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new falcon assemblies that have been quivered and Pilon polished still have heterozygote indel errors. This pipeline will correct most of them.

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which has more detailed information, especially for the previous steps.

This pipeline does the following:

1.Run FreeBayes (Garrison E, et al. 2012. arXiv preprint) of genome* Illumina reads aligned against genome reference giving a list of variants

2.In cases in which there are 2 indels ¡Ü6 bp apart, remove the 2nd from the list and remove non-indels from list.

3.Stage 1 correction: Change reference to the variants in list from #2 (genome-wide) using vcf-consensus (The Variant Call Format and VCFtools, Petr Danecek, Adam Auton, Goncalo Abecasis, Cornelis A. Albers, Eric Banks, Mark A. DePristo, Robert Handsaker, Gerton Lunter, Gabor Marth, Stephen T. Sherry, Gilean McVean, Richard Durbin and 1000 Genomes Project Analysis Group, Bioinformatics, 2011) giving new reference: ¡°Corrected FreeBayes 1

4.Find remaining high-confidence gene-killing indels by applying filters that eliminated lower confidence (indels in regions of segmental duplication, high depth regions of the assembly, telomeric, centromeric, small contigs (less than 500K), and mapping within 10kb of the ends of contigs). Empirically we found most of the remaining gene killing indels in CorrectedFreeBayes1 were heterozygous. To change them to the benign variant that restored frame, we follow the following steps:

5.Align Illumina reads against CorrectedFreeBayes1

6.Run FreeBayes (again) with the genome Illumina reads against CorrectedFreeBayes1 but just at the sites (+/-100 bp) of indels from #4

7.Stage 2 correction: Change the reference to the variants in #6 (not just indels, 215 in chimp) using vcf-consensus giving ¡°CorrectedFreeBayes2¡±--the output of this pipeline.

*Yoruban, Clint-chimpanzee, CHM13 or Susie-orangutan

less module load python/2.7.3 --szInputGenome ~/eee_shared/assemblies/clint_panTro/polished_quivered_masked/clint.contigs.quiver.pilon.masked.fasta --szInputFreebayesVCFFile /net/eichler/vol25/projects/whole_genome_assembly/nobackups/chimp/Drafts/V3.0a-falcon/freebayes_polishing/clint.vcf.gz --szPrefixForSmartie ylint170309 --nProcessors 22 --szIlluminaPiecesForward /net/eichler/vol25/projects/whole_genome_assembly/nobackups/chimp/Drafts/V3.0a-falcon/freebayes_polishing5/illumina_reads/pieces_forward --szHighAndLowDepthRegionsBed high_low_depth_2.7_170_falcon_coordinates.bed

where: --szInputGenome is the fasta file with indel errors

--szInputFreebayesVCFFile is the output of freebayes of Illumina reads run against the fasta file above

--szPrefixForSmartie is (I believe) an arbitrary prefix that the smartie pipeline needs to output and intermediate files

--nProcessors is the number of processors used by blasr of the corrected genomes (stage 1 and stage 2) against human as part of the smartie pipeline

--szIlluminaPiecesForward is the directory of fastq files each with lots of forward Illumina reads. the path must end with "pieces_forward" which is replaced by "pieces_reverse" to get to the directory with the corresponding files containing Illumina reverse files. The purpose is to parallelize running bwa of these reads against the stage1 and stage2 freebayes corrected genomes. Since the input of this script is a freebayes vcf file, there is no need to run bwa against the original (uncorrected) file.

--szHighAndLowDepthRegionsBed is a bed file of high and low depth regions in the coordinates of the uncorrected genome. As such it is useless unless converted to coordinates of the stage1 correction genome. This is done by


new falcon assemblies that have been quivered and Pilon polished still have heterozygote indel errors. This pipeline will correct most of them.






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