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Hosting web application on a private GKE cluster using terraform and docker

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GCP-Final-Project ☁️

Hosting web application on private GKE cluster using Terraform and Docker


This project is designed to deploy a secure infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Terraform. The infrastructure includes:

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with two subnets
    • Management Subnet & Restricted Subnet.
  • The Management Subnet contains:
    • NAT gateway & Private VM
  • The Restricted Subnet contains:
    • Private standard GKE cluster (private control plan).

The VM must be private, and the Restricted Subnet must not have access to the internet. All images deployed on GKE comes from GCR or Artifacts registry, and the deployment must be exposed to the public internet with a public HTTP load balancer.


  • Linux system
  • Terraform
  • Docker

Getting Started

  • To use this project, you will need to clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  • Then starting by creating infrastructure using terraform

    cd Terraform\ files
    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terrafrom apply
  • Dockerizing application frontend and push it to GCR

    cd .. 
    cd Python\ app 
    docker build -t <frontend_app_image_name> .
    docker tag <frontend_app_image_name><project_id>/<gcr_image_name>
    docker push<project_id>/<gcr_image_name>
  • Pull redis image as application backend then push it to GCR

    docker pull redis
    docker tag redis<project_id>/<gcr_image_name>
  • Now ssh to private vm from your local

    gcloud compute ssh --zone "<zone_name>" "<privatevm_name>"  --tunnel-through-iap --project "<project_id>"
  • prepare private vm to work with GKE

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install kubectl  
    sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <privatecluster_name> --zone <zone_name> --project <project_id>
  • Creating kubernetes manifests files

     kubectl create ns <namespace_name>
    • create 2 services and deployments one for backend and another for forntend

    • hint: you can find all manifests files at kubernetes manifests directory

    kubectl create -f <frontendservice_name> -n <namespace_name>
    kubectl create -f <backendservice_name> -n <namespace_name>
    kubectl create -f <frontenddeployment_name> -n <namespace_name>
    kubectl create -f <backenddeployment_name> -n <namespace_name>
  • Now our appliction up and running we can reach it using our frontend loadblacer

     kubectl get services -n <namespace_name> | greb frontendservice_name
  • Hit EXTERNAL_IP:8000 on your browser

  • Congratulation our web application is now available for users! 🎉🎉


Contributions to this project are welcome and appreciated. To contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your own account.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
  4. Create a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch.


In conclusion, the GCP-Final-Project repository serves as a demonstration of how to deploy a web application on GKE private cluster. By following the instructions in this repository, you can learn how build your infastrucure using terrafrom, Dockerizing your applications, push them as images to GCR, and deploy them to public users throw public loadblancer service on GKE private cluster.

  • hint: Go to screenshots dirctory to double check and make sure that everything going right during your steps.


We would like to acknowledge the following individuals and resources for their contributions to this project:

  • Our instructor Eng. Atef hares, for providing guidance and support throughout the project.
  • The Google Cloud Platform documentation, which served as a valuable resource for understanding the various GCP services and how they can be used together.
  • The Terraform documentation, which provided helpful guidance on building iac on GCP.
  • We would also like to thank our classmates and peers for their feedback and contributions to this project.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this project, please contact the project owner at .


Hosting web application on a private GKE cluster using terraform and docker






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