and debugging the project. Acknowledge this with 'Yes'. This will create a '.vscode' folder. You can ignore that folder for now.

  3. Open the file CustomerEventHandler.csproj by double-clicking on it. This is the file that describes the project. It is pretty straightforward and clean.

  4. Start the application by pressing F5. The project will be built and started. You can see the output in the 'DEBUG CONSOLE' window that was automatically opened.

2.2.2: Add reference to the infrastructure package
The CustomerEventHandler service will need to receive messages from the message-broker. I have created a nuget package (Pitstop.Infrastructure) that contains a library that will make it easy to implement this without any specific knowledge about RabbitMQ (the broker that is used in the solution).

You need to add a reference to the Pitstop.Infrastructure.Messaging nuget package. Execute the following steps to add a reference to the package:

  1. Open the terminal window in Visual Studio Code using the Terminal menu.
  2. Type the following command in this window: dotnet add package Pitstop.Infrastructure.Messaging.
  3. Visual Studio Code will detect changes in the references and automatically restore the references.

2.2.3: Add event definition
Now you can start adding some business logic. First you need to add the definition of the events you want to handle. All messages that are sent over the message-broker are plain JSON. The CustomerRegistered event is defined as follows:

	"messageId": "guid",
	"messageType": "string",
	"customerId" : "string",
	"name": "string",
	"address": "string",
	"postalCode": "string",
	"city": "string",
	"telephoneNumber": "string",
	"emailAddress": "string"

You need to define a C# class to hold this information. We will only use the customer id and name properties in our code, so in your event-definition you can skip the other customer properties.

The infrastructure package you referenced in the previous step contains an Event base-class for events. This class inherits from the Message base-class which contains the MessageId and MessageType properties (the message-type is inferred from the name of the class).

  1. Add a new CustomerRegistered class to your project.
  2. Derive this class from the Event base-class in the Pitstop.Infrastructure.Messaging library.
  3. Add the implementation of the event-class that only contains the customerId and name property of the customer.

2.2.4: Add a CustomerManager class that handles events
Now that you have a definition of the event, you will add a CustomerManager class that will get the events from the message-broker and handles them. The polling for messages and the handling of a message when it's available are abstracted in two separate interfaces: IMessageHandler and IMessageHandlerCallback. They are both defined in the infrastructure package.

The IMessageHandler interface abstracts the polling for messages on a message-broker. An implementation of this interface will be passed into your CustomerManager's constructor. The infrastructure package also contains an implementation of this interface that works with RabbitMQ.

When you want to start listening for messages, you have to call the Start() method on this interface and pass in an implementation of the IMessageHandlerCallback interface. The HandleMessageAsync() method is called on the callback implementation when a message is available on the message-broker. The CustomerManager will implement this interface and handle the events.

This is a class diagram of this pattern:

  1. Add a new CustomerManager class to your project.
  2. Add the implementation that handles CustomerRegistered messages. For this workshop it doesn't have to be an elaborate handler. Just dump the received message on the console for example. You can reference other event-handlers (e.g. AuditlogService) for inspiration.

2.2.5: Start the customermanager
Now that you created a CustomerManager that can handle CustomerRegistered events, you need to start this manager form the main program. You will use the RabbitMQMessageHandler class from the infrastructure package to pass into the CustomerManager.

  1. Open the Program.cs file in the project.
  2. Replace the existing code with the necessary code to setup and start the event-handler. You can reference other event-handlers (e.g. AuditlogService) for inspiration.

2.2.6: Add supporting files
You need some supporting files (things like settings etc.) in order to run the service.

  1. Copy the appsettings.*.json files from the AuditlogService to your project folder and change the contents:
    • Change the value of the Queue setting in the RabbitMQ configuration block to CustomerEventHandler.
    • Remove the Auditlog section.
  2. Copy the Properties/launchsettings.json file from the AuditlogService to a Properties folder in your project folder.
  3. Add the following snippet to your .csproj file:
       <Content Include="appsettings.Development.json">
       <Content Include="appsettings.json">
       <Content Include="appsettings.Production.json">
  4. Make sure you have referenced the necessary NuGet packages in your .csproj file (see the .csproj file of the AuditlogService for reference).
  5. Copy the .dockerignore file from the AuditlogService to your project folder.

2.2.7: Build the code
In order to check whether or not you made any mistakes until now, build the code. Do this by pressing Ctrl-Shift-B in Visual Studio Code and choosing the task Build. The output window should look like this:

Step 2.3: Run the service

We can start the CustomerEventHandler to test whether or not it works.

  1. Make sure you have the Pitstop application running on your machine (as described in Step 1.3: Run the application).
  2. Open a command prompt or Powershell window and go to the CustomerEventHandler folder.
  3. Start the application by giving the following command: dotnet run.
  4. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to open the Pitstop web-app.
  5. Go to the Customer Management tab and register a new customer.

Watch the output window of your CustomerEventHandler. You should see that a message is printed to the console, something like this:

That's it! You have now created a new service that can react on events emitted by the services in the Pitstop solution. Pretty sweet!

Step 2.4: Create Docker image

Now that you have created a functional service, let's run it in a Docker container.

  1. Add a new file to the project named Dockerfile.
  2. Copy the contents of the dockerfile of the AuditlogService and make sure it starts the CustomerEventHandler (in the ENTRYPOINT statement).

Please take some time to go over the Dockerfile now. You see an example of the Docker multi-stage build mechanism.

  • First it starts in a container that is based on an image that contains the full .NET SDK. We call this build-env for later reference.
  • After that it sets the folder /app as the current working-folder for the build. It copies the .csproj file of your project into to the working-folder.
  • Then it restores all the dependencies by running dotnet restore.
  • After the restore, it copies the rest of the files to the working-folder and publishes the application by running dotnet publish -c Release -o out. It builds the Release configuration and outputs the result in the folder out within the working-folder.
  • Now it starts the second phase which runs in a container based on the .NET run-time container. This container does not contain the entire .NET SDK - so it's much smaller.
  • It then copies the output from the other build phase (that was called build-env) to the local folder within the container.
  • Finally it specifies the entry-point - the command to execute when the container starts. In this case it specifies the command dotnet and as argument the assembly that was created during the build. This will start the CustomerEventHandler console application you've created.

Now you are going to build a Docker image using the Dockerfile.

  1. Open a command prompt or Powershell window and go to the CustomerEventHandler folder.

  2. Build a Docker image by entering the following command:

    docker build --rm -t pitstop/customereventhandler:1.0 .

    You specify the name of the image using the Tag option (-t).

  3. Check whether the image is created by entering the following command: docker images:

Step 2.5: Run the service in a Docker container

Now that you have the Docker image, you can start a container based on this image.

  1. Run a Docker container based on the image by entering the following command:

    docker run -it --rm --network src_default --name customereventhandler pitstop/customereventhandler:1.0

    In this command you specify the virtual network to connect with. In this case we specify the name of the default network that was created by docker-compose when we started the solution (src_default). By doing this, the container can find and access the RabbitMQ server that is running in a separate Docker container on the virtual network.

  2. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to open the Pitstop web-app.

  3. Go to the Customer Management tab and register a new customer.

Watch the output of your running container. You should see that message again that indicates that a customer was registered:

Before you continue, stop the running container by pressing Ctrl-C.

Step 2.6: Run the service using docker-compose

The last step in this lab is to extend the docker-compose file to include your service.

  1. Open the docker-compose.yml file in the src folder of the Pitstop repo in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Add this snippet to the docker-compose file just before the webapp part:

        image: pitstop/customereventhandler:1.0
        build: CustomerEventHandler
        container_name: CustomerEventHandler
          - rabbitmq
          - DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT=Production    
  3. Save the file.

  4. Open the Powershell window where you started the solution using docker-compose up.

  5. Stop the running solution by pressing Ctrl-C and wait until all the containers are stopped.

  6. Restart the solution by giving the command: docker-compose up. The CustomerEventHandler will be started together with all the other services.

  7. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to open the Pitstop web-app.

  8. Go to the Customer Management tab and register a new customer.

Watch the docker-compose logging in the console. You should see that message again that indicates that a customer was registered:

The following labs are more advanced labs you can do on your own if you're done with the first two labs. There's no extensive description on how to complete these labs, only a description of the required outcome. It's up to you to figure out the best way to implement these requirements.

Lab 3 - Add Inventory management

During a maintenance job, a mechanic often uses products like: tires, windscreen-wipers, oil, oil-filters, etcetera. There is currently no way to support this in Pitstop. In this lab you have to add the ability for a mechanic to add products that he or she uses during the execution of a maintenance-job. For every product used, the inventory must be updated and the price of the products must be added to the bill that is sent to the customer.

Caution: this is a pretty big lab and it contains less detailed instructions than Lab 2. So take your time for this one!

In the context-map shown in the domain description on the Wiki, Inventory Management is shown (grayed out). Use this information in this assignment.

These are the requirements for this lab:

  • The user must be able to add new products (update / delete not necessary).
  • When adding a product, the user must be able to specify a name and a price of a product. A product id should be generated automatically.
  • When a new product is added, a ProductRegistered event must be emitted to the message-broker.
  • The ProductRegistered event must be ingested by the WorkshopManagementEventHandler. Registered products must be stored in the WorkshopManagement reference-data database.
  • The ProductRegistered event must be ingested by the InvoiceService. Registered products (productId and name) must be stored in the Invoicing data database.
  • A mechanic must be able to select a product (dropdown) and amount (text-box) for a particular MaintenanceJob (on the details page).
  • When the selection is saved, a UseProduct command must be created that must be handled by the WorkshopManagement domain.
  • Handling of the UseProduct command must produce a ProductUsed event that must be added to the WorkshopManagement event-store. This is the structure of the event:
     "messageId": "C0EAA76D-D566-41F8-B747-3D15C1F58996",
     "messageType": "ProductUsed",
     "maintenanceJobId": "0EC3A1DA-BDB9-4090-A76A-217D4474A4EA",
     "productId" : "C21042C8-D87A-4640-AE27-6C83F100347A",
     "amount": 2
  • The ProductUsed event must be published to the message-broker.
  • The ProductUsed event must be handled by the Invoicing domain. This must add the used product to the maintenance-job.
  • The Invoicing domain must add the products and price to the invoice when created.

We will ignore updating the stock-amount of a product in this lab. For simplicity, we just assume there's an unlimited supply of products available in the inventory. Maybe you can implement a stock-amount in the Inventory domain (and updating this using ProductUsed events) as a bonus exercise.

This is a sequence diagram explaining the interaction between the different components involved:

To fulfill these requirements, execute the following steps:

Step 3.1: Create the InventoryManagementAPI

For this step you can look at the existing CustomerManagementAPI for inspiration.

  1. Add an InventoryManagementAPI project (ASP.NET WebAPI) to the solution that can be used to manage products.
  2. Implement a POST operation on the API controller for registering a new product.
  3. Implement data-access so the service can store products in a separate SQL Server database named InventoryManagement.
  4. Expand the API controller so it uses a RabbitMQMessagePublisher (injected using standard DI) for publishing a ProductRegistered event. This is an example of the event:
       "messageId": "2DEF89EF-4403-4451-8661-A869258B301B",
       "messageType": "ProductRegistered",
       "productId" : "C21042C8-D87A-4640-AE27-6C83F100347A",
       "name": "All weather tire",
       "price": 85.0
  5. Test the functionality of registering a new product. Call the API directly and check whether the product is stored in the database and a ProductRegistered command is published to the message-broker.

Step 3.2: Create the InventoryManagement UI module

For this step you can look at the existing CustomerManagement module in the WebApp.

  1. Add a simple screen in the WebApp that can be used to add products (hint: copy paste from existing pages in CustomerManagement module for example).
  2. Create an HTTP client for calling the InventoryManagementAPI, inject it into to controller (using standard DI) and call it to register a product.
  3. Test the functionality of registering a new product using the new page. Check whether the product is stored in the database and a ProductRegistered event is published to the message-broker.

Step 3.3: Handle product-registration support to the WorkshopManagement domain

  1. Expand the WorkshopManagementEventHandler so it ingests ProductRegistered events.
  2. Add an event-handler that will store the registered product's information in the reference-data database (see the CustomerRegistered handler for inspiration).

Step 3.4: Add product-selection to WorkshopManagement domain

  1. Expand the RefDataController in the WorkshopManagementAPI so it can deliver a list of available products.
  2. Expand the MaintenanceJobDetails page in the WorkshopManagement module in the WebApp:
    • Allow the user to select a product and an amount.
    • Allow the user to save the changes (or cancel without saving the changes).
    • Send a UseProduct command to the WorkshopManagementAPI. This is an example of the command:
       "messageId": "14F2E22C-FFC8-4079-A711-2DA52B755800",
       "messageType": "UseProduct",
       "maintenanceJobId": "0EC3A1DA-BDB9-4090-A76A-217D4474A4EA",
       "productId" : "C21042C8-D87A-4640-AE27-6C83F100347A",
       "price": 85.0,      
       "amount": 2
  3. Add a controller method and a UseProductCommandHandler to the WorkshopManagementAPI that will handle the UseProductCommand (look at the existing controller methods and command-handlers for inspiration).
    • Make sure the new command-handler is registered in the CommandHandlersDIRegistration class!
  4. Expand the WorkshopPlanning and MaintenanceJob entities in the WorkshopManagement domain so they can handle the UseProduct command. This command should result in a ProductUsed event (that will be automatically stored in the event-store). This is an example of the event:
       "messageId": "C0CB1C09-2E5C-4E13-A600-DB8CFA53B5CD",
       "messageType": "ProductUsed",
       "maintenanceJobId": "0EC3A1DA-BDB9-4090-A76A-217D4474A4EA",
       "productId" : "C21042C8-D87A-4640-AE27-6C83F100347A",
       "price": 85.0,
       "amount": 2
  5. Expand the WorkshopManagementAPI so that products used for a MaintenanceJob are returned when retrieving the details of this MaintenanceJob.
  6. Expand the MaintenanceJobDetails page in the WorkshopManagement module in the WebApp so that the products that were used for a MaintenanceJob are shown.
  7. Expand the UseProductCommandHandler so it uses the message-publisher (injected using standard DI) to publish a ProductUsed event to the message-broker.
  8. Test the functionality to see whether or not it works correctly.

Step 3.5: Handle product-registration and -usage in the Invoicing domain

  1. Expand the InvoiceService so it ingests ProductRegistered and ProductUsed events.
  2. Add a ProductRegistered event-handler that will store the registered product's information (only productId and name) in the database.
  3. Add a ProductUsed event-handler that will store the used product's information (productId, amount and price) with the MaintenanceJob specified in the event in the database.
  4. Expand the generation of the invoice so that:
    • The name, amount and total price of the used products are shown on the generated invoice (1 line per used product).
    • The price of the used products is added to the total price.
  5. Because you created the event handlers for ProductRegistered and ProductUsed in the InvoiceService last, you will probably have a mismatch between the list of products in the InventoryManagement database and the Invoicing database. Fix this mismatch. There are two appproaches (choose one):
    • Empty all the databases and start over with registering new products. This is fine for the workshop (and the quickest solution), but never a good solution in production!
    • Replay all the ProductRegistered and ProductUsed events that were sent before by publishing them to the Invoicing queue using the RabbitMQ management console. See the 'Testing the application' section in the repo's Wiki for instructions on how to do this. You can use the JSON examples of the events in this lab as templates for the message-body. CAUTION: In the referenced description, a message is published to the Pitstop exchange. For your scenario, make sure you publish the events directly to the Invoicing queue. Try to answer for yourself why this is important.
  6. Test the functionality to see whether or not it works correctly.

Step 3.6: Run InventoryManagementAPI in docker container

As a bonus step, I will leave it entirely up to you to run the InventoryManagementAPI in a docker container as part of a docker-compose setup (see Lab 2, step 2.4 - 2.6 for instructions). Use pitstop/inventorymanagementapi:1.0 as tag for the container image.


Cloud-native architecture workshop




