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Config.ini and Modules explanation

hjk22 edited this page May 8, 2020 · 18 revisions


Modules without additional settings are all grouped under the Modules tab. All of them come disabled by default, if you want to enable any change it to True.


Service: IP and port adb will try to connect to (check your emulator's documentation for the correct port; the IP is usually the loopback address). If you are using a physical device through an usb connection, use your device's name instead of IP:PORT (you can obtain it by running adb devices -l while connected).


Mode: Specify what is to be used to take screenshots. The allowed modes are SCREENCAP_PNG, SCREENCAP_RAW and AScreenCap: the first two are made available by Android, while the third one is dependent on a third party binary.
SCREENCAP_PNG: This is equivalent to adb exec-out screencap -p, the command used to obtain a copy of the screen and convert it to the png format. This is the slowest option.
SCREENCAP_RAW: This is equivalent to adb exec-out screencap, the command used to obtain a copy of the screen as "raw" bytes which are then parsed by using numpy and opencv. This is faster than the previous option since it skips the conversion step.
AScreenCap: This option will make the bot use the binary ascreencap to take the screenshots. This is the fastest option. The downside is that the image returned by ascreencap has a color depth 24 bpp, while the assets are made from screenshots with a bit depth of 32, so some match templating operations may fail to yield the expected results. It should be safe to use with the combat module.


Enabled: Whether or not script should check for updates and notify them, this is not an auto updater.
Default: True.
Channel: Update channel it will check, Release for stable releases and Development for pre-releases.
Default: Release.


Server: Specify which server's assets the bot uses. Currently supported servers are EN and JP.
Default: EN.


Enabled: Whether or not the script should farm on the map specified.
Default: False.
Map: Map to automate combat on. Supports from world 1 to 13 and event maps, event maps must be prefixed with E-.
Default: 3-4. Example: E-SP3, E-C3 or E-A1.
KillsBeforeBoss: Number of enemies to be defeated before the boss spawns. This setting disables the search for boss fleet until it's really needed, saving time and cpu usage. It needs to be changed if you are farming an event map. If you're farming a story map leaving this value at 0 will make the bot use the right value taken from AL wiki.
Default: 0.
BossFleet: Whether or not the script should use your second fleet to defeat the map's boss.
Default: False.
OilLimit: Below this threshold bot will stop sortieing.
Default: 1000.
RetireCycle: Number of combats in-between each retirement (and enhancement) cycle.
Default: 2.
RetreatAfter: Specify the number of enemies to defeat before retreating from map. Useful for pr farming in later chapters. Be aware that if you input a number bigger than the kills required for the boss to spawn the script will attack it.
Default: 0. (0 means clear map).
IgnoreMysteryNodes: Enables/disables the search for mystery nodes. Set it to True if you want the bot to not search for them.
Default: False.
FocusOnMysteryNodes: If set to True, the bot prioritizes mystery nodes over enemy nodes, which means that if there are mystery nodes present, the bot will first target them. You can use this option to force their collection.
Default: False.
ClearingMode: If set to True, it disables the checks for ambushes normally done during combat. To be used only on story maps with in game clearing mode enabled. Fleet lock feature is not supported.
Default: False.
HideSubsHuntingRange: Whether the bot should hide or not the submarines' hunting range. Only needed if you are farming event maps with submarines and with the option SirenElites set to True.
Default: False.
SmallBossIcon: Used for event maps where the boss fleet is a shipgirl with a small boss icon at her bottom right.
Default: False.
SirenElites: Whether the bot should detect or ignore elite units. Only useful for event maps.
Default: False.
IgnoreMorale: Whether the bot should continue farming even if the morale of the ships is low.
Default: False.
LowMoodSleepTime: Float value which specify the time (in hours) the bot has to be on standby (i.e. no fighting) in order to let shipgirls recover their morale.
Default: 1.
SearchMode: Specify which search method the bot will employ. Allowed values are 0 and 1.
0: The bot searches for the triangles which represent the enemy type and for the level, the coordinates obtained are then translated, in order to point to the center of the cell. This means that an enemy is picked up as long as its type or its level are visible. The downside is that this option is heavier (since the bot will also search with resized assets) and it's more susceptible to false positives when the similarity threshold is lowered.
1: The bot searches for the triangles which represent the enemy type and for the level: for each finding a rectangle is drawn. An enemy is recognized as such if there is an intersection between a rectangle drawn from the enemy type and one drawn from the level: the center of this intersection is the enemy's coordinates. This improves the reliability and the performance of enemies' search. The downside is that both the triangles and the level must be visible for an enemy to be picked up.
Default: 1.


Dorm: Enables the dorm cleaning (collection of dorm tokens and affinity points) and dorm's supplies refilling functions. The refilling procedure is fired when the supply bar is lower than 20% of its capacity.
Default: False.
Academy: Enables the skill levelling function: after a tactical class' lesson ends, the bot is able to keep them going on by starting a new session. If a ship achieves max skill level, no lesson is started.
Default: False.
SkillBookTier: Specify which skillbooks' tier the bot uses for ships' skill levelling. Allowed values: 1, 2 and 3.
Default: 2.
AvailableSupplies: This list specify the supplies to be used to refill the dorm. The allowed values are 20000 10000 5000 3000 2000 1000, which represent the food based on their contributions to the supplies bar (e.g. 1000 corresponds to oxy cola). The order in which they are listed specify which food should be used first.
Default: 5000 3000 2000 1000.


Commissions: Checks if there are any urgent commissions, if there are none it will scroll down and tap the last daily one.
It does not check for requirements being met or not, be aware.
Missions: Collects completed missions.


Enabled: Whether the bot should enhance ships or not. The bot picks the top leftmost ship from the pool of the favorite and enhanceable ones, so you need to first choose the ships you want to enhance and favorite them.
Default: False.
SingleEnhancement: The default behavior is to continue the enhancing procedure until either the selected ship is maxed out or there are no more materials to procede with the enhancement. Set this True to do only a single enhancement, i.e. consuming at most 12 common ships per enhancement.
Default: False


Enabled: Whether the bot should retire ships or not. Only retires commons and rares, it uses in-game sorting filters so you shouldn't worry about it going insane.
Default: False.
Rares: Enables retirement for Rare ships.
Default: False.
Commons: Enables retirement for Common ships.
Default: True.


Enabled: False
AllowFreeProjects: True
AllowConsumingCoins: True
AllowConsumingCubes: False
WithoutRequirements: True
AwardMustContainPRBlueprint: False
30Minutes: True
1Hour: True
1Hour30Minutes: True
2Hours: True
2Hours30Minutes: True
4Hours: False
5Hours: False
6Hours: False
8Hours: False
12Hours: False


Note: Most event maps are added as combat maps, not event. This is for events worth automating that are completely different to normal maps such as events that add new enemies and mechanics to their levels (movement limitation isn't considered a mechanic).

Enabled: Whether or not the script should do the event's fights.
Default: False.
Event: Name of the event to automate (only Crosswave and Royal_Maids are supported for now).
Default: Royal_Maids.
Levels: List of levels you want to automate in the event. H is hard, N is normal and E is easy.
Default: EX,H,N,E. Example: EX,H,N.
IgnoreRateUp: This setting lets you automate the specified level indefinitely, even after the daily 15 fights.
Default: False.