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OrthoReg: Robust Network Pruning Using Orthogonality Regularization

Code release for OrthoReg. The main paper can be found at

Brief Summary

OrthoReg is a regularization strategy aimed at making importance estimates in prior state-of-the-art pruning methods based on loss preservation (e.g., see Fisher pruning) more reliable and robust for large pruning ratios. We provide code for extracting Early-Bird Tickets from and for Iteratively Pruning VGG-13, MobileNet-V1, and ResNet-34.

The code requires:

  • Python 3.6 or higher

  • Pytorch 1.4 or higher


To install requirements (uses pip):



The provided modules serve the following purpose:

  • Provides functions for training pruned networks in general, including Early-Bird Tickets.

  • Calculate train accuracy, test accuracy, degree of orthogonality (layerwise), FLOPs, and compression ratio.

  • Importance estimators for different methods (Fisher, BN, TFO, GraSP, RDT, L1, and SFP).

  • Pruning engine (includes pruned networks' classes).

  • Model classes for VGG-13, MobileNet-V1, ResNet-34.

  • Hyperparameters and progress bar for training models.

Pretrained models are to be stored in the directory pretrained and pruned models will be saved in pruned_nets. We provide both minimally and fully trained models for Early-Bird Tickets and iterative pruning experiments, respectively (see below).

Extracting Early-Bird Tickets

To extract Early-Bird Tickets from a model (e.g., VGG-13) on CIFAR-100, run the following command

python --ebt=True --model=vgg --pretrained=False --pruning_type=orthoreg --prune_percent=25

Iterative Pruning

To extract Early-Bird Tickets from a model (e.g., VGG-13) on CIFAR-100, run the following command

python --model=vgg --pretrained=False --pruning_type=orthoreg --prune_percent=50 --n_rounds=2

Summary of available options


  • Options: True/False; default: False.
  • If False, n_rounds (see below) needs to be specified to prune iteratively.


  • Options: vgg/mobilenet/resnet.


  • Options: True/False.
  • For True, pretrained models should be stored in the directory pretrained.


  • Options: string; Default: "CIFAR100".
  • If CIFAR-100 is not already downloaded, it will be downloaded.
  • If you are using your own dataset, indicate the path to the main dataset directory which should contain two subdirectories: train and test.



  • Options: integer in range [0, 95].


  • Options: integer.


  • Options: 'array'.
  • If you do not want to use the default method for deciding pruning ratios, use this option to define manual thresholds.
  • E.g., for pruning the network by 10%, 50%, 80% of original filters in 3 rounds, respectively, use --thresholds='[10, 50, 80]'


  • Options: integer; Default: 0.


  • Options: base/ortho/False; Default: False.

Training Settings: To change number of epochs or the learning rate schedule for training the base models or the pruned models, change the hyperparameters in By default, models are trained using SGD with momentum (0.9).


To evaluate a model (e.g., a pruned VGG-13 model), use:

python --model vgg --pruned True --model_path <path_to_model_file> --test_acc True

Summary of available options for evaluating models:


  • Options: vgg/mobilenet/resnet.


  • Options: True/False; Default: False.
  • Set to True for evaluating a pruned model.


  • Options: string.
  • Location where model to be analyzed is stored.


  • Options: string; Default: "CIFAR100".
  • If CIFAR-100 is not already downloaded, it will be downloaded.
  • If you are using your own dataset, indicate the path to the main dataset directory which should contain two subdirectories: train and test.


  • Options: True/False; Default: False.


  • Options: True/False; Default: False.


  • Options: True/False; Default: False.


  • Options: True/False; Default: False.


  • Options: True/False; Default: False.
  • For layer l with weight matrix W(l) , the degree of Orthogonality option outputs the ratio ||diag(W(l)^T W(l))|| / ||W(l)^T W(l)||. For a diagonal matrix, this ratio should be 1.


We provide sample results for our code. Following are the performances of the Early-Bird Tickets drawn using different pruning methods (OrthoReg, Fisher pruning, and BN-scale based pruning) on VGG-13, MobileNet-V1, and ResNet-34 models for the CIFAR-100 dataset:

To replicate these, use seed 0.

  • Original models:

    Model name Accuracy
    ResNet-34 73.4%
    VGG-13 65.5%
    MobileNet-V1 67.0%
  • OrthoReg:

    Model name % Pruned Accuracy Model name % Pruned Accuracy Model name % Pruned Accuracy
    ResNet-34 25% 77.4% VGG-13 25% 71.4% MobileNet-V1 25% 67.8%
    50% 76.7% 50% 71.2% 50% 67.4%
    75% 74.8% 75% 67.5% 75% 65.8%
  • Fisher pruning:

    Model name % Pruned Accuracy Model name % Pruned Accuracy Model name % Pruned Accuracy
    ResNet-34 25% 72.7% VGG-13 25% 65.4% MobileNet-V1 25% 67.9%
    50% 72.3% 50% 67.1% 50% 67.6%
    75% 71.3% 75% 65.3% 75% 65.9%
  • BN-scale based:

    Model name % Pruned Accuracy Model name % Pruned Accuracy Model name % Pruned Accuracy
    ResNet-34 25% 72.9% VGG-13 25% 65.5% MobileNet-V1 25% 67.7%
    50% 72.1% 50% 65.6% 50% 68.3%
    75% 70.1% 75% 64.8% 75% 65.5%

Pre-trained Models

We provide fully trained and minimally trained models that can be pruned using our code.

For Early-Bird Tickets experiments, minimally trained models can be found here:

For iterative pruning, fully trained models can be found here:

To use these models:

  • Store the fully trained models in the directory pretrained/iterative.

  • Store the minimally trained models in the directory pretrained/ebt.


  • The optimizer is set to SGD by default. For iterative pruning experiments described in the paper, Adam was used.


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