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Notification extension for Ext JS 4.x (version: 2.1.2)

Examples and instructions

New improved features include:

  • Multiple managers and notifications stacks
  • The static manager object is eliminated completely, allowing notifications to attach to different components using their x and y coordinates to slide in the notifications.
  • All eight corners and edges of document/manager can be used: 'tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl', 't', 'l', 'b', 'r'.
  • Both x and y axis can be used on corners. Notifications can slide in sideways.
  • When a notification is closed any notifications above it slide down automatically.
  • Hovering the mouse over the notification delays auto closing.
  • Easy customization of css, animations, delays, spacings/padding etc.


Copyright (c) 2011 Eirik Lorentsen -

Based on the Ext.ux.Notification plugin by efattal.

Dual licensed under the MIT ( and GPL ( licenses.



  • (anotheri) Bugfix: Notification destroys properly on close()


  • (Brian428) Bugfix: Specifying origin x and y coordinates in the initial animation to avoid irregular animation.


  • Bugfix: Compatible with Ext JS 4.0.7
  • Bugfix: Simplified hide function using fadeOut() eliminating some small snags


  • Renamed autoHide to autoClose
  • (Dmurat) Enabled reuse of notifications (closeAction: 'hide')
  • (Idonofrio) Destroying notification by default (closeAction: 'destroy')

2.0 (2012-03-06)

  • Renamed some properties ending with "Delay" to the more correct: "Duration".
  • Moved the hiding animation out of destruction and into hide.
  • Renamed the corresponding "destroy" properties to "hide".
  • (Hpsam) Changed addClass to addCls.
  • (Hpsam) Avoiding setting 'notification-fixed' when auto hiding.
  • (Justmyhobby) Using separate arrays to enable managers to mix alignments.
  • (Kreeve_ctisn) Removed default title.
  • (Jmaia) Center of edges can be used for positioning. Renamed corner property to position.
  • (Hpsam) Hiding or destroying manager does not cause errors.

1.3 (2011-09-13)

  • Cleaned up component destruction

1.2 (2011-09-12)

  • Added config options: stickOnClick and stickWhileHover.

1.1 (2011-09-01)

  • Bugfix. Array.indexOf not universally implemented, causing errors in IE<=8. Replaced with Ext.Array.indexOf.